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Knocking on the Door
Okay folks, time to strategize for our fight with the Guardian Golem.

Enkili has Antitoxin which will grant him Advantage on his Constitution saves versus the Golem's poison breath; Con is one his stronger saves.
*His Potion of Heroism will grant him 1-10 additional hit points and a D4 for his attacks, saves, and skill roles (as Bless spell but without concentration).
*Also a potion of Hill Giant Strength may bring his physical strength closer to the Golem's, so pushing and trip attempts may have a chance of success. Though he will be more inclined to use Distracting Strike in order to grant the next attacker advantage if necessary.
*Two Coins are at his disposal to turn hits into critical hits.
Query: Enkili would like to use the Cloak of Protection in order to raise his AC since he will be in the Golem's grill.
Recomendation: If Grynn is going to melee with his magic mace, they should coordinate their attacks to grant each other flanking bonuses, as Ghosttusk himself mentioned in game.

Ideas that were discussed were buying Adamantine or magic arrows for our archers at 500 gp an arrow. Tangling the Golem up somehow (I think I heard soething about Ice binding the Golem's legs). Increasing our armor classes so that we are hit less, and Neutralize Poison spells and Antitoxin potions to increase our saves and resistance to the poison breath.

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