Posts: 116
Threads: 29
Joined: May 2015
11-07-2020, 11:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-28-2020, 12:12 PM by frenzied67.)
Since abandoning the unsuccessful Journals, I have decided that I would use my gaming notes to provide a highlight reel of our group's adventures. This may help my fellows remember our place in the game now that we have transitioned to an every other week schedule. Too my fellow players, please feel free to point out important details that I will, no doubt, leave out. You guys will have a frame of reference and different focus than I have, and I would love knowing the game through your eyes... and so would the people who check out our forum sight.
Highlights of Episode One
Erath, - Melwid 4-5th, CY1031
Through various means of travel six strangers came to Solare, the capitol of Sedaria. A human priestess from Onastia, a human guardsman from Errod, a human sorcerer from Endel, plus a Dwarven bard from the same land, and from the south there was a Human soldier from Mandagar, and a subtle Elven male (with nefarious skills) from mysterious Shandeer. Wolf of Errod knew both Blaylocke the bard, and Jolrael the Endelian sailor before hand, through brief encounters. Blaylocke had the luck to know Jolly well as he often traveled by ship. Enkili and Riardon met in Talmain and journeyed together by ship and land to the northern nations. Only Leiya of Onastia had no constant company in her travels, though she did meet Enkili in Solare’s magnificent library days after she introduced herself to the nunnery of Melwen.
Although they had all come for their own reasons, they all noticed that a public play, “The Lion Of The Ancients” was going to be performed on the 4th day of the month Melwid. Those actors held a great amount of local renown, so much so that the locals just had to share their excitement with foreigners. So, again each of them had their own reasons, the six strangers made their way to the show. Blaylocke, Jolrael, and Leiya came on their own, scoping out their individual places behind the screen of nobles and idle rich. Wolf was acting as a diplomatic bodyguard, protecting his client as they watched the show. Rodor the rogue and Enkili circulated through the crowd scoping out marks to be pick pocketed, but the play sucked them in.
As advertised the actors were excellent and had the crowed hooked all the way up to the rising action of the story, where the plots wove together to show the direction the conflict would take. At that moment, from the stage, a fireball burst out, immolating the actors and the front ranks of the well to do audience. Wolf was caught in the fire and almost died from the inferno. Jolrael was burned but shielded by a fat patron of the arts, his first instinct was to rise and bring aid to those who were hurt. Blaylocke was just outside of the blast zone so avoided harm, he too scrambled to aid the injured. Leiya was the first to her feet, her healing spells and medicinal skills saved scores of lives.
Riardon, whose child name is Rodor, dove away from the spell attack and saw a red devil creature scuttle away from the play across the roof of a nearby building. His finger drew Enkili’s gaze. The Mandagan man was no healer, but chasing down assassins felt like the right thing to do, Riardon was forced to follow when his human friend set off in pursuit. The Elf tumbled over objects in the alley as Enkili vaulted or plowed through the flotsam to gain ground on a Tiefling male running just ahead of them.
Enkili caught up with the Tiefling and tried to grab and detain the red skinned, tailed miscreant. The soldier missed his grab, but the man with fiendish ancestry turned and tried to gut the Mandagan with a short sword. Riardon placed two well aimed arrows in the villain, which gave Enkili a chance to draw Dandân Va Panjay, the giant sword he had inherited from his father, and cut the Tiefling down. City watch fell upon the two southerners preventing them from looting the dead being. They were questioned and then sent home… which was the shabby dockside inn, The Rusty Bedpan.
Unbeknownst to each other, Jolrael, Blaylocke and a healed Wolf also were staying at The Rusty Bedpan. In the morning the six “heroes” found official looking summonses addressed to them. The address was to a mansion like house of learning. Inside they were met by a man named Wellborn Huxley, a wizard at the upper end of the hierarchy at Wizard’s Peak. After exposing that he knew too much about the heroes, Wellborn offered the six the opportunity to do odd jobs for Wizard’s Peak.
They were offered gold, magic, and/or knowledge as the various forms of payment they could receive. Their first job would pay them 75 gold and a minor potion of healing to discover why the dead in Valgren’s graveyard were so restless; a local catacomb dedicated to the god Gurthen. They were given the night to think the offer over. Only Leiya and Enkili did not seem enamored of the monetary reward, she due to the frugality of her faith, he because of his high station in life. They all returned the next day, though Leiya still expressed doubts as to her suitability for such adventurous endeavors.
Highlights of Episode Two
Erath, - Melwid 6-7th, CY1031
Before Wellborn could congratulate them, much less greet them, Enkili asked if he or Wizard’s Peak had ever heard of a man tall Mandagan great sword that had the symbol of seven winged bulls on it, each bull had a full moon cradled between its horns and each moon a pentagram. The mage claimed ignorance then introduced them to Groundskeeper Cassyt, an acolyte of Gurthen. She would be their guide through Valgren’s catacombs. They made it clear to the heroes that Cassyt would not help them with anything except leading them through the benighted depth of the graveyard.
Through a recently reconstructed mausoleum, they found their way down into the catacombs, the first room they came across held a winch and pulley system that was little more than a dumbwaiter to lower the dead into the lower depths of the catacomb system. The next room had a bone pit with a narrow ledge that led to another room, Wolf, Enkili, and Riardon used their athletic/acrobatic training to cross the pit, while Blaylocke, Jolly, Leiya and Cassyt remained behind. The fighting men and rogue found three recently dug up corpses laying in a gnawed upon heap. When they moved to investigate these corpses three ghouls burst out of the dark and assailed them.
Jolrael, Leiya, and Blaylocke made the treacherous route around the pit and came running. They added sling stones, spells, and bard song to the arrow fire of Riardon. Wolf and Enkili plied their swords and managed to not be paralyzed by the undead’s touch.
Highlights of Episode Three
Erath, - Melwid 7th, CY1031
After seeking loot and secret doors (unsuccessfully), the party skirted the pit of bones and rejoined Cassyt, whom some in the party maligned for not defending their gods turf. Our heroes next came across a flight of rickety stairs leading down to a landing, then descended around a corner with more worm eaten stairs. Anchoring each other with rope, they made it down both flights without mishap. They were greeted by a medium sized statue of a four armed goddess that had insectoid features, an object that did not belong in the catacombs.
Beyond the statue was the catacombs “sun room”, a place that Gurthen’s followers used to kill vampires centuries ago. There were dead thieves there along with their rope. Six zombies fast walked into the room and beset the party before they could loot the fallen of their ropes and other gear. After a desperate fight where Enkili loaned Blaylocke his short bow and arrows, they learned that it took massive amounts of damage to render zombies inert. They had to rest an hour after this fight in order to tend their wounds and catch their breaths. The dead robbers had four hemp ropes, one grappling hook, a bag of ball bearings, and two thieves tool kits. It was determined that the would be robbers were victims of the undead rather than the motive for their rising.
Highlights of Episode four
Erath, - Melwid 7th, CY1031
in a room just South of the “sun room” was an obelisk inscribed with celestial writing, which they could identify but not read. This room had not been ransacked of corpses as many other places had been. Down another flight of rickety steps Riardon thought he had detected some form of trap, but drawing upon the Dwarven bard’s native knowledge of stonework, it was determined that two different craftsmen had worked upon the stairs.
After negotiating that set of treacherous steps they found a room where the dead were plastered into the walls as friezes in some form of macabre scenes. Half way across this chilling room animated skeletons dropped upon them from the ceiling. Again they were set upon by an even half dozen undead, and prevailed only by taking injury. Leiya used her healer’s kit upon almost everyone but Cassyt.
Down another flight of steps was a room where bones were stacked along the wall, but upon shelves above those remains were skulls neatly lined up. In an old script written on the walls the party determined that they could each ask the dead a question. One by one they made a query and were answered by myriad voices that mostly admitted they did not know. Enkili found the skull of Al’marihm of the Sacred Oasis who begged him to be returned home.
After receiving mostly disappointing answers to their questions the party moved on. Riardon had to pick the lock to a side room wherein they found the bones of a dead noble who had a floating crown and other vestiges of great magic to her. It all turned out to be stage magic and showmanship for a dead woman. Cassyt locked this shrine of vanity up after we left. They came across another room where the dead were posed in parodies of living scenes.
Beyond, the group found an intersection to the west while their hallway continued on southward. Curiosity drew them west. They found a room with zombies, though one kobold was sighted. Instead of spilling into the room where the undead could attack them all in great number, they drew the undead into the bent and curved hall where they could outnumber the zombies in attacks. The zombies resiliency was easier to overcome when the entire party could strike at them with missiles or melee weapons as a pack. Still the fighters took great damage holding their line, and they begged for a rest when the fight seemed to end.
Highlights of Episode Five
Erath, - Melwid 7th, CY1031
Jolrael, who had noticed that no kobolds had been part of the attack scouted ahead. He found trouble immediately, even as his friends were trying to figure out the best place to take a break. The rest of the party learned of his deed when he detonated a spell that caused the wall and ceiling to collapse upon him. The racket drew the party back down the bottle necked hall into the room where they had met the zombies.
Three Kobolds were ranged around the downed sorcerer, and it was due to the rapid approach of Jolrael’s friends that he not only lived, but was healed enough to rejoined the fight. Gathering together in a northern entry into that room, the kobolds taunted the heroes and plied their slings. As the group closed upon the half dog half dragon humanoids a human in fell religious robes burst through the kobolds with a scimitar, when that priest was cut down a fighting man in plate armor entered the room and began to drop the party one by one, his prowess was that great.
Through luck, and some skilled shots from Riardon and Enkili, two kobolds and that doughty fighter were slain. The remaining kobold and a few other people escaped through a tunnel the kobolds had dug, though they dropped some papers and maps in their haste to escape. The party gained a map to “Darsta”, which had been the reason they had infiltrated the catacombs. They also left behind a fancy writing kit, 8 platinum pieces, 20 gold, 10 electrum pieces, and 50 coins of silver in a locked box. On top of that the kobolds and priest yielded 10 gold crowns more, a healing salve, a tinderbox, a fancy hairbrush, bashed up plate armor, a scimitar and a great sword as loot. As a bonus from Wellborn, he granted each party member the aforementioned droughts of healing.
Highlights of Episode Six
Erath, - Melwid 16th, CY1031
After training the group came together to share the spoils from solving the undead problem in Valgren’s graveyard. Then they voted on whether they should remain banded together or not. The most reluctant member of their crew, Leiya remained only because her Melwenite sisterhood had tasked her with finding out why the symbol of a chain bound winged heart was showing up where many children had gone missing.
Also, the proprietor of the Rusty Bedpan had been marked for death by a band of fifteen ruffians known as The Skulkers. Borman (the Bedpan’s owner), had asked Blaylocke for their help in keeping him alive. As they were deciding how best to deal with these situations a note was delivered to Enkili and Riardon. Evidently the father of the slain Tiefling was upset at them, claiming they had killed an innocent man, and stating that revenge would be had.
Researchers from Wizard’s Peak, from Wellborn Huxley, had discovered that there was a scrying device in the ruins of “Darsta”. Enkili was told that he would be able to find clues to the whereabouts of his family’s lost heirloom.
Highlights of Episode Seven
Erath, - Melwid 16th, CY1031
Unable to choose a course of action, due to lacking knowledge on any of their immediate choices, they decided that they each need to go on fact finding missions through out Solare. Leiya poked around regions where her chained heart symbol had shown up, trying to find a lead on the missing children. A homeless woman filled her in on an old group of slavers who use the chained heart symbol to intimidate whole societies.
Riardon and Blaylocke attempted to contact the underground powers of the city to learn about the chained heart symbol and The Skulkers. Their efforts turned up little so they approached Wellborn in his scholarly abode. The representative of Wizard’s Peak, also, could not provide any information on either avenue of research.
Wolf and Enkili sought out the city watch to make their inquiries. Upset over the Tiefling’s note the Mandagan asked after the investigation into the attack on the play, and found out that the gendarmes had concluded it a shut and done case, Baredal Mourgan (the Tiefling) was the guilty party; as was every Tiefling just for existing. Playing at being an envoy from Al Madii, Enkili shamed them into putting forth further effort. He explained that the cities elite had been attacked at the play, and those who lost loved ones would bear powerful grudges if answers were not found. Wolf found out that The Skulkers could be found in Suther’s Alley; behind the Rusty Bedpan.
Making the assumption that the chained heart symbol and the tales of missing children was the act of slavers, Jolrael decides to investigate the docks. After many conversations he stumbles across The Torrent, a ship and crew that were the actual slavers Leiya was after. Or so it seemed. They watched the Sorcerer as he ambled on his way back to The Rusty Bedpan.
Before the party could assemble and disclose their knowledge, Blaylocke had to perform his brand of music to earn his stay at the Rusty Bedpan. He and Jolly thrilled the super time crowd. Before that Enkili had an encounter in Suther’s Alley with a pair of glowing red eyes that vanished before he could close. When the musical set was done they all tried to speak at once, but as they imparted their news they were disturbed by a scream from the kitchen. Borman’s daughter, who worked at The Rust Bedpan, had been taken by men sporting tattoos with the chained heart with wings, bound by chains!
Highlights of Episode Eight
Erath, - Melwid 16-17th, CY1031
Learning that the girl had been hustled off down Suther’s Alley they party set off at a charge in the hopes of cutting off the slavers before they made their escape. At a ‘T’ intersection they were set upon by four Skulker’s and their wererat lieutenant. They attacked with crossbows from the rooftops, completely surprising the heroes. After taking a good amount of damage, they all figured out their individual routes up to the roof tops, and took the battle to the Skulkers. Killing three of the regular Skulkers, and charming another, their boss, Boscar shifted to full rat shape and escaped.
They barely had time to loot the dead before Jolly summoned the watch (who were at The Rusty Bedpan at the time). They had to answer a series of questions before they were allowed to go after the abducted girl. Noting signs that the nearby sewer grate was often used (but not that night) they headed for the docks where The Torrent was moored. In a dark alley overlooking the river, the crew took a short break while arguing how best to get on board that slaver ship.
Highlights of Episode Nine
Erath, - Melwid 17th, CY1031
No consensus could be made concerning their choice of approaching The Torrent, seven crossbow armed sailors stalked her deck and all their choices had big holes. Finally, Blaylocke started to change into a disguise right in the middle of the trail. He instructed Enkili and Wolf to act as his guards who were to have custody of Riardon and Jolrael, who were to act as recently purchased slaves. Leiya was supposed to act as the bards assistant writing the “noble’s” thoughts down as they walked.
Disguised as a disgruntled noble customer who wished to exchange two defective slaves for better owned help, they demanded an immediate exchange from the crew. The crew let the adventurer’s aboard just to toy with them, but found out that they had bitten off more than they could chew. The Slaver crew proved a tough nut to crack and it was through Jolly’s magic that they intimidated the survivors to flee their own ship.
Jolrael and Enkili volunteered to remain on deck to raise anchor, remove the gangplank, then threaten the mooring lines. That left the rest of the party to go below to search for slaves. The ship proved to have four decks. Just as the chained and penned children were found, the Torrent's crew returned from the city with reinforcements. Riardon and Blaylocke raced to free each individual as Wolf searched for keys and information. Leiya found an oil barrel to use as a weapon even as Enkili and Jolly sawed at the mooring lines of the ship. The slavers manned little fishing boats moored to the dock to come after The Torrent.
Ushering the children to the top deck took time, and despite heroic efforts from Jolrael and Enkili, the slavers began to swarm up grappling ropes to gain the deck of their own ship. Using her oil to craft flaming crossbow bolts, Leiya charged up to the deck to shoot one of the boats that held kegs labeled as oil; she missed. Rodor joined her along the railing as Enkili and Jolrael were being cut to ribbons; the rogues burning arrow flew true. The keg of oil proved to be something else, that alchemical something exploded taking half the dock and part of the ship with it. Jolrael was nearly killed in the blast.
With the ship sinking the crew abandoned their attempt to retake The Torrent. They dove back into the water just as the children made it onto the deck. Replacing the gangplank the adventurers attempted to herd the kids to safety, but with the sinking vessel going down so rapidly, most of those kids panicked and jumped overboard. Most of the party crossed over and tossed found ropes to haul the kids out of the water, and Enkili roped the dock so he could swim to the dock carrying children. Even though most of the kids could not swim every one was nonetheless saved.
Highlights of Episode ten
Erath, - Melwid 17th, CY1031
Guiding the children along, the party noticed several slavers working with the local city watch as they slipped up the trail away from the docks; confirming their suspicions that the guards were in the pay of the slavers. Being stealthy they remanded most of the kids to the clergy of Melwen, then rested for eight hours.
When the heroes rose mid morning, Riardon found a visitor waiting for him. This messenger from the criminal underground claimed that they had stomped out the last of the slavers, but the party had to kill the last witnesses to the slavers endeavors; the Skulkers who had been in the Chained Heart’s employ. Though most of the group disliked the “leave no survivor’s” mandate, they still agreed to enter the sewers to search out the ruffians. Before they set off on that task they tried to warn the city watch and Wellborn of the corrupt guards along the docks. The papers recovered from the Torrent were not sufficient to be proof of the guards and a certain magistrates wrong doing. They were gifted with silvered weapons though, Wizard’s Peak did not like the idea of lycanthropes owning Solare’s drainage system.
After entering the sewers they found a blood trail from the sniper Blaylocke had charmed the night before, that lead them to a stair. At the bottom of the stair was a west side door, with another west side door up top, the tunnel continued but turned west after both rooms. Storming the first room resulted in a sprung ambush. Three Skulkers and a new wererat tried to cut the heroes down with crossbow fire. The party’s fighters raged through the rank and file with abandon. Reinforcements came from the back of the room, from a series of tunnels that would prove to connect with the door at the top of the stairs. One party member recieved a bite from the highly infectious rodent lycanthropes.
The groups violence cowed the new Skulker’s and their lieutenant, they all ran to get help pursued by all but Jolrael and Riardon. Those two suspected that the Skulkers would use the upstairs door and tunnel to sneak out or flank the heroes, they went to stymie those plans. After leading the bulk of the party to two other wererat lieutenants, the Skulker’s turned back to engage the party. Boscar and the last pure human Skulker chose to flee rather than face Riardon and Jolly….
Posts: 116
Threads: 29
Joined: May 2015
12-07-2020, 12:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-01-2021, 01:13 AM by frenzied67.)
Highlights of Episode Eleven
Erath, - Melwid 17th, CY1031
Enkili and Wolf worked together hacking at one of the three wererats they faced. Leiya used her abilities to interfere with the lycanthropes retaliation against the two, while Blaylocke Anvilarm plied his shortbow and picked off the injured hybrid shapes. Meanwhile Riardon and Jolrael raced around, skipped the door at the top of the stairs and went to the tunnel at the end of that hall. There the two confronted Boscar the Rat and a common Skulker Thug; those two fled through a door at their backs, Boscar shouting orders.
The two fighters, cleric, and bard fell into a routine that began to wear the wererats down quickly, all the while two penned prisoners called for succor behind them. On their own, the rogue and sailor/sorcerer(?) stepped into the room. Immediately Skulker thugs poured out of the space Boscar had fled, and from the hallway door the two had ignored, another handful of criminals spilled out. All Riardon and Jolly could do was fall back and try not to let the enemy flank them. Riardon fell back into a small storage room swinging his silvered short sword in desperation; Jolrael was forced into a corner behind a table.
Leiya, Blaylocke, Wolf, and Enkili heard the detonations of Jolrael’s spells, and they knew their friends were fighting on their own. Yet the last wererats proved tenacious combatants. Enkili was bitten two more times, the only hero to be exposed to the cursed disease they carried. Injured by swarming attacks on his person, Jolrael Symara found the thugs lined up perfectly for his Thunderwave spell. He bounced most of the group facing him with his first arcane shot away, killing only one, and he backed fully into his corner. As they fell upon him again, the bad guys situated themselves for Jolly’s last real spell. This time Thunderwave slew all the Skulkers and their new recruits in its detonation. The last survivor ran cradling injured limbs.
Wolf and Enkili darted for the door the wererats had been defending right after the bard shot down the last of the lycanthropic lot, While Leiya and Blaylocke freed and questioned the prisoners. After wending a maze of rooms and doors the fighting men found Riardon and the sailor healing their wounds and coming out of the little closet they had taken shelter in. Following Boscar’s trail, they found the last Skulker recruit dead over grates that led deeper into the sewer. Below, in a small cistern like room, the heroes discovered that the last surviving Skulker, Boscar the Rat, had assumed a full rat shape and escaped through a tunnel that not even a Halfling could fit.
After a brief discussion the crew looted what they could then sent word to Sess, Riardon’s underworld contact. Though Boscar escaped, the local thieves guild were impressed with the groups carnage, though they did claim the Skulker’s lair as their own. Our heroes found 13 pp., 127 gp., 20 ep., 140 sp., 200 cp., a carved ivory bracelet, 3 potions (healing, heroism, and hill giant strength after detect and identify were cast), 2 lapis lazuli, 12 polished quartz, a small gold bracelet, three silver trade bars (ingots), and a set of engraved bone dice.
Though he decided to inform the group after they trained, Blaylocke the bard claimed an urgent errand and he left the group. Those heroes who remained, to this day, still pray for the time that Mr. Anvilarm might join them again.
Highlights of Episode Twelve
Erath, - Melwid 17th through Taznos 8th. CY1031
We will speak of Jolrael's training and purchases when he returns just as mysteriously as he vanished. We hope he knows our prayers go with him.
Of the treasure, it was agreed that Leiya would hold the Elixir of Health (mislabeled as potion of healing above), Wolf was given the potion of Heroism, and Enkili claimed the Potion of Hill Giant Strength). Leiya also wanted one chunk of the lapis lazuli to turn into prayer beads. Wolf and Enkili both purchased locks and chests to ride in the party’s (Wolf’s) wagon. This was after all the other items were sold. Enkili trained to become a Battle Master, a fighter who utilizes tricky maneuvers to bring about favorable conditions in combat. Through the lunar cycle, Enkili is declared free of Lycanthropy from the trio of bites he had taken.
Riardon’s training was having him join four other thieves guild members in a heist. The mansion that was targeted seemed proof against stealthy entry, lock picking attempts, and other roguish skills ( and Rodor's new spells). Riardon’s only luck that night was his ability to get the lot of them free without being caught. He lost a little sway with the underground of Solare.
Wolf trains then does some light shopping, He chooses to join the cavalier's to learn his fighting skills.
For the next five days, Enkili researched the map to Darsta they found in the catacombs. Using his new calligrapher’s skills (and 50 gp in bribes) to help him unravel the map, they discover that the old city was next to the Dragonspine Mountains in western Sedaria. The dead king of that ancient city state cursed those who had killed him, but his ghost slays all who enter his garden.
Out of curiosity, Leiya began to read “the Dishonor of Dispair” a tattered book found in a curio shop. So garbled were the words, that she began to suspect it was some form of coded script. Enlisting Enkili and Riardon, the three of them researched together to discover a map to the ruins of an ancient temple dedicated to a minor god (Eyah) of Dreams and visions. Liral was the name of the temple and the last high priest was Zerandis. From some of the papers taken from The Torrent (the chained Heart slaver ship), the priestess also finds that the Chained Heart Slavers may be working out of The Freehold in the south.
Also, in a group collaboration, the party discovers that the Tiefling, Ethorm Maurgan, fled to the capitol of Bhel to study something. That leaves the heroes torn. All the possibilities they have for adventure lead away from Solare, and they lack the money to travel far. Fortunately in 4 days time, the festival of Shieldmeet is happening and the games are being held in Sedaria. There are many forms of tournaments with fat prizes, many full purses for Riardon’s itchy fingers, and other opportunities to find coin.
These are the five adventures open to our party, listed in nearest to farthest distance from Solare.
Shieldmeet in Solare, several days of games and tournaments
Coded message’s ruined temple west of Lake Sedaria (? north west of Wizard’s Peak).
Pursuit of the Chained Wings (slavers) in The Freehold.
Lost city of Darsta in the Dragonspine mountains in south west Sedaria.
Vengeance on the Run in Norak, Bhel. Ethorm Mourgan’s hiding place.
Highlights of Episode Thirteen
Erath, - Taznos 8- 10th . CY1031
Enkili’s past poses a problem for him entering the Shieldmeet games. In the rules it states that the entry required for most of the games is either an invitation, documentations proving ones noble pedigree, or a sponsorship from the well to do. Only the archery contests are “open” to the public. Riardon takes a stroll through town using his mage hand spell to pick the pockets of the unwary; he gains 25 gold for his efforts even though he barely slipped away after his crimes. The rest of the party (Leiya, Jolrael Symarna, and Enkili) approached Wellborn Huxley to see if he could help with a sponsorship. As a representative of Wizard’s Peak Wellborn would only be able to sponsor a mage or sorcerer of the guild in magical combat on the 4th day of the tourney.
However the wizard did pave the way with three well to do people of Solare who could sponsor the team; the interviews were held on the 9th of Taznos. The first was Lord Cromley, whose daughter had been saved by Leiya at “The Lion of the Ancients” fiery attack. He was already the patron of a fighter in the lists, but he did offer a remuneration package of 500g.p. should the party’s gear be “captured” and held for ransom during the games. A generous proposition only if the team could become sponsored by someone else.
Their next potential sponsor was Lady Alisande who was the daughter of a new magistrate of the nation. They found a lot of the lady’s decorations to be gilded imitations of rich peoples belongings, proving that the young lady was striving for position amongst the high and mighty. Jolly and the lady sparked distaste off of each other upon first meeting, and as the questioning went on, even Leiya started to see darkness in the young woman. In a fit of desperation Enkili offered a martial display to prove his worth to Alisande, but when she made one of her servants take up a shield and stave to face the young warrior, Enkili began to understand the underhanded heart Alisande had. Through intimidation he made the young servant boy Hubert quail in fear, which prompted the desert man to ask for a real fighter to face.
Alisande demanded that Enkili beat the servant or she would withhold her patronage. Her sponsorship was declined with ill feelings, yet Leiya was able to free Hubert from Alisande’s service. The boy gravitated toward the party offering to work for food. They did not promise the young man an extended time of working for them, but they did express a desire to see him placed in better conditions (home was not an option for Hubert.) Wellborn Huxley next offered them the address of Lady Adelein, a retired paladin of Melwen and a famous dragon slaying hero.
Riardon joined the team for this early evening outing. Lady Adelein was much more receptive to the tale that the young heroes gave her during her questioning period. Even Enkili’s convoluted familial tale did not strike the woman as odd and off putting. After she discovered Lord Cromley’s endowment for ransom, Adelein agreed to sponsor any in the party who wished to enter the lists for any competition. Lady Adeleid asked that Enkili come over the next day (the 10th of Taznos) to be fitted for his armor and gear. She also sees some spark in Hubert and asked that Enkili take it upon himself to train the young man in the use of arms. Hubert agrees to act as “squire” to Enkili and Jolrael who expressed a desire to compete with his sling in the open archery tourneys.
Also, Wellborn has asked Jolly to become a part of Wizard’s Peak guild; a position that never used to be open to “natural” casters until the war. It may be that Jolrael may soon have a license to cast magic in public, a coup for sorcerer’s the world over!
Highlights of Episode Fourteen
Erath, - Taznos 10th . CY1031
As Lady Adelene made sure the would be contestants were fitted for their armor and arms, and trained while in them and with them, Hubert was made to learn the duties of a tourney squire. Meanwhile, rumors began to circulate about important visitors and their champions. 1) As mortal foes in real life, the rumor that Bhel’s champion and the hero of Errod would be fighting to the death. 2) Representatives from Uhria would be joining the games for the first time in Shieldmeet history. 3) N’maria will be participating, and their Queen shall be in attendance. 4) Svealund Dougal, the Wokari chief (an Angierthan tribe) would be coming. 5) Kaashak, the new Maklu of Bhel has deigned to come and observe the games. 6) From Brandt, the legendary warrior Prince Eidwe is reputed to be coming to enter the jousting tourneys. 7) Emperor Alexi Ilyanovitch of Onastia (Leiya’s homeland) is bringing his best champion, Eleyna Petrovia, to have her enter the martial lists; her reputation is one of brutality.
The party’s benefactor had another rumor emerge about her. Evidently Lady Adilene is reputed to have killed the giant that slew her father when she was but a teen. The participating nations will be Mandagar, Shandeer, Endel, Errod, several tribes from Angiertha, Bhel, Sedaria, Brandt, Onastia, N’maria, Uhria. Though the rumors have not been confirmed, Dhanta, Quan, and Gora may have champions arrive to enter the lists. May the gods say it so, and all praise be bestowed upon them! May glory fall upon the champions who stand as representations of Tazen's and Melwen’s will manifested upon Erath!
Highlights of Episode fifteen
Erath, - Taznos 10-13th. CY1031
Wolf settles on jousting, mounted melee, melee single combat, and horsemanship games. He too is fitted for half plate and is given a horse to ride. During the opening rituals on Taznos 12th, the Lady of Mercy was chosen, and Lady Meren of Clearbrook is chosen; her champion is Durne (or Sir Durne) of Wesfolk. That morning, Riardon almost got caught picking pockets. He was forced to run and rely on his illusion spells to make his escape.
Since the party is made up of mostly unknown foreigners, not a single individual was invited to the first feast, but the nightlife in Solare was going into overtime with impromptu competitions, feasting, and drinking of all sorts. Riardon made good on his picking of pockets, he earned enough to pay his “guild” dues and offers Leiya the rest of the money too help support Melwen’s sisterhood or other Melwenite causes.
Leiya just wandered through the crowds watching the various wrestling or boxing matches she came across. Wolf hung out with some of the folks setting up the competitions, he learned his first melee opponent is not a known quantity, but his jousting partner is Sir Tumbolt a knight with a little bit of a reputation at arms. Wolf also learned that Enkili’s first melee foe is an unknown Brandti fighter. Enkili takes Hubert with him as they wander the festival filled night. He encourages young Hubert to enter a boxing match so the young man could get a taste for the adrenaline his body will feed him during a fight. The boy is dropped in three punches without landing one blow, Enkili tries to stop the bout, but Hubert wades back in without hesitation.
Enkili pulled Hubert out after a fourth punch sets the young man back on his backside, he then treats Hubert to a roast and potato dinner, and they spend the rest of the evening picking out good fighting technique over bad. Seven criminals are placed into the tourney for Shieldmeet justice. Wolf is the first party member to have a bout on the 13th of Taznos, the first day of actual competition. The bard that Lady Adilene had working the crowd on behalf of the party members grants Wolf a bardic inspiration while Leiya buffs his armor with a Shield of Faith spell. The ex watchman does not start off too well, taking heavy blows from his opponent while fighting mace and shield, then in one hit he forced his foe to concede the fight.
Enkili’s first foot melee fight sees him getting Shield of Faith buff from Leiya and has help intimidating his Brandti foe from the bard; he loses the coin toss and has to fight sword and shield (his opponent’s choice). In one hit he strikes so powerfully that his foe concedes (critical hit). Wolf has his first jousting contest and takes Shield of Faith and another Bardic Inspiration. In the first pass, Wolf chose to aim for Sir Tumbolt’s shield and twisted away from his lance. Wolf tilted true (critical hit), shattering his lance on the shield and knocks his opponents helmet off. Sir Tumbolt misses entirely. Wolf earns five points to zero points first tilt. The second pass saw Wolf using the same tactics. Again his aim was so daunting (2nd critical hit) that he shattered his lance, unhelmed his opponent, and this time knocked the knight off his horse. This made the score 15 to 0 as Sir Tumbolt missed again and was knocked out when he hit the ground.
Highlights of Episode Sixteen
Erath, - Taznos Fellsday 13th-. CY1031
(My apologies RC, I dropped the ball in my note taking by not paying attention to the right exposition. I tried to recreate your archery scores from my faulty memory. I hope I captured the thrill of your slinging for glory at least.)
With the sun just past it’s zenith, young men and women began to place targets of woven straw out on plinths for the archery contests. Referee’s ambled about proclaiming that a shot in the outer ring would give that contestant one point, the second ring two points, the middle ring three, the ring just outside of a bullseye was four whole points and that desirable spot in the middle was worth five golden points. In pairs the contestants would square off and get three shots each at the target, the individual with the most points would continue on into the next round while the loser would be eliminated. Today’s contest would see five rounds of elimination.
Sitting on a bench just off the line, Jolrael Symarna waited his turn while his first opponent sped his stones downrange. Two misses and a three point shot. Jolly stretched his shoulders before taking the mark. His first shot flew wide, but the sorcerer’s second and third shots smacked the straw for a clear six points and his first victory of the day. His next opponent landed an astounding eight points with three solid strikes. As a champion should, each of Jolraels three shots eked out a point closer to the bullseye than his opponents shots had, another three points over the other contestant and Jolly got his second win.
Stress began to mount within the Errodian Sailor. In the third round his opponent got an outer ring for 1 point, a 5 point bullseye, and a strike in the 3 point circle, for a total of 9 points. The sorcerer’s first shot was in the 3 point circle, then just outside that for 2 points more. In the stands, Jolrael’s friends fretted and called out their belief in him. He made Enkili and Hubert go berserk when he hit that sweet sweet bullseye to win by one slight point.
In the fourth round, Jolrael faced Cercka the Eye, a fellow Errodian with an outgoing personality. Cercka accepted his defeat with a smile and hearty praise of Jolrael Symara. In the fifth and final round, the young sorcerer’s opponent scored a total of 6 points in his three shots. Jolly beat that in two shots, scoring a bullseye and third ring for 8 points total. As his friends all but hoist the Errodian on their shoulders, a large man approached. Vlocka the Vast, an Onastian merchant claimed that he had won a lot of money betting on Jolrael, and for that he graciously invited Jolly and his friends too accept sweet deals from his great stores of merchandise.
As Leiya, Hubert, the sorcerer and crew were making a possible contact, Riardon the rogue slipped into the crowed, following a brightly dressed middle age man from Angala. Although the man had filed teeth, the Elf crept closer and closer until he was just behind him. Deft fingers slipped the scrip off the man’s shoulders and Riardon was blocks away before the hue and cry broke out. Among the foreign coins, the thief came away with a deck of playing cards (northern manufacture), a map of Solare city, and a statuette of a smug looking Halfling. Leiya received four gold coins as a donation to Melwen from Riardon when he returned, he had a half believable story of acting as a guide to earn those coins.
Erath’s greatest foot race saw over one hundred twenty contestants enter and take up positions behind the starting line. Contestants and the audience hear the referees call out that this race would be held in fifteen legs, the three legs of the “straightaway”, and the fourth leg was a broad ditch to be hurdled just before the cliff face. The sixty foot wall counted as the fourth, fifth, and sixth leg and was made of compacted dirt. Legs seven and eight were to be a dash up a grueling slope. At the top would be the ninth leg, where the contestants were to dive off a cliff into the choppy waters of the lake below. Swimming that lake would be the next two legs of the race, where the competitors were supposed to crawl out into the swamp, a muddy pit that comprised the thirteenth leg. The final dash would take up the last two legs of the race, where Tazen would rejoice in the glory of the victor.
As the starting horn blew, Enkili (Competing as Dumuzid of the Whispering Waste) found himself in the middle of the back quarter press of flesh, but he managed to claw his way to lead two thirds of the racers upon reaching the second leg. He lost some ground coming up on the jumping hazard, the desert man and several other racers did not make the jump and ended up being trampled by those eager to leave them behind. Now at the rear third of all the runners, Enkili almost reached the halfway point of the crowd when the dirt cliff was reached. With over a hundred people clinging to the wall, Enkili had a hard time fighting his way to be in the first third of the pack... just before the top ledge of the cliff gave way and tumbled scores of runners down including him.
Later estimates stated that four racers died in that fall, three others were too injured to continue on. That cliff stopped over half the racers. Leiya, who dashed out with many concerned onlookers, healed Enkili even as the fighter started climbing up and over those who were too week to complete the climb; then she helped other injured runners which impressed many important people. By the time the Mandagan reached the top, the lead competitors were three legs ahead. Undaunted he churned on, thoroughly muddy and hot with his own sweat. Passing flagging runners up the slope, Enkili kept his pace steady and put himself only two legs behind the first position leader gaining the slopes top.
Two things at the lake shake Enkili a little: 1)he’s never dived before. 2)He’s never been in water where his toes could not touch the bottom. Despite this he commits himself to his first graceful belly flop, in a bid to imitate the divers in front of himself. Trying to ignore the deep water, Enkili bobbed to the surface and found a drowning competitor splashing just in front of him. Feeling the eyes of his father looking down from his soldier’s paradise, the Mandagan fighter pulled the poor man to the cliff where he could cling and recover. Although he thought his race was over, Enkili swam on, determined to cross the finish line even if scores of people beat him over it.
Halfway over the tossing waters he swam up on two more contestants whose strength had failed them, their eyes were panicked and they obviously did not have the gas to even tread the water, their limbs may have been cramping up on them. For the first time in three years, Enkili mouthed a swear word, but he knew he had to stop and help. Taking the two drowning people in his care he started the slow swim to shore, before noticing Scores of onlookers swimming out to meet him. Under the panic of the two he was trying to save, Enkili himself went under and found fear in his own heart. They were heavy, they were frightened, Enkili’s great reserve of energy was almost spent, and the water was so deep.
Stressed and afraid but not wanting to yield to the long dark of death, Enkili paddled harder and brought the three of them to the surface; fear even lent the young man the strength to close with their would-be rescuers. Gette of Brandti, a fellow competitor had noticed Enkili’s heroic effort and had voluntarily swam all the way back to help, taking one of the drowning men off of Enkili’s hands. Unfortunately for Gette, the last of his strength was given in that deed, the Brandti urged Enkili to continue on as he himself quit the race. The lake was a barrier that became the quitting point for scores of competitors.
Even after three rescues, Enkili still discovered that he was passing much of the remaining competition; his physical fitness such that he was far from out of the running. Gette had been in fourth place, a fact Enkili discovered after he passed two more swimmers in the lake. In the swamp he chased the first place runner through the muck, coming even with the man as they muddily came to the paved street and saw the finish line. Both men passed each other, stumbling more than running, but just as Enkili was throwing his chest out to break that line of tape, his last foe made his own heroic surge and crossed that line first.
Enkili did not notice that his name was called out much more than the winner’s name, he spent his time lauding the victor and taking joy in the man’s accomplishment. Just crossing that finish line had been an achievement the young fighter would never forget. That night, Enkili was summoned before the competition’s notables, Gette and he were recognized for their heroic efforts in saving lives through that grueling race. But before that, Riardon stalked the evening crowds, coming away with more coins and a rough carnelian stone. The Elven rogue was beginning to see the patterns within the cities watch and their hidden and disguised security measures.
Close to eleven hundred brawny fighters marched into the grand field for the Grand Melee. Wolf could not locate Enkili in the massive press of bodies. The rules were simple, survive to be the last creature standing. Up until the horns blew, the crowd could not be heard, the fighting men and women’s conversations and taunts had dominated the noise levels until then. Even before the first wooden stave smacked armor the spectators were making ecstatic noises which were a deafening roar. Everyone was buffeted, jostled and smacked soundly before six seconds had passed. Wolf managed to square off against one foe, whom he swatted down easily. Enkili also faced a single person that encounter, but he was knocked around.
On his next memorable encounter, Wolf found himself surrounded by four opponents and he was played like a ping pong ball on a multi sided table. Trying to find his friend, the Mandagan swordsman instead found himself helping a group of two other fighters take down a man fighting like a wounded lion; that man was hauled off the field. After failing to fall down a shift in dynamics placed Wolf beside some of his former opponents attacking a new foe; together they dragged that doughty fighter down and removed them from the game. Facing several foes at once, Enkili not only defended himself from flailing wood, he also managed to sneak in a good hit that dropped one of the pack. Most of the weaker contestants had been removed by this point.
In his fourth memorable encounter, Wolf too found himself surrounded, and his savage counter attack saves him and dropped one of the gaggle. Without knowing it, Enkili swung at one foe at the same time that three others also attacked, one more down. Still facing a large pack of foes, Wolf again defended himself and popped another one out of the contest. Enkili did not fare as well as four pummel him at once, staggering him.
Locking his wooden blade against a stout fighter, Wolf has a wonderful duel before a score of sword swinging maniacs interpose their melees where they had been fighting. A swirl in the fighting confuse the group trying to take Enkili down, they all attack another member of the pack, removing them. Again finding himself part of a temporary pack, Wolf helped pull down a figure who did not want to go down. At the same time, the Mandagan also helped face off against a mighty fighter who held off the small pack of four by himself; even Enkili.
With just a few large handfuls of the toughest fighters left, Wolf had to face several at once; he punished the group by taking one of them down before dispersing them. Enkili’s eighth memorable bout was with just a single swordsman, he won after a grueling bout. Facing just one person, Wolf snaked the tip of his stave out and knocked that foe cold. A gaggle three fighters took a moment to knock Enkili around almost dropping the young hero. Then for a moment there was a stillness when the remaining contestants realized that only a little more than a handful of them were left.
Squaring off into three separate melees, the final six contestants swung wood with skill and determination. Each one saw the end of the contest looming and they each were savoring the idea that they could be the big winner. Unable to swing straight, all of a sudden, the two heroes found themselves out matched. Enkili fell first, having suffered more damage through the whole fray. For sixth place he won a purse of 10 gold pieces. Wolf who fell at fifth place earned 15 gold. Thus ended the first day of Shieldmeet, with notable contestants being observed by the hosting officials, visiting nobility, and even the few persons of royal birth who were attending
Highlights of Episode Seventeen
Erath, - Taznos Endrest 13-14th-. CY1031
As the last few contestants were straggling away from their end of day bouts, Gette, Enkili, and Leiya were acknowledged by the event coordinators for their humanity, compassion, and selflessness throughout the day’s events. That is where they learn that Leiya was recognized for “Piety in the Temple” for upholding Melwen’s tenets in the chaos of Shieldmeet. Telizen of Flamespire had been the winner of both the Grand Melee and the footrace.
Jolrael finally realized that the archery competitions happened every day through Shieldmeet, and he did not have enough round sling stones. With Hubert and Enkili’s help they gathered as many round rocks as they could before the light faded. He then wandered over to the Rusty Bedpan to make sure the inn keeper and his family were still faring well. The nightlife of Shieldmeet was ensuring that the inn was thriving. Meanwhile Leiya had spent time at the church helping feed the poor and tending the sick; she then joined Enkili to wander through the street to street festivals that was Solare at night.
After discussing all the repeat criminals being hung while Shieldmeet was going on, the two noticed a street urchin with a stuffed animal eyeing some sticky buns with avarice in his/her androgynous eyes. Leiya bought the child a proper meal after Enkili purchased a sticky bun for her/him. The urchin took the food and ran. Wolf hung out near the event coordinators again, spying out who he would face in the morning. The Errodian learned that a trade agreement might be signed between Sedaria and Brant, and that he would be jousting against Elgar. Riardon burglarized an estate whose owner had not been paying their “protection” fees to the underworld. Easy money for the Elven Rogue.
In the morning the heroes learned that Enkili was to have 3 bouts, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the late afternoon. At the same time Wolf would be doing his first joust in the morning, a melee on foot in the early afternoon, then a final joust in the evening. In the afternoon, Jolrael would also be competing with his sling.
In the first tilt Elgar scored 3 points against Wolf, but 3 points were scored against him. When their lances crossed for the second round, Wolf only scored 2 points against his opponent. Elgar scored no points but had been well and truly bloodied to the point he conceded the rest of the bout to Wolf.
Axsess the Lean faced Enkili with sword and shield at the same time that Wolf was humbling his opponent. In the first of five rounds the two sword fighters tied with 1 point a piece. In round Two Enkili pulled ahead, scoring 2 points to 0. Neither warrior scored a point in the third pass. Round four was a repeat of the first pass where both men scored a point. Axsess desperately tried to score points in the final pass of this bout, but he only scored 1 point while Enkili stole the man’s dreams by taking 2 more points to win 6 to 3 overall.
Before Sedarian soldiers happened along, Riardon managed to pluck 1 platinum, 18 gold, and 4 electrum pieces from one oblivious event spectator during morning crime time.
This day was not so kind to Jolrael Symara. In his first round he got three bullseyes and scored 15 points which was a great start. His next round however is not so well shot. His opponent got 10 points but Jolly only had one bullseye and two one point shots. He fell from the champion’s bracket in the competition but would be able to continue seeking a prize in what amounts to the widcard bracket.
Enkili faced Theed the Stanley in his afternoon melee. Enkili chose longsword and shield for this bout. Enkili took round one with 2 to 0 points. Round two saw a draw at 0 points even. Again Enkili does well on the fourth engagement, scoring 2 points to 1. The crowd was eager to see “Dumuzid of the Whispering Waste” fall on the fourth pass where Theed got an unanswered hit (0-1). Even more than seeing a champion fall, the crowd loved seeing a favorite rally. Enkili scored 3 points to 1 against him to take the bout at 7-2.
On the other side of the tourney field, Wolf faced his foot melee foe with sword and board. Volga the Strongarm first had to deal with the ridicule of Lady Adelien’s bard, who disparages Wolf’s opponent mightily. In their first pass neither Wolf or Volga scored a point. Pass two saw the two bashing each other mightily, Wolf edges Volga out 3 to 2 in new points. In the third engagement the bard’s barbs began to really show, Volga could not exploit a single opportunity to hit Wolf, 1-0. Pass four is another 1-0 score for Wolf. Wolf turns on the juice on the fifth round, overawing his opponent 3-0 to win 8-2!
Feeling jaunty after giving his 4 electrum pieces to beggars, Riardon again tried to stalk a fat purse with a party goer attached to it. This time his fingers did not work as requested. Utilizing his magic, Riardon barely slipped into the crowd without anyone getting a good look at him. A narrow escape indeed.
Enkili’s third and final match for the day was against Lug the Lucky. Aggressively Enkili met his opponent scoring 2 points to 0 in the first passage of arms. Round two he again scored two hits and receives none. The third round was purely defensive for both fighters with a 0-0 score. In the fourth round Lug got an early hit, but Enkili exploded and struck him back for 2 points. Lug was forced to concede the fifth round as there was no physical way for him to even tie their scores, 6-1 victory for Enkili.
Somehow Guglaakh the half orc from Bhel discovered that Wolf was an Errodian. The two nations have had a tense peace for the last year, but they are still at war with one another. In the first pass, neither of them score. In the second pass Wolf did well and scored 5 points for shattering his lance and knocking Guglaakh’s helm askew, however the half Orc got 3 points for the show he put on. Wolf was unhorsed in the third pass for a 0-8 round. In the fourth charge neither combatant scored, so the bout went to Guglaakh, 5-11. Wolf had to go to the wildcard list, but the Bhellian held his horse and armor for ransom. In a great show of unsportsmanlike disdain, Guglaakh refused to ransom the armor back to Wolf. Outraged horse fighters from many lands pooled their money to get the Errodian both a mount and armor so he could continue fighting in the lists.
Karma shows itself in odd moments. At some point in the evening, Guglaakh discovered that many valuables were missing from his tent. A smug looking Riardon bought Wolf a drink with coins he had not held that afternoon. Leiya again chose to wander through the carnival atmosphere of Solare at night. She found the androgynous urchin again, discovering that she is a little girl named Miria. The two of them come to an agreement where information equates to food and care for the child. After the two ladies part ways, Leiya is approached by one of Melwen’s better known priests. This man makes an argument that Leiya should enter the displays of “ordination”, which are the clerical trials in Shieldmeet. Being humble, Leiya begs for time to think about the request.
That night news of almost all the attendant nations brokering agreements, treaties, and deals with each other was spread by jubilant celebrants. Sedaria and Brandt did make their trade agreement official, while Sedaria and Nodra conclude a border agreement with each other. Angiertha and Errod signed a mutual defense pact. On top of that Errod and Endel brokered a trade agreement that seemed quit lucrative too both political parties.
Highlights of Episode Eighteen
Erath, - Taznos Moonday 15th-. CY1031
At dawn Leiya would have her Tests of Ordination, and begged Enkili not to wear a skirt to cheer her on. Things are heating up in the archery competitions and Jolrael Symara discovered he had two contests for this day, one in the morning and one in mid afternoon. Wolf found that his two bouts conflicted with each other he had to agonize over which event to drop, the foot melee or the joust. Enkili had foot melee bouts all day, morning, noon, and afternoon.
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Joined: May 2015
03-28-2021, 11:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 09:37 PM by frenzied67.)
Highlights of Episode Eighteen
Erath, - Taznos Moonday 15th-. CY1031
Before false dawn made it’s promise known, the adventurers accompanied their own Melwenite Priestess to her ordination. After a “show”, a divine play where a Sedaran version of Melwen’s story of holding off hordes of demons was portrayed, Leiya was taken aside. In a series of short rituals, Leiya was anointed in blessed oils and recognized as one truly dedicated to the goddess. With the new blue vestments she received she was also promised the help and hospitality of the church (Leiya gained the “Shelter of the Faithful” feature given to the Acolyte background).
Riardon, who did not want to witness a stuffy Priestly ritual, mingled with the early risers in Solare. His nimble fingers liberated several coins of a lesser nobility and a 10’ roll of string.
Having to hustle from Leiya’s ordination, the bulk of the group made it to the archery fields in time for Jolly’s first bout. He easily wins the first round at 15 paces with 12 points. At 20 Jolrael devastates his rival with a 19 point score that had two bullseyes and a near bullseye. Facing his third opponent, they both tie at four points apiece so they had to go to a sudden death shoot off. Jolrael barely ekes out a third round win. Two bullseye shots and an outer ring 1 point shot outdoes his 4th rival. The girl Jolrael faced on his fifth and final round scored an outer ring 1 point hit, an inner ring 4 point hit, and a bullseye for 10 points. Jolrael was only able to hit the 3 point ring, the 11 point outer ring, and a single bullseye. His 8 points did not prevail so Jolrael asked the girl archer for one of her lucky stones for future luck. With a smile she tossed the sorcerer a stone then strolled away to bask in the crowds adulation.
In a best 3 out of 5 bouts, Enkili faced his morning competition with a Shield of Faith spell from Leiya. In a swift series of wooden staves crashing against armor Enkili dominated his rival 15 to 3 and wins the first passage of arms. In round two the blunt weapons gave his rival 7 points, but Enkili scored 11 points. In the third round, Enkili’s opponent again scored 7 points worth of hits, but takes two stout blows from the Mandagan. Those 10 points forced the man to concede granting Enkili another great victory.
Directly after Enkili’s bout, Leiya recieves a summons to deliver the last rites to the loser of a mortal contest between an Errodian Dragonrider and a Bhelian prisoner, a half Ogre who had known mighty heroes half a decade prior. Many people began to rush to the site of this contest, all abuzz with disquiet and foreboding. Riardon follows his curiosity and soon learns of the mortal bout. Both he and Leiya watch the half Ogre greet the Dragonrider, throw down his weapon and scream at the watching Maklu of Bhel.
“Avenge the Crown! Avenge the Prince!” the prisoner then threw himself upon the Errodian champions weapon and ended his life.
In a show of disdain for all, the Maklu stood up and told the Dragonrider this.
“You can have him back now” then he walked out. Stunned spectators funneled away as Leiya escorted the half Ogre’s body to a tent where she cleaned the slain and performed the ritual of last rites to the noble Bhelian prisoner. At one point she notices that she had an observer who lurked in the shadows. Once spotted a man stepped out and declared his name was Hereth. Hereth told Kureg the half Ogres sad tale, of how he had failed to save the former Maklu’s only son from the hungry blades of the Usurpers forces. Hereth begs Leiya to restore the Half Ogre to life. While explaining that she did not have that power she accidentally discovered that the half Ogre had an enchantment that would have prevented even the mightiest of priests from raising Kureg.
As Leiya struggled with what she should do with her information, Jolrael squared off for his last chance rounds with archery. He easily won his first bout with 14 points to 5, his two bullseye shots magnificent. Round two again routes his opponent scoring an overwhelming 14 points. He scored a bullsey, a four point near bullseye, and a miss for a total of9points; his rival could only muster 7 points. With a strong wind making itself a factor, Jolrael’s fourth opponent scored a hefty 8 points, unfortunately misses his first two shots and has no way to even tie the match up. So he struck out of any further competition in this Shieldmeet archery contests.
Enkili has Lady Adelien’s bard ridicule his opponent to throw the man off for his afternoon bout. In the first pass this opponent scores 5 points off of Enkili but takes 12 points from the Mandagan. In round two the score is about the same, 8 points to the hero’s 15 perfect points. There was no fourth or fifth round because Enkili scored 11 points to 6 points, defeating that rival handily.
Riardon had sent out messengers to his friends asking them to meet him at the Rusty Bedpan for dinner that evening. After that he stalked a rich nobleman. Private security spots him when he made his play, so Riardon had to use distracting magic to force his getaway. Once again the city guard did not get an accurate description of the wily Elf.
On her way to administer aid to Enkil for his evening bout, Leiya stopps off to meet with her informant, the little girl Miria and her stuffed rabbit. The girl and her friends learned that someone important had been killed the night before, but no one knows who died.
As Enkili faced the ridicule of his opponents bard, he received the powerful protection of Leiya’s Shield of Faith spell. In the first pass at arms Enkili scored 7 points to 4points and wins the first bout. He wins the second bout 10 to 8 almost seeming as though Enkili was ready to trounce this opponent too. The third round witnessed a change though, Enkil lost that bout 7 to 10. In the fourth pass Enkili again lost 10 to 6. With the bouts evenly split the two rivals enter the fifth supposedly tie breaker round, they both score5 points each, so they have to have a rare 6th round. Unfortunately the Mandagan Battlemaster scores 5 points while his burly foe bashes twice as many points out of him. Enkili has to step down from the champions bracket.
Sess, Riardon’s underworld contact, hunts the Shandeeran down with fell news. He learns of the N’marian queens assassination and how the crime points to the Solarian thieves guild. While the organization was not involved but they think that a band of Uhrian assassins called the “Whisperers” may be behind it, though proof has not been gathered. The Safe house the party was luxuriating in was rescinded.
Unable to exchange their information with one another, all but Jolrael attends the orality play in the early evening. While the play had a little boy and his mouse face off against a witch and a wolf in an eating contest of the door of a candy house and a house made from a giant turnip, the show did not reach a conclusion. Miria showed up with a friend of hers, a boy with a bad tummy ache. As the little girl and her precious doll were trying to explain the boy suddenly collapses with every bit of evidence pointint to poisoning. Thinking fast Leiya uses her only spell that could rid the lad of poison, but even as she did. Many people in the audience began to keel over clutching their stomachs. Riardon was the first to notice that all the afflicted were Errodians. Enkili and Hubert looked on helplessly while Leiya ran around trying to provide help, any help… to no avail.
All of Solare was subdued that night, even in the rusty bedpan. Boreman Herske gives the party a room and feeds them. Disheartened the party shares their disparate bits of knowledge with each other then spend most of their time speculating on what It might mean, who could truly be behind it, and so on.
Unable to fathom the madness or genius behind all the chaos, the whole party accompanies Jolrael to his Magical initiation into the ranks of Wizard’s Peak. Surprisingly Wellbourne Huxley is the representative administering to the tests. They learn that the weakened Peak also suffered poisonings, losing many potent members of their guild. At first Jolly has to answer several questions posed to him by the circle of mages, afterwords they acknowledge him as a “Mage of the Bloodwright”. Jolrael admits that he was born with a mark on his body that also marks his magic, news to his companions.
Continuing on, the circle request a demonstration of Jolrael’s druid craft skills, then they ask him to cast his cantrip spells. After that they have him move on to more sophisticated spells, having him demonstrate or prove the magical powers he manipulates. “Hail and welcomeJolrael, Third Circle Evoker of the Bloodwright, Child of Wind and Wave!” They give the young sorcerer a cloak pin and a potion of rest after he takes the oath binding him to the wizard’s guild. As this is going on, Wellborne admits that Prince Eidwe of Brandt has disappeared.
* Wolf's bout will be forthcoming soon, we hope. We hope work and security were worth missing the game for, lol.
Highlights of Episode Nineteen
Erath, - Taznos, Watersday 16th- 28th. CY1031
Though finding the scores of Wolf’s last tournament problematic, it was evident From the Errodian’s demeanor that he did not fare well in his last joust. In the morning of the 16th, he returned the borrowed horse and armor to Lady Adelien, the sponsor of our party in Shieldmeet.
Again, before the first cock crowed the day awake, Leiya Tevorova was up tending to the injured (including Miria’s little friend who survived the mass poisoning). Attending to her healer duties, she was unable to participate in the first rounds of Watersday’s tournament.
Though Enkili walked out boldly to meet his competitor for the morning foot melee bout, the two bards calling imprecations down on both fighters, it was clear the Mandagan swordsman was ill prepared for this fight. In the first pass Caanen of the Steel Host scored 12 points against Enkili and suffered 11 points against himself. In the second round Enkili scored seven points but lost because Caanen took 12 points. In the last pass 10 points to 8 were scored, and Enkili was resoundingly beat; there was no need for a fourth or fifth bout. The mercenary did state that with a little more training, Enkili would be a perfect fit for the Steel Host. Enkili was the last of the party to have held a bracket in Shieldmeet.
As the day progressed, the group learned that Bhel and Errod officially declared war against each other. A new leader was proclaimed in N’Maria, an indigenous warlord named Gurruk of Aniran. He immediately declared war on the Brunok and Koloi tribes of Angiertha, a move that will distract help away from Errod in their war. Uhria formed a surprising alliance with Bhel and N’maria and will be helping out in both nations war efforts. In another surprise move, Sedaria (who normally keeps Bhel in check) signed an agreement of non aggression with Bhel. As usual Onastia declared itself neutral. Even though the ink was still wet from their agreement with Errod, Brandt broke it’s pact with Errod and signed a non aggression pact with Bhel and Uhria. A lot of speculators believe that death threats against the missing prince of Brandt may be behind this move.
Hareth, the dragonrider from Errod who had given Leiya information about the valiant half Ogre, Kerig, had tried to assassinate Kaashak, the Maklu of Bhel during the night. He killed a decoy instead and got caught. On the 17th he was judged and later executed by beheading. Hareth was denied any visitors, even for religious or legal services. Leiya tried several attempts to see the dragonrider before his show trial and even showier execution.
Gathering information on his own, Riardon learns many of the same rumors that come to the rest of the party, but he does add that Shadowaith seems poised to invade Errod from the ocean side of the nation. This seems to be a third nation poised to rip into that stout little country. Unable to bring himself to watch people being executed, Enkili gives into the temptation of the flesh; he had located a whorehouse that served hemp buds among the drugs offered along with the girls and boys of the house. Wolf spent most of the day watching the foam die in a mug of beer he watched from morning to night.
Normally the Midweek of the 18th would have been a deeply celebrated day, as this was the day that awards and accolades were given to the champions and notables of Shieldmeet. It was a poorly attended event, and only the vendors tried to enliven the day. In the Bow archery competition Aderia of Westfolk took the big prize. The master of the crossbow was Taas the Younger. For the thrown ax, Thorm Thorminsson was declared the champion. Telizan of Flamespire won the spear/javelin title. Hordan Arlinsson took the prize Jolrael had battled for, the best slinger. The winner who had beat out Enkili in the footrace was also Telizan of Flamespire. Aston of Plithney was the jousting champion. Alehrd Kanoth, Kanoth the killer, had been a prisoner who was supposed to face death in Shieldmeet, instead he fought his way to becoming the champion of the foot melee combats; thus winning his freedom.
The winner of the Grand Melee was Talizan of Flamespire. The master of Horsemanship was given to Kinoga Jochi. The stone toss and Wrestling awards both went to Talizan of Flamespire. Flamespire is not a known quantity on any known map. Wolf managed to garner 750 gp for his deeds in the joust. Enkili won 1,000 gold for his placement in foot melee, and he also won a 25 gp golden torc (it is cleverly wrought with wings at the ends) for the great foot race.
During the “celebrations” the party was greeted by Wellborne Huxley of Wizard’s Peak, the man responsible for bringing the Foreign Force together. Later they see the wizard speaking with a fighting man dressed as a traveler, quick eyes in the group also spot that this stranger bore the token of the Errodian dragonriders. It is surmised that Wizard’s Peak is again showing itself independent of Sedaria politically.
Empowered by their experiences, the party decided that it was time for them to seek training in their preferred professions (4th level is gained). In the ten days they took to hone new skills and talents, Enkili bought Leiya, Jolrael, and Riardon storage chests and locks for their belongings on the wagon. He also buys himself a 200gp suit of splint armor. His banded mail he grants to Hubert, the boy who they are still training. The Mandagan also buys five days of food for six people and five days of food (30 gp for rations, 30# stored in the wagon.), and ten days of fodder for six animals (Hay 6sp, 120#. Oats 3gp, 120#). Enkili also proposes to start a collection from the party to buy young Hubert training and a weapon.
Highlights of Episode Twenty
Erath, - Taznos, Endrest 28th – Melad 3rd, Windsday CY1031
Unable to seek the advice of Wellborne Huxley, who had returned to Wizard’s Peak, the party sought the advice of the paladin, Lady Adelien as to which quest they should take up. Unfortunately with all the wars and rumors of ill ilk, their former sponsor was too busy to advise them. However, At Melwen’s church, Leiya learned that a relic needed to be transported to the Sedaran city of Anstarre to the south west. So with the promise of a little remuneration from the church, the party decided that they would deliver the relic, then travel back to The Freehold and deal with the Chained Heart slavers who may be working from that port city.
The Hand of Surna was the relic they took up, it was a preserved hand in a small wooden case. Evidently Surna had been a Priest of Melwen who had performed so many healings that he became something of a saint. After he died they preserved his body and allowed the afflicted to seek healing from his enshrined cadaver. A fire burned his temple down and all but his right hand was consumed. One of the first acts of the party as they left the city was to purchase an ornate wooden box of roughly the same dimensions as the relic’s carrying case. This box was intended to fool would be pilferers who may waylay the party for this specific relic; a well placed illusion from Riardon would complete the deceit. The holy appendage may or may not have been stored with the hay and oat sacks that carried fodder for the wagon's mules.
Traveling by wagon, the party took almost a seven day week to get to Pikton. After a nights rest, the party did a little light shopping then hit the road again on the last night of the short festival month of Sawan (They had traveled through the entire week long sowing and fertility celebration). As the group traveled they stopped in little villages and hamlet to buy the ingredients for antitoxin potions and potions of healing for Leiya to brew up. She managed to craft a potion every two days of travel. Two days out of Pikton the party met Urwis, a Warden of the West Road. The man warned the party about the dangers of leaving the established road; wiley bandits were making the region unsafe.
The city of Evold was reached on Windsday the 3rd of Melad, 1031 CE. At the gates they were met by Irial, a representative of Wizard’s Peak. Irial was also the caretaker of a converted farmhouse that is a safe house for members of the magician’s guild. Jolrael’s new association with Wizard’s Peak was already providing benefits to the party, as they could all use this farmhouse as a base of operation while they worked within the region. Though the safe house was north of Evold, it was well concealed by trail covering spells of astounding crafting. Irial, Irial’s son, Irial’s apprentice (ground keeper), and two farm hands reside at the hidden farm, but they made it clear that they were not servants for the party to order about.
Leiya asked the party to set out after only one night of rest, rather than give in to her companions urges to rest for several days.
Highlights of Episode Twenty One
Erath, Melad 4th, Midweek – Melad 5th Firesday CY1031
In the Morning, Irial’s wife came home and cooked a hearty breakfast for all at the farmstead, using the finer foodstuff reserved for Wizard’s Peak representatives. As the party partook they discussed whether Hubert was ready to settle upon a weapon of choice. Irial brought the lad a quarterstaff, which was a weapon that Hubert could use to train with until he was actually ready to choose arms to represent his personal style.
When they did reach Elvold, Leiya and Jolrael tried to catch news of the road ahead. Enkili dropped by a hashish den and treated himself to a few hours of permagrin. After half an hour they attempted to get on the road again, but were caught in a downpour. The rain did not let up when they made camp, but the party had troubles building a fire. Jolrael used magic to apply fire to their wood, but the rain just drowned any flame applied; thus the party slept cold while keeping watch.
Near morning the weather broke up into a cloudy day, but Jolly’s druidcraft had shown them that a bright sunny day was in their future. While stowing their gear they heard galloping hooves coming their way. A fearful riding horse, with no rider, attempted to dash by them on the road, but Riardon was fast enough to intercept and calm the beast. On the saddle were the signs of blood and widespread claw marks that Leiya identified as bird claws. Tying the horse to their wagon they stalked down the road trying to find the rider. A mile down the road they found the attack sight, where they found feathers and fur of a singular coloration, and tracks that were discovered held both bird talons and monstrously large animal paws. The animal had broke through the brush on one side of the road and had carried the rider off, breaking through the brush on the other side of the road.
Only Riardon set up protest at the idea of following the tracks to recover the rider, dead or alive.
Highlights of Episode Twenty Two
Erath, Melad 5th Firesday - 6thFellsday - CY1031
TPK! Just kidding.
Jolrael, and Leiya wanted to ignore the bloody side trail, claiming that delivering the relic was more important. Riardon just didn’t want to go monster hunting, Which left Enkili to argue for the lives of those who would use the road after them; Hubert abstained from voting because he was not a full fledged member of the group. The compromise they came too was to have a few members follow the trail for a short time, while the rest of the group stayed back to protect Hubert, the Mules, horse, and the wagon.
Enkili and Riardon found a clearing that had a gravel slope at the far end. At the bottom of the slope was a cave entrance and a bloody boot, it was evident that something lived inside the natural chamber. Riardon slipped down and recovered the boot and a tuft of animal hair. Bringing this information back did not sway Leiya, Jolrael, nor Riardon into hunting the murderous beast down. Enkili resorted to guilt tripping the party even as they rode on, outvoted though he was. That night while training Hubert (after setting camp just off the muddy road), Enkili showed the teen the steps and weapon flourishes that could be found in the Elven script for the word "Craven", a little jab that no one noticed.
Taking the first watch, Leiya and Hubert sat around the fire making sure the mists and increasing drizzles did not drown the fire. The priestess drew out some more of Hubert's background, learning that the kid had been an urchin until hired by the despicable Lady Adelade. While in her employ, Hubert had often been switched for being "slow" or for his stutter. She pointed out to the lad that his speech impediment had been in a decline in the time he had taken up with the party. Enkili had second watch, which he kept alone, the drizzle increased into a light persistent rain, he chose a wandering watch that allowed him to check the wagon, animals, and tents between stoking the fire.
On Riardon’s watch, the clever rogue noticed a few small humanoid shaped creatures scuttling around in the darkness. He fed the fire then attempted to investigate who or what they were. Short hairy bug like creatures with pincer hands, and nippers rushed him. One of them stepped into a shadow outside of the firelight and reappeared in the shadows of the end tent where Jolly and Hubert slept. As Riardon was engaged by two of these fay bug men, he thought that his friends would sleep through the fray, his penchant for stealth made him forget to call out initially. When he did speak up, Hubert, Leiya, and Enkili woke. As the fighting man scrambled for his sword, the priestess used magic to make the fire flare up to shed more light. Hubert grabbed his dagger then shook the sorcerer awake. Though he jumped adroitly to his feet, Enkili had to push himself physically (action surge) to close with the teleporting bug man.
Noticing how the creatures shied from the light, Leiya thought to protect the animals by casting her light cantrip upon the mule closest to the fight. Jolrael rolled out of his tent and began to hurl spells at every creature he didn't recognize; meanwhile Hubert remembered he now owned a quarter staff, then he followed the sorcerer into the light rain and chaos. Hubert noticed a third meenlock teleport through shadows to the far side of the tent he had shared with Jolrael, calling attention to the creature the bow beset it with his stout stick.
Meanwhile the Riardon, Enkili, and Leiya had to deal with the meenlock's trying to sow magical or psychic fear in them, and Enkili learned that the creatures claw strikes could cause paralysis. After fighting through the meenlock's bedeviling abilities the party finally beat the creatures down enough that some of them succumbed to magical and physical wounds. At this point the fay bug creatures were forced to flee. Caught up in his own martial prowess, Enkili plowed into the brush and chased one fleeing meenlock down. Through a bit of divine magic from Leiya, when the meenlock clawed the fighter a holy light struck the creature down. Enkili thought he had developed new magical powers and had to have Leiya's spell explained to him.
As they calmed the mules and horse down and cast more light spells around their camp, Hubert (who seems to know quite a bit of local creature lore) gave the meenlock name to the party, explaining that the creatures were unseelie creatures from the feywild. After making sure no further assault was forthcoming the party tried to bed down again, but they all heard the sodden clopping of hooves in the night. A muffled rider entered the bright lights Jolrael and Leiya had surrounded the camp with. Enigmatically the stranger asked them:
“A bit zealous with the lighting, yes?” All they could tell from the stranger was that the voice was young and masculine….
Highlights of Episode Twenty Three
Erath, Melad 6thFellsday – Melad 10th, Watersday CY1031
Reluctant to share information about himself, the stranger inquired after road conditions he would have to face. The party warned him of the beast attacking riders behind them, then offered him shelter from the rain. After a struggle with himself the man chose to ride on.
Setting off the next morning, the party felt ragged and out of it from lack of slumber. Soon they passed a coach house (inn) whose inhabitants and guests were angry and sour from a robbery of the night before. Since no one thought to ask the party if they had seen anyone, they just rode by chuckling too themselves. An hour later the group had to maneuver around a band of seven brown robed men marching on bare feet in the same direction they were traveling.
Leiya called out a blessing upon the monk like fellows and caused one of them to stumble and cut his toe. They ignored her other than that, chanting some dolorous marching tune. That night the weather turned from a drizzle to a downpour, and realizing that if they pushed a little they would find another coach house, the wanderers took refuge. Due to a massive Silver tree growing nearby, the inn was named Lonesome Tree. Drunk soldiers and the tales of a fellow traveler did not keep the group from sleep, and they all woke refreshed… and dry.
In the morning Riardon thought he would purchase a map of the local area. When he discovered the 50 gp price on the parchment, he instead chose to draw a crude map from his memory of glancing at the real thing. Here the party warned the inn keeper of the beast preying upon travelers behind them. After a great breakfast, the adventurers hit the road again. After four hours they passed the same group of 7 monks they had passed the night before. Gauging from the mendicants position, Leiya and Riardon figured out that the men had marched all night long with no rest. They were chanting the same marching song with the same fixed expressions, still in their wet and muddy robes. Only the man with the injured toe glanced at Leiya as she called a benediction down upon them.
A merchant train of ten wagons forced the party to pull off road and laboriously trudge through the sodden roadside to pass the train by. This cost both parties a half an hour travel time. That evening, Jolrael cast his druidcraft spell and learned that rain would return that night. Pushing on they found the next coach house to pass the evening by in. The Fearless Raven had similar costs for lodging and food, but the group judged the fare was better than at the last inn.
Unsurprising, they passed the 7 robed men again; Leiyas well wishes did not evoke a response in any of them this time. Another forecast of rain forced the party to stop over at The Four Stags, a rougher road house than they had grown accustomed to staying at. The other customers and inn keeper were such a rough and ragged lot that the party made plans to keep a watch that night.
Before they could take to their beds to implement their plan, a ragged man burst through the door, staggered over to a table in the middle of the room, then collapsed. Enkili rushed for the door to head off any following trouble, while Leiya ran over to the man. The man husked out “Ulfang the Black” then died. The priestess tried to stave off the grim reaper using her magic, but to no avail. The inn keeper asked her if the body was hers, which was a question her life experience had not prepared her for. Enkili and Riardon, who had seen many darker things knew what the greedy men meant; Riardon thought quickly and claimed the body as his.
As the patrons and inn keeper began to bid over who would get to loot the dead man, Leiya discovered an iron key on the body. Though not secretive by nature she still managed to slip the key into her own pocket without being spotted by any person in the room, not even Riardon who noticed most deeds others thought smooth and hidden. Meanwhile Riardon sold looting rights to another customer for 1 gp, a price that would be hard to recoup from the state of the dead man’s accoutrements… well except for the boots of course. Taking the boots and the man’s purse, the high bidder carried the body outside, where there was a decent sized graveyard.
Following her instincts, Leiya followed the man out and questioned him as he dug the grave. She learned that Joun (the dead man) had been treasure hunting at the ruins of some old tower that had belonged to a wizard or cultist named “Ulfang the Black”; she delivered the last rights to Joun after he was planted.
While hitching the mules up to the wagon in the morning, the only time the party did not have witnesses about, Leiya told of her deed and investigation. They agreed that they would add the Tower of Ulfang the Black to their list of things to do on the way back from delivering the holy relic.
Passing the monks again, the party was shocked to see only six chanting men were left. The man with the bad toe was no longer with them. More assiduously than before, the marching men ignored being passed by a curious Priestess of Melosa (Melwen), and the macabre speculations of Enkili who bestowed cannibalistic tendencies upon them. Heavy rain hit before the night fell, but the party pushed on for a few hours into the night until they reached the outskirts of Anstarre; a walled city approached by a long bridge, whose gates were already closed. In the village like sprawl before the city’s bridge, they found the Dragon’s Flagon inn, inside weapons of all sorts dangled over the hearth….
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06-27-2021, 09:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-19-2021, 06:21 PM by frenzied67.)
Highlights of Episode Twenty Four
Erath, Melad 10th, Watersday CY1031
In the morning, Leiya and Hubert crossed the bridge to deliver the relic, possibly having to stay at the church for a day or two. This left Jolrael, Enkili, and Riardon to their own devices, so they discussed what they should do. Eventually they decided to find out if the Chained Heart (Chained Wings) slavers were operating in Anstarre. After convincing the others to hunt the slavers, Jolrael decided to hunt down a sage who could help him find out what creature belonged to the fur and feathers that were found where the messenger had died.
With a few well directed questions, the sorcerer learned that a man named Gorvenal Commons had the knowledge that was needed. Meanwhile, Riardon began to make inquiries among the street beggars to find out where a local thieves guild representative could be found. In time the beggars brought a woman and her entourage into the alley to facilitate a face to face. Jade was a lieutenant in the local underground and she accepted Riardon’s tribute/bribe for him to work their territory.
Enkili developed the bright idea to draw the Chained Heart’s logo onto parchment, then seek out the homeless and beggars to see if they knew the symbol. Soon the fighting man noticed someone paying a little too much attention to him, so he confronted the young man. Instead of offering a bribe, Enkili thought to intimidate the young beggar. Predictably the man ran off. Knowing he could run the man down, Enkili chased after, but the beggar ran him into an alley full of his friends.
By pure accident these friends were the people Riardon had been making an agreement with, and the Rogue was still in the same alley. For a bribe of one platinum the criminal element agreed not to punish Enkili for his hubris. Instead of quietly slinking away afterwords, the Mandagan showed Jade and her friends his drawing. Jade and a few of her followers recognized the symbol, and were immediately defensive. They were reassured when Enkili blurted out that they were not friends with the slavers. In an aside that Enkili was not meant to overhear, Jade informed her main enforcer that the symbol belonged to the people who had stolen his sister.
Again blurting their intent to fight the Chained heart and free the people in chains, Enkili swayed Jade into offering them a reward if they should find word of two guild mates of hers; plus she also promised to reach out to, and work with the criminal guild running Solare, the capitol. She seeks Jubb and Serca, two thieves stolen away from Anstarre. Deeper inland, Leiya and Hubert received their reward for bringing in the relic, which included greater potions of healing for each person in the group. The priests also informed her that in a wood to the west of the city, lights and sounds at night were disturbing the locals. One investigator sent to scout this out had already failed to appear and was feared dead or captured.
Gorvenal Commons, the Sage of Anstarre turned out to be a man who was either too theatrical, or assuredly stark raving mad. Jolrael handed over the beast’s feathers and told the tale of how they had been acquired. The cost turned out to be 25gp, but a perceived slight made Jolly have to pay 30gp to smooth ruffled...uh… feelings. After a production of waving the feather, smelling it, and eventually tasting the light item, the sage tendered his answer that an owlbear was responsible for taking the messenger; one that was possibly trained and working for an intelligent master. Gorvenal soon indicated that he would pay handsomely for a sample of owlbear blood as it was a reagent for one of his concoctions.
Before leaving Solare, Wellborne Huxley had told Jolly that if he found an item of magical interest, then he would trade Jolrael a book of magic for it. The sorcerer told the sage that if he got the blood sample, then he would want a magic item to trade for it; so Jolly could get his book. Gorvenal showed him a magic plate called the Waverley Plate that produces one meal a day and a possible rumor each night.
Coming back together late in the afternoon, the party shared their experiences and knowledge with each other, and after a brief discussion, they agreed that they could check into the lights and weird noises in the Elmstep Woods that night.
With a few hours of light remaining in the day, the party arrived in the wood and began to sniff around, trying to find clues. They found the path of a man with soft soled boots heading to a pool in a clearing. As Enkili almost found out the hard way, the rim of the pool proved to be thin and crumbled easily under his feet; the evidence showed the missing investigator fell into the pool and vanished. Jolrael made a stone glow with magical light and tossed it into the pool. The stone drifted down into an underwater shaft and sank beyond sight.
Sensing that this pool was the focal point for the mysterious lights and noises the group broke up and sought cover in the brush, hoping to ambush whatever showed up. After several hours it became really dark, then two glowing globes rose up from the depths and began to dance around the pool. When both Leiya and Hubert gasped from recognition, the lights blinked out, vanishing for a moment. Before figuring out anything else, or sharing any knowledge or guesses, the orbs reappeared in front of Hubert and Enkili.
These creatures shot lightening into the fighter and boy, severely hurting Hubert. Hubert’s first action was to do a fighting withdrawal and run for safety. Enkili was unable to connect with his attack, but Jolrael zapped Hubert’s attacker with a beam of ice (frostbeam) that slowed that creature down when it could move again. Riardon struck the being with his arrow, driving it deep from the surprise he generated. Leiya charged into Enkili’s tormentor, calling out that it was a “ghost”. She granted Hubert some protection from physical attacks with a spell then slapped the monster nearest her with a light cantrip that burned like white fire (Word of Radiance)….
We’ll see you all again in 21 days time to finish out this combat, as our next game will not take place until July 18th!
Highlights of Episode Twenty Five
Erath, Melad 10th, Watersday - Melad 11th, Windsday CY1031
Riardon soon adopted a fire and move tactic, moving around the battlefield, but the corpse lights countered him by turning invisible and closing on him or Jolrael. Hubert was pursued all the way too Leiya and Enkili’s side, where he used his protective skills to help either the fighter or the priestess. Leiya set herself up to use her Shield of Faith, and Spiritual Weapon spells to their best effect. Jolrael used his Thunderclap, Aganazaar’s Scortcher, and Ray of Frost spells, zapping a newly arrived willow-the-wisp that tried to chase him. The sorcerer would hit them with a spell that knocked them back, then move away; or hit them with a spell and fly in a short hop out of danger, then move. Eventually the sorcerer ducked into the pack of his friends when his list of spells ran low. Enkili used his battle maneuver trickery to land hits on the ghost lights, but as with all the damage the party dealt (except light and force damage), the willow-the-wisps shrugged most of it off.
Twelve seconds into the bout, the party heard a familiar lute and voice out in the dark. Their old friend, Blaylocke the Dwarven Bard trotted out of the night with his lute and joined his friends in their battle. His music buoyed the spirits and abilities of his friends, and he was able to ply his bow and strike true. When the first willow-the-wisp died, a fourth rose out of the depths. The undead changed their tactics to turn invisible then try to swarm the rogue or sorcerer. Leiya managed to drop two with a light spell and an assault by her spiritual weapon which was the turning point in the battle. The last willow-the Wisp did not choose to run off, it continued to attack all alone, and kept the party at bay. It took over a minute to stop the undead monster as it struck, turned invisible, moved to go after Jolrael, before the group was able to down it.
After much party argument, the group returned to town and slept. The next day, they reported their progress to the church, then returned to the pool. Using ropes they swam down and recovered several bodies, mostly skeletal. The freshest corpse was the clerk they had tracked to the pool, and his was the only remains that carried treasure. His 12 gold coins were returned to his family, but the party was rewarded by Melwen’s church for ending the menace to the region. Now the party had to choose where to go next, they could return the way they came, exploring Ulfang’s tower and hunting owlbears along the way. They could cut overland and follow the coast to The Freehold, or they could catch a boat and sail to said city.
Highlights of Episode Twenty Six
Erath, Melad Windsday 11th – Midweek the 12th CY1031
Enkili, impressed by Hubert’s maturation, gifted the young warrior 10 platinum pieces so he could purchase his own weapons. Hubert bought himself a mace, a shield, a rapier, a sling and possibly a handax. The beaming youngster joined the team at the wagon, and they all set out back down the road to Elfton. Their first night they stop at the Four Stags Inn and stayed the night with the riffraff. The next day Wolf payed off the stable hands to watch the mules, wagon, and horses. Then he payed off some locals to help the stable hands watch the groups belongings. Before they set out for Ulfang’s Tower the group discovered that the shifty innkeeper had also paid some men to watch the stables, because they were paying customers the group hoped.
Still the party decided to wait until there was a break in the rain before they made the two hour walk to the tower. When it did let up, the group slipped and slid for the next four hours before they found the tower. Ulfang the Black’s tower was possibly eight stories tall but very dilapidated, sagging and tilting almost alarmingly. Inside the conditions were damp and crumbling. Holes in the floor and ceiling meant that Blaylocke’s stonecunning would prove valuable. A central column proved to be the shaft where stairs up and down were placed. Blaylocke suddenly remembered an old song and the lore behind it. He informed the party that Ulfang had been a necromancer whose cruelty knew no bounds, Ulfang had killed many people by the time someone poisoned him to death.
After checking out the ground floor, the party voted to head up the stairs to continue their poking around. Leiya cast a light spell on Enkili’s helmet, Jolrael cast light on Leiya, and then he reversed his headband to reveal his permanent light spell. Some members dispersed to the left, and half split to the right. Jolrael, looking through a crack in the wall, noticed a damp back pack lodged in the rubble on a bad section of floor. Wolf, thinking the party was climbing rubble up to the second story, tried to go up the stairs to meet up with them, but he had no light source so backed down the stairs to watch for trouble. Wolf began to get a creepy feeling that something above was watching him. In the east, Leiya and Blaylocke moved over rubble into another chamber. Meanwhile, Rieardon, Enkili, and Jolrael made a plan to traipse out onto the bad floor to recover the mystery pack.
Highlights of Episode Twenty Seven
Erath, Melad Midweek the 12th CY1031
Tying a rope around Jolrael, Enkili and Riardon tried to anchor the young sorcerer as he edged out to the soggy backpack, Jolly himself had a precautionary Feather Fall spell at the ready too. In the other half of the tower, Blaylocke Anvilarm and Leiya found a room full of rubble, and the bard decided to crawl out on it looking for anything of interest. Moving slow, Jolrael reached the back pack and lifted it, and stone started to grumble. Getting back to the Elf and the desert man, Jolrael looked back in time for the floor to collapse where he had just been.
Shortly after calling out reassurances to Wolf (who was still guarding the stairs with Hubert) and Leiya, Blaylocke found several patches where his floor had collapsed through to the story below. He of course instigated a collapse after crawling to safer footing, but no one discovered that the Dwarven Bard was alright for several moments. Enkili was trying to find another vantage to see if he could see where Blaylocke had fallen, when he found the Dwarven man stepping out of a cloud of dust north east of where he had gone into the room.
After a careful exam of the second floor, the party assembled and made their way to the next story. The third story also seemed to be constructed as a circle within a circle, but three aged and broken barrels greeted them at the landing. As Riardon and Blaylocke were peeking around the corners, Enkili moved ahead to examine the barrels. Three people sized spiders popped out of cover or off the ceiling, attacking the group. In the next 24 seconds of intense combat, five or six more great Dane sized arachnids threw themselves into the fray.
Hubert took a lot of damage, as did Jolrael. Poor Riardon took several bites as well, two of them critical in nature. In nearly half a minute of fighting, the heroic party eventually dispatched the spiders. A thorough search of that floor netted 1pp, 2gp, 3ep, 23sp, four gems (a carnelian, citrine, onyx and a zircon) as well as x cp. They all took a short rest and healed up from the damage they had taken, almost all their light sources extinguished during this rest, but 6 improvised torches were fashioned for later.
Highlights of Episode Twenty Eight
Erath, Melad Windsday 11th – Midweek the 12th CY1031
Lighting torches or casting light cantrips, the party made sure they could see before traversing to the story above. With Blaylocke and Riardon leading the way up, they made sure the steps were sound and free from traps for those trailing them. On the third floor the group hesitated, checking the ceilings and trying to trigger a response from any creatures who may have been nearby. Finally Blaylocke chose to move onto the landing, Enkili followed the bard as close as his own shadow.
Twenty feet in, unwholesome lights swirled about, lifting bits and pieces of armor from the rubble until three full suits of armor were completed. Two more ill illumined armored suits quickly entered from the north, unholy lights blazing where eyes should have been. Leiya rushed off the stairs and tried to use her holy powers to disrupt or scare off any undead. None of the suits of armor were affected by her attempt, which informed her that the undead were not in the party’s presence.
Charging in, the two northernmost animated suits rushed in at Jolrael. Blaylocke was pressed by one, and Enkili charged a fourth. Riardon hit the fifth animated armor with a damaging cantrip before that armor attacked him and Hubert. Deafening his friends, Jolrael cast Thunderwave blasting two animated armor’s back and making the floor very unsound in a square pattern. After a lackluster start, Enkili finally started to chop away with his blade, Dandân Ve Panje; crushing one suit of armor, then moving around to flank Blaylockes foe.
Before the animated armor was defeated, Hubert was seriously injured and knocked unconscious. Enkili interposed himself before the injured young man, but Jolly used Lightening Lure to pull the last suit of armor onto the unsound section of floor. This lone suit of animated armor managed to strike out at the sorcerer before the floor gave way, crushing the armor once and for all beneath the rotten stone of the tower. Spent, the party explored the 3rd floor then decided to make camp in the late afternoon.
Posts: 116
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Joined: May 2015
09-19-2021, 06:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2022, 02:52 AM by frenzied67.)
Highlights of Episode Twenty Nine
Erath, Melad Firesday the 13th CY1031 (in the wee hours)
Descending to the ground floor, the party set three hour watches into a twelve hour rest period. Waking at false dawn, they stretched out and downed Jolrael’s manifested Goodberries before ascending the spiraling stairs again. Wending around bad spots in the floor, the party discovered that the inner stairwell topped off on this fourth floor. With further searching they discovered a stairway spiraling up hugging the exterior wall. They also found a water stained carpet that was not as disheveled and time rent as other items found before. This big rug burst to sudden savage life when probed, trying to engulf Riardon within its dirty folds.
Jolrael summoned a strong directed wind mighty enough to make the fabric thing struggle, and occasionally be blown back. Jolrael and Riardon either froze it or singed it with tossed magics. Leiya manifested a hovering mace that did more than knock dust away, and her spells of light placed even more burn marks on the sinister weaves of the rug. Hubert struck once with his scimitar, while Enkili flailed futily away after having to struggle to the fore.
Miraculously, no one in the group received any harm from the carpet, and after a thorough search room by room (that revealed not a thing), the party took the stairs up to the fourth level. Before them, at the top of the landing, the flooring looked very treacherous. To the right a narrowing curved hall was choked with rubble, which was the easiest path given to the adventurers.
Highlights of Episode Thirty
Erath, Melad Firesday the 13th CY1031 (in the wee hours)
Jolrael cast light on a throwable stone which the party took turns tossing ahead of themselves to suppress surprises. Following the outside circumference of the tower, they had to walk all the way around the central portion of the tower. Along the way two holes were found in the wall where siege engines had broke through in some long ago fight. Double doors used to be an entrance into the sixth story central chamber; those doors were cast down by the long ago fight.
The light stone was tossed in and it immediately sank into liquid muck, diffusing the illumination. Goo and muck covered much of everything and liquid dripped from above, some in trickles some in mere drips. Parts of bodies lay strewn about, mostly as well gnawed bones. The stench was horrid. Riardon and Blaylocke noticed the flash of gold in the shadows, but fear of an ooze kept them from dashing in. Instead, they sent a Mage Hand in their stead. The bracelet was securely attached to an arm and torso that were too heavy to drag over, so the rogue finessed the clasp open.
Talk of green slime and black ooze made Enkili nervous, so he tried to spot movement on the ceiling. A drip in the eyes all but blinded the Mandagan, so they used the Mage Hand to carry the stone up. They discovered a hole in the ceiling filled with black and red ropy goop… and body parts caught as if in webs. That made the group realize that this room was some creatures midden heap, and the hole in the ceiling was an advantageous chute the creatures could use against them. The decision was made to ascend a level and meet the creatures in their den.
On the seventh floor they discovered bad sections of floor around the outer circumference of the tower, but the central chamber, though filled with rubble, was sound. There was an almost ten by ten hole in the floor before a set of double doors that still stood. Somehow the group managed to sneak up on the doors and range themselves for an ambush. Jolrael stood before the doors, beyond the pit, pretending he had opened them with magic, though Blaylocke was the one who opened the northern most portal.
Jolly noticed blood sprayed on the inside of the door and a large alter covered with old and fresh blood. A partially devoured human arm and a silver chalice sat on that stone. He cast light on another stone and cast it inside. Leaping over the alter, a living corpse with a long wagging tongue and hatred on its face charged out intent on destroying the sorcerer. The ghast was met with an arrow from Blaylocke and a firebolt from Riardon as it passed through the door. It changed course and moved south to face Riardon and Enkili. Three ghouls slipped through the door, one going for Riardon, one trying to pass around the pit to get to Jolrael and Blaylocke, and the other stopping in the doorway.
Two more ghouls arrived just as the ghast and one ghoul were destroyed by the party. Only Hubert took some harm during the bout, and the lad was fortunate enough to not succumb to the corpse chill grasp of the ghoul. Using the terrain and disrupting tactics, the party finished off the ghouls shortly after their boss ghast perished. Moonstones encrusted the silver chalice, making it the only thing of monetary value the party found. After using a healers kit to buoy Hubert’s health, the group assembled on the stairway leading up to the eighth and final floor of Ulfang’s tower. Knowing that they still had to loot the midden room and explore the basement level of Ulfang’s tower, the group felt fortunate that they still had the opportunity to climb that one level more.
Highlights of Episode Thirty One
Erath, Melad Firesday the 13th CY1031 (in the wee hours)
Under the spire roof of the top floor there were four triangular rooms radiating from the center of the room like spokes on a wheel. Riardon moved up ahead and gave the scene a good probe, and heard scrabbling sounds in the dark. Impatiently, Enkili moved up behind the Elven Rogue, yet banged his foot off the last step alerting the floors inhabitants. They began to bay in a basso profundo cry like hounds. Enkili knew he had messed up so he moved out to take the brunt of the attack. The hounds seemed to have extra teeth growing in several rows, and glowing red eyes, they were mastiff like but much larger than those mundane dogs.
One of the burly hounds was slain before it could attack anyone, the other managed to breath fire on Riardon, Jolrael, and Leiya. It was cut down before it could do any follow up mischief. Jolrael had noticed that the hellhounds had collars. Instead of name tags, or ownership tags, the two metal lumps seemed more like puzzle pieces. Taking a chance, the party assembled the two halves and discovered that the two metal lumps made a key when conjoined. After a long fruitless search for valuables the group talked about taking either a long or short rest. They opted for the short rest.
Sure enough on the basement level they found an ornate door with a lock that the key fit. On the other side of the barrier, Riardon discovered a swinging blade trap and a pressure plate. His first plan to negate the trap did not work, and it took Riardon a while to figure out how to disable the device. They found that the they were within a circular chamber with outer rings of hallways. A creature rounded the nearest blind corner crawling along the wall, it immediately attacked Riardon as he was the closest. The poor rogue was well damaged by the time the surprise wore off.
Riardon was able to slip the beasts attention when Hubert moved up to engage the monster. Enkili used one of his Battlemaster maneuver’s to help Jolrael escape the claws and bites of their foe. Leiya took a moment to figure out the creature, and the knowledge shocked her. “It is a Nosferatu”, she called out with fear etched on her features. Following a hunch Enkili challenged the undead beast as he sidled around it; “Ulfang, you look all dried up!” The creature did not like itself being named so truly.
Sorry, this is another cliffhanger that we will not get back too until two weeks after Halloween. We will be playing a one-shot of Call of Cthulu and setting fire to children caught in costume.
Highlights of Episode Thirty Two
Erath, Melad Firesday the 13th CY1031
For a brief moment Hubert and Enkili had Ulfang surrounded, and Enkili managed to land a grievous slash upon the nosferatu. Ulfang slipped aside and delivered some punishment upon Hubert. After being flanked again by Enkili and Hubert, the undead creature caught the Mandagan, Jolrael, and Riardon in a cone shaped blood gout. A bad case of projectile vomiting that damaged the trio. After a rain of damage upon his person, the Nosferatu bit Enkili and drew healing from the damage he delivered upon the Human male.
In the next turn Ulfang was able to drop both Enkili and Hubert. This forced Leiya to step into harms way. Between her and Blaylocke, they got both fighters to their feet; though neither man was able to heal to full health. Several time the two men were dropped to unconsciousness, and Ulfang managed to vomit blood upon Leiya, Enkili, Hubert, and Riardon. Both Blaylocke, then Riardon managed to deliver desperate but debilitating attacks upon the undead creature. Between the two of them they managed to slay Ulfang the Black and end its threat to the world.
93PP, 167 GP, 243 EP, 600SP, and 900CP were recovered as were 2 amethysts, 2 coral, 1 pearl and 1 tourmaline. In a three inch jar was an ointment of an indeterminate nature. Three potions were also recovered; one with silver liquid that had a sliver floating within, one that looked and smelled like a healing potion, and the third draught was cloudy green and smelled of the sea. A jellyfish shaped bubble bobbed within this third potion. The party began to discuss returning to Anstarre for training and research, Riardon argued (unsuccessfully) that they should continue on to Elfton to do their training. Anstarre was two days travel away, while Elfton happened to be near two weeks travel to reach.
Highlights of Episode Thirty Three
Erath, Melad Firesday the 14th – Bardan the 17th CY1031
In Anstarre the party spent over twenty days learning and training in their fields of expertise. Guild dues were paid so no one fell into arrears. Near the end of their training Enkili had more time to research his family’s lost blade and Leiya took the time to start casting continual flame upon the objects of her friends, so they did not have to rely upon torches and actual fire to illuminate their way in dark places. In that time Blaylocke and Jolrael figured out that their mystery potions were actually a potion of healing, Keoghtom’s Ointment, Hill Giant Strength, and a potion of poison. Alarmed at that last philtre, Blaylocke and Leiya insisted that no good could come of that draught; without much argument against the act, they poured this poison onto the ground.
Various party members sequestered out unwanted items from everyone’s packs and sold them, dispersing the profit among each member. Unlike their last visit to Anstarre, the party did not have the same accommodations as each other. Instead Leiya spent her nights at the local Melwenite chapel or at an inn nearby, Reardon found a place were average means artisans and middle class merchants took room and board. Enkili and Hubert decided on being pampered at a place where the rich came to stay, Hubert learned that a bellhop usually did know where to find hash and hookers. Blaylocke traversed from inn to tavern to find his lodging. Bards from all over the countryside were in town for the bardic competitions and celebrations held in the middle of the month of Barden.
Using new magic she had accessed, Leiya sent word to Wellborne Huxley and the urchin Miria in Solare. After over half a month learning new techniques, Riardon practiced his “art”, pulling off a weekend heist from a well to do merchant’s house. When Blaylocke was not learning new songs and poems, and more intricate beats, he spent time and money on repairing that suit of plate armor the party had recovered in their first mission together. At a historians house in the wealthier section of town, Enkili met a bard who described his families sword too him and told him this rumor: The sword is said to be wielded by an Efreet under the service of a foreigner. The Efreet’s master is said to be searching for an ancient artifact in the ruins of Darsta.
Though he all but pleaded with the party, and he did threaten to leave, Enkili could not persuade the group to set aside their quest to stop the Chained Wings slavers. They did agree to get to The Freehold by the quickest means possible and return the same way. After researching the problem the party found that going part way on the road to Elfton then cutting overland took almost half as much time as following the road or river. However they could not take the wagon with them if they traveled thus; they would have to buy their own riding horses and store the bulk of their possessions with Wolf. Tents and jugs were gathered and stored with care as well as fifty days of rations, even though they planned to consume food Leiya claimed she could summon by magic.
*for all of you who keep up with these gaming recaps, it was decided that December 9th would be our last game of the year. December 26 will be a night for family and love. Merry Christmas one and all, Santa the Barbarian is coming in his sleigh to slay us all!
Highlights of Episode Thirty Four
Erath, Bardan Watersday the 17th – Bardan Endrest the 22nd CY1031
After procuring mounts, food, fodder and various other supplies, the company set out in a heavy rain. In an effort to save the comestibles, Leiya used a spell that made an abundance of food for people and beasts. This she did again after the party rose the next day; another day filled with constant rain. They discovered that water had gotten into their dry rations, spoiling some of the food. They partitioned the spoiled food out for a day down the road that Leiya could call upon Milosta (Melwen) to remove the wet and taint and make the food whole again. Later they found the overland trail and left the established road.
Near evening they discovered that a recent flood had washed away signs of the trail. Blaylocke and Leiya were divided in their opinion on the right direction they should go. Leiya was best able to reason out the correct direction and the party found the set of trails they needed. Camping near a stream, the party was beset that night by an Owlfox; an aberration created by arcane or sometimes fay magic. Enkili, who was on watch, managed to warn the group before receiving a bite on the arm from the creature. The Mandagan’s increased martial prowess quickly drove the creature into literal flight as the desert man’s friends tumbled from their sleep to help. Blaylocke spent the time figuring out what the creature was while Riardon threw a firebolt spell. Hubert had come out with his scimitar so was unable to involve himself in combat as the creature was already fifteen feet up and climbing. Leiya dashed out and immediately used a healing word to shrink Enkili’s arm wound. A well placed arrow ended the fight.
Under Blaylocke’s guidance the party stayed firm to their trail that day and camped near the road to The Freehold after another rainy day. A nearby troupe of tinkers offered the company access to their wares, common goods. Blaylocke, Riardon, and Leiya bought themselves used books, discovering some arcane spells, and clues to possible adventures. Enkili traded his 50’ hemp rope in for 50’ of silk rope. The Dwarf’s entertainment was of a caliber that the merchant Grubbo Gorbsen (I don’t know the real spelling, sorry) mentioned that the Cat and Badger Inn in The Freehold would be generous to a good bard.
In the early evening the party entered the freehold, finding the free city tense and overrun with Seddaran troops. In order to control the city’s trade practices of remaining neutral during a war, Seddar had cut off the sea and inland roads into the city. When The Freehold capitulated an occupation force was immediately stationed within. Citizen and soldier alike paid the foreigners special attention as they made their way into the more influential section of town to find the Cat and Badger Inn….
Highlights of Episode Thirty Five
Erath, Bardan Endrest the 22nd - 23rd .CY1031
Denninel, the Half Elven proprietor of the Cat and Badger Inn gave the party individual rooms, and a duck and strawberry supper with red wine. As they dined and had light conversation, Riardon noticed the glare of a stranger. This individual knew he had been spotted so he rose and left. After Riardon shared this observation with his friends, the rest of the party was naturally concerned. Calmer heads counseled against trying to tail this man, so the group retired to their beds. Leiya studied the alley beneath her window and noticed a pipe smoking man watching their series of rooms.
They consolidated into a pair of rooms and slept the night through unmolested. Rising in the morning, Leiya again glances out her window and discovers more Sedarran soldiers in the vicinity than normal, this news stirs Riardon’s suspicions. The rogue quit the room to question the innkeeper about the soldiers movements. Instead he overhears guardsmen asking after the party in the inn’s common room, Denninel arguing that her guests should not be rousted by the soldiers. Quietly backstepping, Riardon brought this alarming news back to his friends.
Though Enkili wondered why they should not confront the soldiers, he did follow the rest of the group out the second story window; Jolrael’s Feather Fall spell allowing for safe egress. As they pondered whether to head east or west through the alley four human like creatures suddenly manifest, two at either direction of the alley. A pair of hidden snipers took aim one from east and one from west, damaging Jolly with the surprise they elicited. One human and a bugbear charged in from the west, while a pair of bugbears hustled in from the east. Enkili tripped the human then rained several slashes at the vulnerable figure, doing a lot of damage to the man.
Jolly and Riardon moved to face the monsters from the east, their spells ineffective the first round, lethal the second. Jolly was shot down, was healed, then gets taken out a second time. Even with Blaylocke’s bardic assistance, Hubert also was downed twice, once by the bugbear he faced off against, and after a healing, the archer took him down again. As she shot down young Hubert, the woman shouted “Best regards from the Chained Heart!”. Enkili killed the Human male and turned his eyes on the lone bugbear looming over the unconscious boy.
Blaylocke used Healing Word to bring Hubert back from the brink, and this convinced the bugbear to withdraw. Instead of chasing the bugbear down, Enkili swarmed up the two story building and took to the roofs. He discovered that both snipers were already gone. One thing was clear to the party. The slavers knew they were in town and they had influence with the occupying guards.
Posts: 116
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Joined: May 2015
01-24-2022, 09:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-20-2022, 11:52 AM by frenzied67.)
Highlights of Episode Thirty Six
Erath, Bardan Endrest the 22nd. CY1031
Immediately after running off the slaver assassins, the party could hear the guards barging through the Cat and Badger’s interior. From the roof, Enkili notices three sets of clotheslines, one line too far for his plan. Even though they stripped two lines of clothes, and the cloaks off of dead bugears, they were not afforded the time to change their dress. The guards spotted them through the inn’s window and set to tootling their whistles. Clutching their textile booty they set off down the north east alley and lost their pursuers through luck and a little bit of illusion.
Several blocks away they took the time to change their dress, dress their wounds, and realize that the Chained Heart slavers had them in a corner. They had no idea where the slavers headquarters were, they had no friends or resources except what they carried. Hoping that they could come back for their horses at some point, they set out for Rivan and the Broken Bottle Inn. At least they could find a sanctuary, gain allies, and draw upon local thieves guild resources. Breaking into two teams, Jolrael, Hubert, and Riardon found an outdoor place to loiter and watch as Blaylocke, Leiya, and Enkili entered the bar to initiate contact with Rivan.
Eight city watch soldiers broke cover, six rushing for the Busted Bottles front doors and two heading for the back entrance. Those guards failed to spot Hubert, Riardon, and Jolly in their place of hiding. In an effort to warn their friends in the tavern, Rodor used magic to sound a lion’s roar into the courtyard; which of course set the six guardsmen on their scent. Jolrael set to cool the soldier’s ardor with a magical wall of water. Five of the six were not moving after the Tidal Wave spell washed over them.
Leiya, Blaylocke and Enkili entered the Broken Bottle and did not see any person inside. On the tables were half consumed meals and drinks and the smell of copper tinged the air. Fearing what he would find, Enkili moved over to the bar and peaked behind the counter. A dead man greeted his eyes, a pair of crossbow bolts jutting from his torso. Blaylocke covered them with his bow as Leiya and Enkili poked about. Leiya checked Rivan’s body and found a bloody parchment and a signet ring. Enkili moved into the kitchen and found the cook and server propped up with the life ending quarrels still in their bodies.
As a wash of water cracked the big front windows and sloshed through the doorway, out back Enkili saw two guards move to the door. He shoved a table to block that entrance then left with the guards ordering him to let them in. The three of them dashed out of the inn into the street out front. A sodden guard was just pushing himself too his knees, so Enkili slapped him upside his squamosal sutures with the flat of his big sword; knocking him cold and as inert as his drowned friends. Joining up, the six heroes fled back into the alleys and streets, avoiding the watch yet again.
Wandering almost aimlessly, they sought a guild hall of Wizard’’s Peak, then a Melwenite temple to seek sanctuary in. Along the way, Riardon noticed the signs of a native thieves guild being crossed out by the Chained Heart’s symbolism. When they neared the temple Leiya had her friends hide out so she could enter the temple and make contact with the local Milosta/Melwen adherents alone. At first Father Patreus feared the young priestess, but as she addressed his fears he let her know that they were wanted for the slaughter of the Broken Bottles staff and customers and the drowning death of five guardsmen.
Assuring the head priest that the Chained Heart was responsible for (ahem) all the mayhem, he agreed to give the party sanctuary for the night. He told Leiya of a secret passage installed during the Temple Wars that allowed access to an underground room in the temple’s basement; access was through the alley down a grate covered drain hole then through a secret passage into the basement. Of course he did not want the refugees to wander around and mix with the local congregation, they would be better served by remaining in their room.
After memorizing the hidden route, Leiya left the temple and lead her friends to their underground refuge. There, as they prepared to rest for the night, they began to share the details of their separate adventures at the Broken Bottle. Leiya produced the bloody parchment and ring, and thought that the missive she held was just a list of random things. Riardon asked to see the writing and became engrossed in the subtle ebb and flow of the thieves cant hidden in the note. With a curse he stood up, face draining to white. “We have to leave, now! This instant!” Riardon declared.
Quickly they gathered their belongings as the Elven man filled them in on what he had found. He had read that Father Patreus sold people to the Chained Heart slavers, by tricking the “merchandise” into an underground room. After a short debate on whether to go through the front door, fighting their way out, or dashing back through the hidden tunnel to climb back up to the street, they chose the back entrance. There they found that a cart had been parked on the grate and guards were hastening into that alley. Turning about they dashed to go through the front doors only to find guards pushing into the basement with good Father Patreus leading the way.
Jolrael tried to drown these guards with another casting of his Tidal Wave spell. Grinning, almost gloating even, Patreus negated the spell with muttered words and a hand wave; the spell casters in the party readily realized that spell negating magic was all arcane in nature, proving Father Patreus was more than he seemed. Enkili wondered aloud on whether the priest was a follower of Thurm, who liked to infiltrate other churches to corrupt the followers of other beliefs.
Riardon had remembered a water drain near the rungs back up to the street, so he prevented his friends from attacking the guards. Instead they locked Father Patreus and his friends out of the secret room and dashed back the way they had come. The drain was small but lead to The Freehold’s sewers. As they made their escape the group wondered aloud how the Chained Heart had known that Rivan was to have been their contact. Did Jade in Anstarre have an enemy agent in her midst? Where could they find support in this city? Where could they hide just to get a good night’s rest?
P.S. It has rightfullly been brought to my attention that I have forgotten to mention an important detail on our party's escape. Leiya wisely entered the small drain last. Using one of her preciously few remaining spell slots, the lady priestess cast Create Food and Waterto choke the crawlspace. Forty five pounds of fruitcake, pastries, etc. created an imposing mound that cost the guards time to clear, thus allowing the entrepid adventurers time to lose themselves in the sewers.
P.S.S. My friends, always feel free to correct my errors, point out that which I forgot, or add to this memory aid. This is our story which we create together.
Highlights of Episode Thirty Seven
Erath, Bardan Watersday the 23rd.- Bardan the 24th Windsday, CY1031
Crawling through the drain soon brought the company into the sewers proper. Before them was an upward slope straight ahead and to the south was a ten foot drop off in the direction the waters ran; they could hear the miniature waterfall of the sluice in that direction. Every party member looked up, so they headed up the slope. They reached a dead end, with another drain above them, this one barred even though rungs ran up to the inset barrier. There was a brief discussion of trying to force their way through those bars, but the sound of guards crawling through the drain made them realize that time was not on their side.
Racing back down they took the south turn, Enkili fell down the drop off then helped his friends down. Seconds later they found a natural underground pond that had become part of the sewers, the deep waters were flanked by people made walkways and side tunnels. Everyone but Enkili noticed the sound of something plopping into the water. Blaylocke and Leiya decided on taking the western flank dashing along the walk and sheltering in the mouth of the nearest side tunnel. Everyone else followed the eastern walks, arms and spells ready for the large monster creating a swell in the deep waters.
Resembling a frog with three eye stalks at the crown of its head, the hulking creature surfaced; its size greater than the party had expected. From the center of the pond, it lashed one of four tentacles at Blaylocke, wrapping the poor Dwarven bard up. The creatures tongue darted out to the east, pulling Hubert off the walk right up to its snapping fang lined mouth. An ice spell from Jolrael struck the creature slowing it momentarily, but a sussurrus of crazed whispers sped over the waters from Blaylock. The water beast’s eyes flew wide, it dropped its prey and sped away from the Dwarf for several seconds. Since the creature was covering the western walk, Leiya and Blaylocke were forced to dash back around to join everyone on the eastern walks. Leiya shouted out that the monster was a froghemoth, a creature from another world but not extraplanar.
Before the group was able to fully reunite the froghemoth was back. It struck with two tentacles grappling Riardon and Leiya. With a thunderous boom, Jolrael smacked the creature with a spell that heaved the beast to the western side of the waters, forcing it to drop its captives. City guardsmen began to shout in consternation as they caught sight of the froghemoth. Riardon was caught one more time by a tentacle as everyone began to dart down a side passage. Despite being miffed at his friends for darting down the other side of the walk ways abandoning him, Blaylocke still cast another Dissonant Whispers spell. Frightened, the monster dropped the Elf and decided to go after the juicy looking city watch.
Their last look at the froghemoth before running on showed them guards being stuffed into the beast’s greedy maw, even as Jolly taunted the guards one last time. Fear and frustration fueled the groups flight, all of them tormented by the straights afflicting them. Not even realizing they had lost their immediate pursuit, they continued to run until they had passed entirely from under The Freehold and to the great Inland Sea. They found themselves in early afternoon sunlight, though they thought many more hours had fled by them. Too the east they could see the shanty towns that surrounded The Freeholds docks. Arguing on whether they should rent a shack for the night from a fishmonger or boat worker, the party stumbled on a shelter hidden in the shore’s shrubs. This is where they decided to camp.
Dejected and barely talking one to the other, they took turns walking to the shore to clean themselves of the sewers nastier muck. That night, keeping watches, the party was able to get a full nights rest. The arguing broke out before the sun was fully up. Some wanted to try to get their horses from the Cat and Badger inn, while others wondered how they would be able to hide with their animals in tow. Some wanted to leave The Freehold and pursue another adventure. Some wanted to disguise themselves and question the fisher folk on the docks, which was a course of action that Jolrael eventually took upon himself.
Upset by all the finger wagging and growls of her companions, Leiya prepared herself to cast two Sending spells, and an Augury. She was able to warn the priesthood in Solare of the corrupted priest in The Freehold. They suggested they seek out the local Tazenites who had their headquarters near the city’s coliseum. Enkili had to point out that their only clue pointing a finger at the child stealing priest was written in thieves cant. Leiya’s message to Wellborne Huxley had a return message that also prompted them to seek out the Tazenite’s and also a person named Lukoss of Selna. Selna was an extraplanar city that would appear in Bhel every century. The wizard failed to tell them where to look for this “friend” of his.
As Jolrael donned his disguise, with Blaylocke’s slightly belligerent help, Enkili used his curved dagger to cut away his own hair; Laeya’s magic indicated that Jolly’s endeavor would bear some fruit. Jolrael limped his way to the shanty town overlooking the docks and found some fishermen conversing outside a series of shacks. He introduced himself and claimed he sought work mending nets, unfortunately, they only spoke Sedarran and did not understand Common Speech. So using sign language he tried to make his pitch, but he had to resort to picking up a net, pretend to untangle a damaged section while actually casting a Mending cantrip. Seeing his handiwork the two fishermen seemed interested in having his help, though none of them spoke of a price. Instead of hand signing a work contract, Jolrael mentioned Lukoss of Selna by name.
Suddenly terrified the two Freehold natives pointed up at a bluff overlooking the Inland Sea. A worm eaten two story house seemed to lean out over the bluff’s drop off. Jolly returned with his news. His information and the nearness of their goal brought heart back into the company. Fifteen minutes of taking an uphill gradient brought them to the door of the diminutive spell caster, a Sneferneblin of milky white eyes and slate gray skin. Gruff and unfriendly the deep gnome seemed only interested in sending the party off, but the group wore him down by invoking Wellborne’s name. When Lukoss discovered they were out to stop the Chained Heart Slavers he became more cooperative, though no less taciturn. He told them that the evil priest was actually a warlock named Lareg, and hinted at other crimes the fake priest may have been party too.
Warning the party that he wanted them gone in the morning, he intimated that Lareg was wanted and that might be enough to set the Tazenite’s off on the war path. Lukoss also informed them that he would provide them with a list of Chained Wing hideouts in the morning. Suddenly, the heroes realized they had enough support in this small deep gnome that they could begin to lay plans and dream of success!
Highlights of Episode Thirty Eight
Erath, Bardan 25th Midweek, CY1031
Tentative plans were laid to deliver messages to the Tazenites, then to put surveillance upon some of the locations Lukoss promised to feed them. Then the party was able to get a full night's rest in peace. Good for his word, the Svirfneblin Lukoss told the group of a warehouse that belonged to the Chained Wings slavers. He also mentioned that he had a connection who could clear the party’s names if they brought proof that the corrupt city guards worked with the slavers. Everyone believed that proof could be found in the warehouse. So, they ate a mediocre porridge their host prepared then the party decided to divide their forces.
Hubert, Leiya, and Enkili dressed in their stolen garb and headed for the Tazenites near the coliseum. Also dressing down, Riardon, Blaylocke, and Jolrael moved out to put an eye on the warehouse.
The High priest of Tazen proved to be a burly old fighting man named Berreth. Using Leiya’s credentials as a Melosta/Melwenite priestess, and reminding the Tazenite priest that “Damuzid of the Whispering Waste” (Enkilis’s monicker for the Shieldmeet games) had placed well in the games, Berreth gave them time to lay out their request. The veteran was mostly compelled to give them this time since Melwen and Tazen are brother and sister twin deities, whose clergy has supported one another since before recorded history. Leiya told Berreth of their plight of being framed by the Chained Wings and how the supposed High priest of Melwen had tried to sell them to the slavers.
Enkili warned Berreth that Lareg (the false high priest) was a warlock with a bad reputation. Berreth pondered for a moment then declared that he and his fellow Tazenites would deal with Lareg but could not help against the slavers. Berreth informed Hubert that his near brush with death should not discourage him from being brave; the old warpriest had detected the young man's current uncertainty in himself. Walking back to the waterfront the trio spoke of moments where they had momentarily lacked confidence in themselves, and how they had found strength in watching the other members of their party step up and pull off heroic acts. They also bought a bottle of cheap booze to help foster their disreputable disguises
For several hours, Jolrael, Blaylocke, and Riardon maneuvered around the warehouse noticing the door and window locations and the lack of external guards. They all pondered various gimmicks and ruses that would allow them to study the warehouse from a closer vantage, then they realize that the north to south alley on the western side of the building was perfect for them to explore close in. Finding that the ground floor windows were not locked they got the bright idea to try sneaking in there and then. No need to wait for the other half of the party to show up.
Finding the aperture unlocked and free of traps, they opened the window and Riardon slipped in asking the others to wait until he gave them a signal to enter. Listening then slowly creeping forward, Riardon began to hear various people moving about him both on the ground floor and on the catwalks above. Hugging the stacks of crates, he wormed his way deeper into the warehouse somehow avoiding detection. A bugbear noticed the open window and moved to investigate and see if there was a guilty party outside. When it poked its head out of the window, Blaylocke and Jolrael grabbed the creature and dragged it caterwauling out of the aperture. They managed to knock the bugbear prone and hit it with a Frostbite spell, what they did not do was silence the humanoids shouts for help, though they did close the window.
Nearby, Hubert froze up with indecision, his courage as yet not fully bolstered after his near-death experience with the froghemoth. Enkili did not hesitate, with the bottle of booze in one hand, the Mandagan produced his heavy mace and ran up to smack the creature in the face twice in quick succession. Though he silenced it, the damage had been done. As Blaylocke and Jolrael pasted themselves on either side of the window, Enkili rose up to see three or four more bugbears through the glassy pane.
Brandishing the bottle too the bugbears he burst into an off-key song and put on a drunken act. He hoped to put these guardians at their ease thinking the noise had been nothing but another wailing drunk on the docks. One of the humanoids stepped out of the open main entrance to the north to deal with the disturber of the peace, only to find Hubert and Leiya waiting at the alley’s entrance. Enkili stumbled through them to offer the creature a drink, trying to hide his mace behind his back. Confused, the bugbear hesitated, and in that moment of consternation, Blaylocke stepped around the corner and put an arrow in its midriff.
Howling in pain, the bugear let its friends know that he needed help. Four of them piled out of the warehouse to mix it up with the heroes and throw javelins. After they dropped the injured bugbear the remaining three creatures disengaged and fell back into the warehouse. Jolrael remained near the window, suspecting that some bugbears might use it to sneak up on his friends, or come through the alley door at the far end of the alley. This was not a tactic the bad guys tried to use however, so the sorcerer cast a Tidal Wave spell through the window, bringing wet woe to three of the creatures.
Enkili mashed a second noggin with his mace then decided to pursue one of the fleeing bugbears upstairs, he had the idea that the offices would be up above. However, he was spotted by two or three beings (not bugbears) who were acting as snipers on the catwalks above. The fighting man had to withdraw severely damaged, as he was not in his armor. Healing spells hit him from Blaylocke and Leiya, but another bugbear leaped from the shadowed crates to engage him. Blaylocke and Jolrael, who had joined the group were caught in a sniper fight with bugbears that would randomly jump out of the crates and hurl javelins at them.
Hearing Enkili report on snipers up above, Jolrael used a feature that allowed him to fly a short distance before or after casting a spell. He flew up and tried to Aganaazer’s Scortcher one of the bow wielding beings, none were in range so he set a catwalk on fire. Meanwhile, one of the shadowy rooftop snipers that had survived the ambush on the party at the Cat and Badger inn walked in on Riardon. The Rogue had found a room and was searching fruitlessly for anything that might resemble papers or books. It tried to stab the Elven man a couple of times and only got a Firebolt for its efforts. It fled Riardon. Giving chase, Riardon discovered the slight masked figure had exited the warehouse through an east facing side door and was dashing to the south east.
Highlights of Episode Thirty Nine
Erath, Bardan 25th Midweek, CY1031
Seeing the Bugbear try to attack Enkili from behind, Hubert slipped by Leiya and skirted around the humanoid. From a flanking position he plied his scimitar well and left a deep wound in their foe. Unfortunately for Hubert a second Bugbear slipped up behind him, running hard to get into position. A third one stepped out and lobbed a javelin at long range at the priestess, but missed due to range and Leiya’s instinctive movements. Simmering because he thought the party plans had not been observed, Enkili still had the presence of mind to drop the Bugbear that had first come at him, then he bounded around both Hubert and the second interloping Bugbear to put that inhuman creature in a dire position; the Mandagan left an impression with his mace, which set Hubert up to drop it. Leiya moved up her Spiritual Weapon and provided healing and radiant attacks to the fray.
Racing after the mysterious figure he had faced in the linen room, Riardon observed the being's movements and saw an affinity with his own pilferer’s training. They both leaped outside of the warehouse then up some curving stairs to the south east of the building. The Shandeeran male rounded some crates to witness his quarry with an Elven archer drawing bead on him from inside the warehouse. Seeking discretion, Riardon turned about to find some cover. Arrows pierced his body and brought him down, unconscious and bleeding out.
Inside, Jolrael noticed a ladder in the north western side of the warehouse. Having had a glance when he had flown up and tried to fire the catwalk overhead, the sorcerer ascended at speed then tried to get into an office before the Elven snipers pinned him. Despite his best intentions, an arrow did find his flesh before he crowded into the windowed little room. Below the sorcerer, Blaylocke felt being left behind to be less than ideal, so he dashed through an aisle under the main catwalk and joined up with Leiya, Enkili, and Hubert as those three dealt with the last of their nuisance Bugbears.
Seeing the archer lumbering closer to his office, Jolly stepped out and hit sniper with a Thunderwave spell. His aim was to knock the Elf out of a nearby upstairs window, however the archer was too nimble to be dislodged so easily. His next effort was to close himself in the office and bar the door with his body; Jolly saw papers on the desk but was not in a position to check or even take them. The Elven archer’s might proved to be inexorable to the former sailor and the androgynous being pulled a shortsword to threaten our hero after forcing the door open. Again, Jolrael’s Thunderwave spell failed to throw the archer. He was quickly cut down by the sexually ambiguous Elf and lost consciousness.
From the main catwalk, another archer and Bugbear tried to rain death down on Hubert, Leiya, and Blaylocke but their angle of fire proved slightly problematic. Enkili plucked a shield from a dead bugbear, hoping that might be enough armor to face the archers up top. Asking for a volunteer to go upstairs with him, Enkili eschewed the stairs and scrambled up the shelves and crates creating aisles on the ground floor, he crawled up onto the catwalk to find himself nose to nose with the archer harrowing his friends below. Fifty feet away was the Bugbear also menacing those heroes still below.
Hubert sprinted for the stairs to join his friend and mentor up above, however the young man found that another Bugbear had come through the main door facing north (where the bulk of the party had initially entered the warehouse), they wounded each other when Hubert altered his route to clash with the humanoid. Both Leiya and Blaylocke noticed Hubert’s confrontation and they moved up to lend healing and martial aid to him, dropping the Bugbear in moments.
Drawing a short blade, the archer facing Enkili could not breach the unarmored man’s purloined shield, but the Elf called a Bugbear to its aid. Having to resort to a full out sprint, the Bugbear slipped around the fighter to surround him. Enkili side stepped the pair, then simply shoved the bugbear over the edge. There was no railing along that portion of the catwalk to halt the humanoids fall, so it ended up with a broken back amid its own pooling blood. Promising havoc with his eyes, Enkili then laid a mighty blow on the androgynous being that remained. Instead of fighting Enkli toe to toe, the Elf skillfully extracted itself and ran east across the crosswalk. Leiya ran up the stairs then positioned herself to cut off this archer’s escape, he/she put aside the shortsword and pulled their bow out.
Before the Elf could choose a target, Enkili closed with it, mauling the being with punishing and tricky attacks. Hurt, but still hale enough to think clearly, the Sylvan-like being broke away from Enkili and Leiya, slipped over the railing and scrambled down the goods-laden shelves to the ground floor. At this point the two heroes noticed the archer that had downed Jolrael step out of the office, its tunic stuffed with scrolls and papers (No one else knew that either Riardon and Jolrael were down and possibly bleeding out at this point.), Leiya made the intuitive leap that the papers the party was after were with that far archer. She/he moved to climb down the ladder Jolly had used to climb up, attempting to escape with the slaver's intelligence.
Enkili dashed back to where the catwalk had no railing, then leaped across empty space to land on top of the tall stacks of goods in the warehouses northern section, he then nimbly bounding across the crates and shelves to lower himself to the ground floor where he could cut off the laden archer. Leiya, being smart enough not to hurl herself through the upper reaches of the warehouse chose to heave a Slow spell instead, the burdened archer began to run as though through thick molasses.
Blaylocke had heard the priestess’ call and turned to face the ladder. Though he had a poor angle to fire from, the Dwarven bard cast a strengthened Dissonant Whispers spell at the party’s main target. Grasping its head, the Elf fell with a horrified expression stretching across its face, still at the landing on the floor above. In the office, poor Jolrael had been faring poorly, his wounds spilling forth his vital fluids at a rate that had not boded well. However, the former sailor-turned-sorcerer was made of determined stock. His body pinched off the blood flow and pulled the Endelian from death’s brink into full (if painful) wakefulness.
Pulling himself painfully to his feet, Jolrael glanced over at the desk and realized the papers he had seen before were now missing. Tottering over to the door he met Hubert who had come up to determine if the archer Elf was truly dead. The two of them glanced at the papers as they took them and realized they had hit pay dirt. Amazed by Blaylocke’s arcane display, Enkili remembered the acrobatic Elf who had slipped down to the ground floor before the advent of the paper laden archer. Since he no longer had to worry about their papers getting away Enkili turned about and raced back under the catwalk to look for his former prey. The nimble Elf was going out through the eastern loading doors, sprinting as if death was at his/her feet. Enkili pulled his bow, but was unable to keep his eyes on the archer.
Seeing a set of stairs on the outside of the warehouse (after realizing he had no idea where the slaver had run to) in the south eastern corner, Enkili began to climb just to see what was there. Blaylocke had climbed the interior stairs and dashed back to the south eastern corner. He found Riardon laying in a commingled pool of blood, next to the dead body of the Elven archer who had dropped the rogue. A Word of Healingspell was enough to revive Riardon, who tried to thank Blaylocke for stopping his would-be killer. After teasing Rodor for having body odor enough to kill the archer, the bard confessed that he had not slain the Elven foe. Enkili arrived to chew Blaylock and Riardon out for not sticking to the plan. Pouting, the Mandagan turned about and found a staircase leading to a basement level in the warehouse.
Not only did the party have the mystery of the Elven slaver’s death to ponder, but Jolrael wondered aloud where the water level was compared to the warehouse. Several party members began to worry about the slave pens being flooded, if the slave pens were truly down below….
P.S. At this point, we are going to have a hiatus from our 40th game in this campaign. We will discover the fate of the slaves and our intrepid adventurers on the 3rd of April (tentatively). Until then, keep the love in your heart and the mayhem in your brain.
P.S.S. Our game is back on for March 20th. Our 40th game will occur on the first day of spring. Please ignore the first post script.
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Joined: May 2015
03-21-2022, 12:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2022, 12:00 AM by frenzied67.)
Highlights of Episode Forty
Erath, Bardan 25th Midweek - 27th Fellsday, CY1031
After locating the stairway down, Enkili began to don his armor. The others took quick stock of the warehouse and the loading yard outside, there were no ships loading but there was a row boat moored at the head of the slip. When the group began to gather, the Mandagan fighter again had sharp words for Riardon, Jolrael, and Blaylocke. Jolly and Blaylocke tried to ignore the tirade, but the Elven rogue pretended that infiltrating the warehouse had been the goal all along. Warning that such errant behavior with an Efreet would get them all killed, revealed that Enkili was actually worried about what they might face in the Lost City of Darsta. He had spent several months enslaved to the Efrit who had slain his father, and such mental scars do not heal easily.
To change the topic, someone worried out loud about when the guards would show up. This created a short debate between leaving and looking for slaves below; specifically Jubb and Serca whom the Anstarre thieves guild woman Jade was interested in learning about. Without waiting for a conclusion in the debate, Enkili turned and descended the stairs, taking the matter into his own hands. He entered the basement alone, ignoring the calls of his comrades. There he found goods in various lots stored in piles and shelves, since the area was nearly as expansive as the warehouse above he had to wander around looking for the cages he half expected. Instead he found an adjoining room with walls and floors of wood; this was also filled with goods, some of which he might have wanted to loot.
Ignoring the temptation, Enkili called out and peeked around corners until he was in the south east portion of the room. A pulled out shelf and scrapes along the wooden floor were a clear indication that the wall beyond held a secret entrance. At last he called for his companions. Riardon was able to discover the trick of opening the door and they found a ten foot by twenty foot room. Doubting that this was just an empty room, the party poked about and found another secret door at the eastern wall of this room/hall. Hubert remained at the staircase, listening for signs of danger, Leiya stayed where the stone storage room adjoined the wood room, to relay messages.
In the room beyond they found a set of three adjoining cages, two along the far east wall and one too the north. Instead of the humanoid cargo they expected, they found clothing and accouterments people usually carried on themselves, loot taken from freshly taken children. There were three sconces in the room, and two held mostly burned torches casting light into the two northernmost cages; the southern cage was open, and its torch had been extinguished by water seepage through the porous wall. Again the signs to the party was obvious, someone had just come through ahead of them; there had to be another secret door.
A quick search did locate such a door. Beyond was a southerly passage that led to the waterfront, popping out right where the row boat had been tied. There was no sign of the slavers in their boat, they had been that far ahead of the party. Paths up to street level were to the east and west of the landing to this secret dock. Jolrael had remained in the secret hallway to relay messages, and after the passage to the docks had been located, Enkili remained behind to complete the information chain. As Blaylocke and Riardon were noticing the missing boat, Hubert began to send warning that the guards had arrived up above. Using the dockside pathways, the party avoided the law enforcement encroachment.
Needing a safe place to peruse their pilfered papers, the party returned to the beach side shanty they had discovered just after escaping The Freehold’s sewers. Guards and priests were named, along with the sums they had received from the Chained Heart slavers. The party also learned of a continuation of the slaver network controlled by The Slave Lords, a group the Chained Wings had paid homage too. This route led from The Freehold to the Island nation of Yrie, then to the vile nation of Bhel, specifically too their cities Norak and Nemsh. Several rich lords and merchants were also revealed, purveyors of illegal gladiatorial games. Though the two were not named, the party had to surmise from the documents, that Jubb and Serca, along with other children, had been taken by ship recently.
Taking their discovery to the Deep Gnome Lukoff, the party returned to the cliff side ramshackle that served the wee wizard. Grumbling at having to deal with guests again, the mage never-the-less kept his promise and forwarded the incriminating papers to his unnamed friend. Within a day arrests were being made among the officers of the guard who had taken slaver money, and the party’s names were cleared of the charges of murder. Jolrael, of course, agonized over the soldiers he had killed with his first use of his Tidal wave spell. Leiya inquired with Barreth of the Tazenites and discovered that Lareg, the false priest of Melwen, had escaped.
Trying to curry favor with the local underground, Riardon tried to bring word to the surviving thieves guild members that the Chained Wings were no longer a factor. He discovered that three gangs were vying for dominance in the vacuum left in the slavers wake. The Storm Hooligans and Lost shadow bands warned the Elven man away from working in the Freehold, the Ally Runners actually tried to kill him when he brought them the good news.
The people that brought the party proof that they had been exonerated of the crime of multiple murder, fill in details that had eluded the groups research before. For years the Slave Lords and their Chained Wings puppets have been raiding the coastal towns and villages within the Great Insland Sea. No race or kingdom had escaped their predations. Those who thought to set up a resistance have been stymied by political turmoil and legal infighting from their peers. Meanwhile, whole villages have been uprooted, while those who paid bribes found the slavers eager to renege on such agreements.
A few nobles and rich merchants have been paying bounties on slavers taken or killed, and the party was directed to one such rich possible patron. While he would not pay a bounty for the group dispersing the Chained Wings in The Freehold, Lord Kaer Bercel did express interest in hiring them to strike at other slaver enterprises. Lord Bercel, though not a true noble, had acquired enough wealth that the honorific had been hung on him. He had lost his family to the slavers. He informed them that Sedarria was manufacturing weapons on a massive scale, but despite old trade agreements, those arms were not being shipped to the nations nominal allies. Instead rumors abounded that the terrorist nation of Bhel were the actual recipients of this military aid.
Highlights of Episode Forty One
Bardan the 28th, Endrest, Cy1031
Scowling over their shoulders to give The Freehold a last glare, the party hit the northern road heading for Elvold. When that road made its grand eastern turn, the party scouted out one of the many trails through the wilderness that allowed travelers to forgo Elvold and hit the road that runs between Elvold and the groups goal Anstarre. Anticipating making their camp near the Elvold/Anstarre road, the party was almost surprised by a Gnoll ambush.
Six of the bestial humanoids jumped out of the brush. A Gnoll Pack Lord had two Gnoll hunters, two regular Gnolls, and a Gnoll flesh gnawer in its troop. The road pinched up against a stream so that one Gnoll in front and back, with the rest just west of the path, were able to force the party into combat. The fight took only eighteen seconds to force a conclusion, but the flash and roar of arcane magic rocked the field of combat. Arrows flashed between parties before the distances were closed and steel and polished wood were taken in hand with fell intent. Divine magic either gentled the flesh or burned it, and in the end only the Gnoll Pack lord and one of the hunters were left alive to flee into the trees.
*Note. We left the game before we could loot the Gnolls. Yet, despite that, we will be resuming our game at the mouth of the Owlbear cave. The cave we found in episode 21, the eater of messengers. As another note to the party, since we have skipped the travel time to reach the owlbear cave, the group will have noticed tension in Enkili. He has been taciturn, grumpy, and foul company the entire trip.
Highlights of Episode Forty two
Moonday of Draman 1st – Windsday of Draman 24th CY1031
On the Gnoll bodies the party found 3 pp, 45 gp, 5 ep, and 80 sp. Also there were three items of interest that were revealed with a casting of a Detect Magic spell. The first item was a potion vial full of red liquid with bubbles of pulsing light (a potion of Vitality). They also discovered a six sided dice whose numbers were fuzzy, this dice rolls the number the user chooses; this die was found on the richest dead Gnoll. Last but not least, was a key that had a question mark etched into it. This key is supposed to fit in any door and has a chance of unlocking it; it will more than likely disappear after this single use. Our adventurers then journeyed for close to two days to where they thought an owlbear possibly resided.
Relying on Enkili and Riardon’s memory of where the cave was, the party left the road and crept up to the cave mouth. The tunnel and cavern beyond were naturally formed, and from the flow pattern in the rock Blaylocke Anvilarm was able to determine that they were in a lava tube. They heard no sound but smelled animal musk in the air, the floor was devoid of owlbear spoor and the remains of slain creatures. Several yards south of where the tunnel opened into the chamber, Riardon halted the party and stealthed ahead. After checking around the entrance he had the group move up and set up station there; he again slipped into the dark and probed ahead.
With practiced ease, Riardon slipped north through the chamber and located a large form sleeping on a woven pile of sticks and debris. It was an immense owlbear snoozing away the afternoon. A roar that held more than a hint of hooting in it, broke the still. Fearing the worst, Jolrael darted past everyone and entered the chamber. He found himself facing a second owlbear charging in from the west. Later Riardon would blame the group for too much noise, while Enkili was certain that it was their lights that had drawn the beast. Never-the-less Jolrael suffered a serious injury from just a bite from the hulking creature.
Hustling at double time, Hubert dashed out to flank the owlbear with his sling ready to whirl and fire. At the same time the sleeping beast woke, it did not see Riardon who was too clever, but it did notice poor Hubert run into its vision. The boy was run down and clawed and bitten, serious wounds delivered. Enkili charged out of the tunnel, passed Jolly and into the first owlbear’s flank; his attack was so ferocious that Jolrael was able to slip away without reprisal. Seeing Hubert’s straights, Blaylocke cast Dissonant Whispers on the second creature.
The spell so discombobulated the owlbear that it turned tail to run back to its nest. Hubert used his scimitar to carve a seriously deep wound into the running owlbear. Jolrael cast Aganaazer’s Scorcher on the creature that had hurt him, but not until after it had clawed and bit deep wounds into Enkili. While fire flickered up the furry feathers of the first owlbear, Enkili used his big blade to finish off the beast. Leiya sprang into action and managed to heal Enkili with a bolstered Healing Word, even as she patched Jolrael with a healer’s kit.
Blaylocke finally entered the chamber and cast his own Healing Word on Hubert, while firing his shortbow at the last owlbear. Not realizing that the fear effect on the owlbear was just temporary, Hubert strode towards it and unleashed a thrown handaxe and hit. This caused the monstrosity to turn about and retaliate, again savaging the young man. Leiya manifested her Spiritual Weapon and smote the beast soundly, then she ran up to support Hubert. Casting Frostbeam, Jolrael tried to freeze the owlbear but failed to connect with his magic.
Riardon had been trying to use his Fire Bolt cantrip through the whole battle, his third attempt again hit no where near the roaring beast. With a mighty slash, the owlbear clawed deeply into Hubert, downing the boy with such power that his limp body bounced on the stone floor. The creature then moved on to Leiya, its beak cutting the priestess severely. Rushing up beside her, Enkili plowed into the owlbear with such fury that Leiya was able to disengage from combat without the animal noticing. His follow up slash dropped the monstrous beast.
As the tumult began to fade, Blaylocke cast another Healing Word and revived Hubert. Seeing his opportunity to fill a beaker with the owlbear blood he needed, Jolrael cut into the first dead owlbear and squeezed it like a lemon. Dispersing through the chamber, the party discovered two disconcerting things: one, the nesting space was far too clean of droppings and carcasses to be natural, and two a set of boot prints exited through a smaller side tunnel. Working together the party tried to follow those tracks, they climbed out of the side tunnel but lost the trail in the woods shortly after.
Not having the skills necessary to search for the individual who had dared enter an owlbear cave, the group decided to declare their victory and continue on to Anstarre. Along the way Enkili tried to convey his mixed fealings and fears of what awaited them in lost Dharsta; he was reluctant to face an Efreet after witnessing his father have his head nigh twisted off and then spending several months as the evil Genies slave. In Anstarre, Jolrael was able to trade his vial of owlbear blood in for the Waverly Plate, a magic item that would manifest one meal a day with the possibility of conferring a rumor upon the one who dined.
The young sorcerer was also able to talk Gorval the Sage into researching the fur/feathers the party had found the first time they had looked for the owlbear cave; Gorval wanted samples from the owlbear’s fur/feathers as well as the mystery creature’s as his payment. The party had determined that those older fur/feathers were not from either owlbear, and was possibly from an entirely different creature. For the next twenty days, the adventurers chose to train their skills as they awaited the sage’s determination on the mysterious fur/feathers. Several gems were traded in to pay for the training.
*Gorval will deliver his findings at the start of next game on May 15th, 2022. We are all glad to reach sixth level, and some of us will declare their leveling choices in the days ahead.
**Correction, this quirky NPC's name is Gorvenal.
Highlights of Episode Forty Three
Midweek of Draman the 25th – Iiyoltan the 6th, CY1031
Before the party finished training, the eccentric sage Gorvenal reported his finding on the fur/feathers found where the messenger had been slain on the 6th of Milad. These feathers were closer to what one finds with an eagle or hawk, but on a larger scale. He believed that a griffon was the creature those samples belonged to. Leiya learned from her fellow Melwenites that a griffon had been killed by the road wardens not too long ago in the general area where the messenger had died. She was also told that all sorts of creature sightings happen in that region.
Estimating that Darsta was a six day journey by horse, the party bought twelve days of rations. They found the terrain beautiful even though it rained many days throughout their trip. The month of Draman ended and the week long period of Laehcan was entered on the Erathian calendar, and the only trouble the party had was noticing a party of goblins scatter and run upon seeing them. Just to make sure that an ambush was not going to be played on them, the adventurers tried to investigate the goblin’s course. They only confirmed that the goblins had no wish to fight or even meet the party, all sign of them was left behind.
Still, they all felt eyes on them as they rode, even up to the point of setting camp. When the foothills actually bunched into the mountain range, the travelers realized they were lost. Somehow they had missed the tell tales their notes spoke of. At a guess they concluded they needed to head west in order to find the valley where Darsta was to be found. Several days later they realized that somehow, they had gotten turned around and were further east than ever before. Though Enkili did not like the idea, he allowed himself to be convinced to continue east in the hopes that they could find the small town of Umbel where they could replenish supplies and hire a guide.
Before they reached Umbel the group stumbled upon a small troop of hunters carting a dead stag out of the forest. The leader of the hunters, Llain, agreed to hire hire out to the party, but only after the Day of Wards festival. This festival was the next day which would not put the party out too much time wise. The Day of Wards also happened to be in the first days of the summer month of Iiyoltan. There were bonfires, the burning of wood plaques with individual wishes carved upon them, music, feasting, and dancing. Everyone took part except Riardon, he did not waken to the exultant feeling of well being as his fellows did (extra inspiration for the game session).
With none of the misadventures that had befallen the party before, Llain, with his hound Liam (named after the man’s dead son), lead them directly to Darsta; they arrived on the 6th of Iiyoltan. The hunter had no wish to enter the ruins of the old city so he set his camp well outside the city’s boundaries; he informed them he would wait three days and if he received no word then he would leave. Paying the man an extra gold (on top of the 4 gp deposit), the group had him watch their horses. Following their clues (and again feeling watched) the party traveled through the fallen buildings taking note of places of interest along the way. The fallen architecture had fanciful beasts and horned men carved on the stones. Soon they found a hill with a frame of stones making a door shaped entrance.
They followed a fifty foot long hallway carved into the stone of the hill, at the end of that stretch was a trapdoor with a ring. After having Riardon check for traps, Enkili lifted the lid to reveal a fifty foot shaft down. Affixing a rope to the trapdoor’s ring the group climbed down. In a 10 x 15 foot room they found a door with the base relief of a horned man like shape that held a big curved sword in one hand and fire in the other. Enkili was certain that this pertained to the Efreet said to have his familiy's Sainted Sword. That door slid up revealing a five foot wide hall heading west then looping to the north to another door. As this door slid up, the first door closed behind the party. Riardon and Enkili did not think this was a cause for alarm.
The room revealed had a small door on the east wall, a dry wading pool in the center of it, a small door on the south west wall, a double door on the west wall, and a stair down along the north wall. When the group stopped to check the eastern door (the closest to their entrance) three figures phased out of the walls around them and attacked. Blaylocke realized that these horned man like figures were shadow demons and they seemed to resist both weapon attacks and fire spells….
*This is where we had to call an end to this weeks game session. Our next game is tentatively set for the 29th, memorial day weekend.
Highlights of Episode Forty Four
Iiyoltan the 6th, CY1031
After skirmishing for a few seconds the shadow demons seemed to have been incapable of hitting any member of the party, and the heroes had discovered that most forms of their attacks had done minimal damage. Riardon and Enkili’s foe disengaged and flowed down the stairs, offering the two a look of disdain as it fled. Using her Word of Radiance cantrip, Leiya discovered that the divine light was extremely efficacious against the outsiders. On a quick whim, Blalocke hit the priestess with a potent Haste spell. As the world seemed to slow around Leiya, Riardon moved into a flanking position against the demonic foe Leiya and Hubert had been facing down. He had chosen the Shocking Grasp cantrip and discovered that the creatures were immune to electricity, The Elven man felt deep frustration. Facing off against one of the shadow demons alone, Jolrael used a sorcerer’s trick to turn his Aganazaar’s Scorcher from a fire based magic to a sound based attack. His spell only slightly wounded the fiend.
Breaking away from Hubert and Leiya, their shadow demon started to flee down the stairs but Enkili headed it off. Using his new training, the fighter rained two quick but powerful attacks on the abyssal creature, and even though he inflicted more damage (Great Weapon Master feat), the shadow demon shrugged most of the slashes off. A Chromatic Orb spell set to do ice damage proved totally ineffective against the sorcerer’s shadow demon. Running up to flank Enkili’s new opponent, Leiya was able to use her Word of Radiance and mace to severely wound that demon. Finally getting a sneak attack with his Fire Bolt cantrip, Riardon hit Jolly’s creature and did a little damage. Happily, Blaylocke discovered that his Dissonant Whispers spell did damage that the demon’s were not immune or resistant too.
Enkili’s opponent slipped by the two heroes harrying it and tauntingly sped down stairs into a dark pillared chamber. The shadow demon that Jolrael had been fixed upon also disengaged and headed for the stairs, but the heroes concentrated all their attention upon it. Enkili was able to destroy that creature after a rain of spells reduced it sufficiently. The fighting man warned his friends that the fiends wanted them to follow them down the steps, so the heroes hesitated at the top of the stairs. Those that could see deep enough into the darkness hurled spells at the flitting shapes they could see. With the sharpest eyes, Riardon was able to discern that the surviving shadow demons were pulling darkness into themselves and regenerating from the damage dealt them. He even noticed one shadow demon split a third smaller shadow demon from itself.
Taking the time to reassess her mode of attack, Leiya cast Aid on Riardon, Jolrael, and Enkili. Alarmed at the idea of the shadowy fiends subdividing while healing themselves, Enkili succumbed to the impulse to dash down the stairs and take cover behind a pillar. In doing so he set off two magical fire traps, but he was only hit by one of them for just a little damage. Shaking his head at his human friends impatience, Riardon explored the steps ahead of himself and found no pressure plate traps waiting his step. Blaylocke hurled another Dissonant Whispers spell into the dark.
Seemingly to magically fork a poisonous Chromatic Orb spell at two fiends just at the edge of the light from Enkili’s enchanted headband, Jolly hurled his spell. Unfortunately his aim was off with both attempts. Following the fighting man’s steps, Leiya descended the stairs while casting Spirit Guardians on herself, she discovered that the pressure plates did not reset from their earlier trampling. This new spell caused her Bless spell to depart though. Blaylocke and Jolrael both repeated the same attacks they had used before, all three spells hit but the twinned poison spells from the sorcerer did no damage. The shadow demons were immune to poison, cold, and electrical attacks, resistant to physical and all other magic effects, but psychic damage was normal while they exhibited a vulnerability to radiant damage. Hubert had shifted to his sling and was doing ranged damage when he hit.
Seeing that Leiya was surrounded by magic that could do real damage to the shadow demons, and noting that Leiya had not been harmed because she had followed his path, Enkili decided to clear her path to the fiends taunting them from deeper in the chamber. He set off four traps as he dashed to the two closest shadow demons. Almost dead from the flames, the fighter surged with frantic fury and attacked a freshly spawned shadow demon. His attacks were enough to kill the creature in its weakened state, then Enkili Breathed deeply and seemed to recover slightly from his burns. Wanting to berate her friends stupid gesture, the priestess did follow the fighter. In her quickened state she was able to cast Word of Radiance on the fiendish foe, then a Word of Healing upon Enkili.
Unwilling to face the mortals, the farthest demon floated further away from the party, the shadow demon before Leiya was unable to withstand the flitting little fairy creatures of the Spirit Guardians spell and was burned completely away. Jolly misses with his next ranged spell, but Riardon was able to strike the last villain. Two sling stones from Hubert did their little bit of damage. The shadow demon took shelter behind the last pillar in the chambers western side, so Leiya advanced upon it (setting off a trap as she moved, but no fire touched her) while Enkili proved ineffectual with his bow. Not liking the Spirit Guardians spell, the last demon slipped passed the priestess to beset the still weak fighter. Enkili punished the demon for that move, but did not drop it. Also setting off a trap so that he could get an angle to fire from, Riardon spun passed the flames so he could try to hit with his Fire Bolt. Blaylocke did not like the idea of trying to get an angle passed the pillars by stepping off the safe path in the room, so he cast Healing Word on Enkili.
Hubert followed the safe path to get behind Enkili and plied his sling. The young sidekick’s barrage was able to bring the monster down. After deciding they needed to find a safe place to rest the party tracked back up to the pool room. Riardon insisted on checking all the doors for traps before the group opened the small door on the south western wall. It opened upon a ten foot wide hall running to the west, after thirty feet that passage narrowed until it was naught but five foot wide. Sharper eyed party members like Blaylocke and Rairdon could see a possible chamber at the end of that narrow hall.
*With few spells left and very few other tricks up their sleeves, the party had to leave off here. Our next game will be held Sunday June 12th. Until then, have fun and pray for fantasy mayhem!
Highlights of Episode Forty Five
Iiyoltan the 6th, CY1031
After studying the tapering hallway before them, the group discussed their need to rest. (rules as written would have made the party hang out for 18 hours in order to get a long rest) Since it was still early in the day they chose to rest for an hour, which they did back in the entry chamber with the horned man bas-relief. Returning to the passage that tapered down to a five foot wide hall, the party headed west passing a twenty by twenty chamber and coming to a three way intersection with halls continuing to the east and north; a door sat in the wall south of the northern branching. At the intersection Riardon peeked around the corner and jerked back, urging his friends to collapse back the way they had come. No one but the sharp eyed Elven man could see the creature that rounded the corner, not even when it attacked Enkili; pushing the fighter back ten feet in its attempt to eat him. When Riardon's Fire Bolt hit the monster they all could see a cube shaped being that had psuedopods reaching from its three dimensional square body.
An icy spell from Jolrael damaged the creature but Leiya failed to burn it with divine light. The priestess also summoned forth her Spiritual Weapon which did hit the cubic monster. Enkili had pulled his bow thinking he would fight the creature from range, however it was on him before he could see it. Dropping his bow he pulled Dan Dan Ve Panje and struck with all his might, twice, making the creature explode into a puddle of liquefied goo. They discovered a small room through the southern door, which was filled with predominantly gray mushrooms; though a wide variety of colors were present. Under the bed of fungi were bone shards and rusty metal fragments.
Continuing west down the narrow hall they found a place where the floor had crumbled away. A pool of clearest water rippled in the dark, it’s bottom visible yet giving the sense of great depth. Jolrael cast Light on a sling stone and had it cast into the water. After waiting several long moments the stone never touched that bottom. Backtracking to the north juncture, the party moved in that direction and found a room that had been destroyed by an old acid trap. Nothing whole was found, so the heroes moved along. The passage had two halls that turned left, they took the southernmost path and found their way back to the pool room, after passing a place where several statues and pedestal had been destroyed in an alcove.
On yet another path the party again looped about and found themselves in a chamber adjoining the pool room; this chamber linked to the pool room through the large stone door on that room’s south western wall. North of those doors fifty feet or more was another doorway that opened on steps leading down. Four pools that looked like oil suddenly sprouted tentacle like tendrils and slid toward the party. Fire hurt the creatures, but ice did not. Blaylocke had his leather armor destroyed by acid with one hit of a tendril, so the bard created a margin of distance between himself and the caustic beings. Enkili learned that his sword only split the creatures making more of them to deal with. He ceased his assault in order to bring forth his mace. Hubert’s bullets had damaged one of the ooze creatures showing that blunt weaponry was viable. On a side note, acid burned the fighters sword from his splitting the crawling thing, erroding its integrity. While retreating the fighter was hit once. His armor dissolved to a small degree, but Enkili himself suffered a terrible injury, losing half his life in that one blow.
*That is this session’s cliff hanger, Blaylocke and Riardon are about to be split from the group being hearded to the south while everyone else is north (though two paths will reunite the party if they are cut off in this long chamber). Our fighters now know that they can do little harm to the beasties, and they hope that Jolrael, the bard, and the other two spell casters can sway the encounter. Or will we have to roll up a new band of adventurers? This question will resolve on the 10th of July.
Highlights of Episode Forty Six
Iiyoltan the 6th- 7th, CY1031
Shaken by the harm done to his sword and armor from the black slime creatures, Enkili took his time putting Dan Dan Ve Panje away and pulling his bow. He would regret this hesitation shortly. Knowing that his sling produced results, Hubert continued to snipe from his position north of the beings. Seeing all the puddings pull themselves up the stairs from their room below and pour into the hall, Riardon fell back behind Blaylocke and burned one of the sword divided slime’s with his Fire Bolt. Seeing that Enkili hadn’t blocked his ability to use a ranged spell for once, Jolrael produced a stronger than normal Aganazaar’s Scorcher, and caught four of the (now) five black pudding’s. Leiya caught all the creatures in a Slow spell but only affected two of them.
Though smaller than the other living slime creatures, the divided black pudding Riardon had burned turned on Blaylocke and easily struck the Bard through his ruined armor. This made the Dwarven man reel. At the same time, one pudding crawled across the ceiling and cut off Leiya’s retreat to the north, while another blocked her path south. Yet even surrounded, she came to little harm as the creatures tendrils lashed out but mostly missed. Blaylocke was wounded again and fell unconscious to the ground. Another black pudding slithered south to beset Blaylocke and Riardon.
Enkili, Hubert, and Jolly were just north and the closest to the trapped Leiya. Jolrael (Jolly) upcast Aganazaar’s Scorcher again but did not seem to bring as much harm as the last time. The pudding that had slithered across the ceiling to block Leiya off had brought itself next to both Hubert and Enkili. Hubert drew a mace and struck the overhead horror, splattering himself with acid even as he hurt the pudding. Leiya, ever devoted to her goddess, eschewed fear for her own safety and cast Healing Word on Blaylocke then casts a divine light type of power on the Bard, but she got hit for her troubles. A black pudding would be destroyed by this divine light even as it would strike the bard.
Knowing that his hesitation was the reason Leiya was in her predicament, Enkili turned into a cyclone of action. Transferring his useless bow to his off hand, the Mandagan pulled his mace and plowed into the ceiling crawler. Pulling upon the power of his Coin of Fate, the fighter struck a nerve center in the amorphous being with one of his four attacks; accidentally striking another nerve cluster a second time (two critical hits). Even though he splattered himself with caustic juices and etched the hell out of his heavy mace, he killed the pudding to clear a path for the priestess to escape. However a tendril struck the young woman and knocked her out before she could capitolize on the opportunity.
Catching two of the black puddings with his last big spell, Jolrael cast Aganazaar’s Scorcher to good effect, then pulled forth a Potion of Healing to use on Leiya if given the chance. Dodging slime tendrils, Enkili ran to Leiya, grabbed her up and pulled her away from the three black puddings trying to engulf her. Hubert, being closer and faster than the sorcerer, pulled his Potion of Healing and revived the priestess. Blaylocke was able to stand after his healing, and dodged away from his foe to a place of relative safety behind Riardon. The small slime pulled itself next to the Elven rogue and struck him soundly. Without a priestess to wail upon, one of the three puddings chose to slither south, while another crawled north and attacked poor Leiya; but missed.
The larger black pudding that had just shifted south hit Riardon and rendered him unconscious. Though assailed by slimy tentacles, Leiya was able to cast a Mass Healing Word spell reviving Riardon and bolstering everyone else; she then withdrew out of melee range. Before the Elven man could make a move though, the smaller pudding whipped him with a tendril and sent him off to dreamland again. Just as the larger of the southern puddings was ready to strike the helpless rogue, Blaylocke hit it with Dissonant Whispers. Compelled by the magic the blob fled north away from its intended victim.
Enkili and Hubert tag teamed the pudding closest to them with their dwindling maces. Using Meta Magic to transmute a Ray of Frost spell into a Ray of Flame spell, Jolrael torched a pudding; taking great delight in the sizzle that ensued. All the black puddings in the northern portion of the hall were now slain. That left the pudding that had fled Blaylocke and the smaller one rearing over Riardon. Transmuting his magic again, Jolrael cast Ray of Flame, going for the distant pudding and killing it before it could harm Riardon anymore. Hubert and Enkili used ranged weapons and did a little damage. Out of spells, Jolly also reverts to the sling to hurl stones, but the last black pudding was slain by Blaylocke. His last Dissonant Whisper spell, though not powerful, was enough to blast the life out of the oily blob.
Riardon lashed out at Enkili for bringing them to Dharsta as the party drug itself back to the entry chamber to take a long rest. The larger man did not defend himself, looking at everyone’s ruined armor and weapons deflated the fighter immensely. After hearing Jolrael express a wish to leave, they discovered that the trap door above them would not open. They were trapped in Dharsta, their only hope was to find another route out… if it existed.
Safe in the chamber, the party took a longer than normal rest. Spells were shifted in the caster’s repertoire to better serve their predicament. Then the group returned to the black (eastern facing) pudding room. Going down the steps they found a ‘U’ shaped chamber that was beyond clean. They discovered quite a few gem stones and a strange crystalline orb. No one was willing to cast a Detect magic or Identify spell this soon in the new day, so they took the orb and gems and moved to a door a few steps down from the pudding room. Beyond this door was a short hall (heading west) that lead to a 15’x15’ room with a door along the eastern part of the northern wall….
*We leave off here, with Riardon just about to check for traps and the lock status of this door. We will resume on the 24th of July.
Highlights of Episode Forty Seven
Iiyoltan the 7th, CY1031
Disclaimer. Due to health issues and poor attention skills, this recap will not be as in depth as prior episodes.
After determining the door was not trapped, the party opened the upward sliding door and passed through. Though there were many corridors heading north, the party followed as westerly of a path as they could. At one point Riardon found an anomaly set into the floor, and with Blaylocke’s help they discovered and disarmed a pressure plate that would have dropped a large stone on the party and cut off their path. In a nearby room they found what seemed to be a golden statuette surrounded by tapestries that had been reduced to ribbons by time. The statue was of stone with gold paint and held no value.
Still heading more west than north, a room was found where water had eroded the walk away and cut the room in half. Jolrael cast Light on two stones, the first stone was tossed across the room to reveal a double wide door on the far side of the pool; the next light was dropped into the water where nothing was discovered. Though the fighter swore he could make it to the far side with little effort the rest of the group chose to turn back and find another route. Going back to the closest north bound hall, the party took that route and found an east directed branch. This hall led the party almost back to the place with the Black Pudding room, so the group retraced their route to a west leading branch.
An irregular shaped chamber was found that had three pools of water. A large body of water clung to the northern walls, a smaller pool was immediately south of the door, and in the south west was another slightly larger pool. After Riardon crossed the narrow path to the western side of the room, and Blaylocke and Enkili were stuck in the middle of this path, two creatures made of water rose; they wore armor and bore tridents. One came from the middle northern greater pool and the other rose from the south eastern pool to surprise the party. In less than twelve seconds Enkili and Riardon were severely wounded, before they had a chance to strike back.
Part of the Water Elemental Myrmidon’s (player knowledge not character) tactics was to melee then hurl their tridents at targets that had tried to use missiles or spells. Those tridents would magically return to the Elemental’s hands, on top of that they could randomly burst out and do cold damage at random times. Hubert and Enkili’s weapons did not make much impact on the watery creatures, but the caster’s spells seemed to have normal efficacy against them. Unfortunately Blaylocke and Leiya had to focus on healing the party rather than deal damage with their magic, but when the Water Elementals eventually absorbed a lot of damage they changed tactics. The creatures started to dive into one pool and pop out of another, attack, then return to the water.
Enkili crossed over to the middle of the room to help Blaylocke, which allowed one Elemental to take advantage. It attacked the less hearty people the fighter had left behind and struck Jolrael down, because he had been doing a lot of damage to the creatures, then it knocked Leiya out because she had been keeping the party on their feet. Riardon, who remained bad off through the entire fray, had been forced to take cover and attempt to snipe with his Fire Bolt cantrip, then run for another bit of cover. Blaylocke desperately healed Leiya from afar while shooting with his bow or switching to his sword. Both he and Enkili were forced to place either a bow or sword at their feet and switch weapons every turn as one elemental harried them then took cover. Leiya, managed to dodge away from her assailant and erect a Spiritual Guardians spell.
That spell and some well placed shots by Riardon and the sorcerer (who was healed then dropped again) finally slew the Water Elemental Myrmidons. However the party had expended a lot of resources to win this victory. They returned to the chamber that had two doors and took a short rest( the same room they had started in this episode). Many aspersions and glares were shot at Enkili who felt wretched for drawing his friends to this cursed and oppressive ruin; he no longer thought reclaiming the family heirloom was a worthy endeavor.
*Our next game will be August 7th
Highlights of Episode Forty Eight
Iiyoltan the 7th-8th, CY1031
Realizing that relying on their memory might not be the best navigational tool, the party debated how best to record their path. As no party member had paper or parchment to draw a map upon, and there was no coal or chalk, Enkili used his curved dagger (khanjar) to lightly incise arrows upon left hand walls. Not having taken this precaution before, the party ended up revisiting the water room with the narrow ledge they had avoided mere hours prior. They had to retrace their steps to take a northern hall. In the first room they encountered they met a creature that appeared to be a giant floating eye beset with many tentacles. Riardon and Blaylocke were grappled before the party could implement their plan to run away.
Midway through the battle, Blaylocke realized that they were facing a being related to an Eye Tyrant. Enkili discovered that he was easily able to slice the monster with his big blade. Unfortunately this caused blood to spurt out, and that hemoglobin carried an electrical charge that damaged everything near the creature. Forewarned of the shocking blood, Hubert pulled a mace and helped the fighting man from Mandagar flank the unnatural beast. Leiya managed to curse the being with a Slow spell, while Riardon squirmed loose from the tentacle holding him and hit it with a Fire Bolt cantrip.
Hubert discovers that bludgeoning weapons did not incite an electric spray from the beast with a savage blow from his mace. Blaylocke also wriggled free of the tendril holding him, then chanted a melody that inspired Enkili. Riardon took the opportunity to escape the abberation’s twenty foot grasp and used his cantrip at distance. Blaylocke let fly with an arrow which caused the electric blood spray to coat Hubert and Enkili. Jolly, Leiya, and Hubert were grappled after Blaylocke tried a Dissonant Whispers spell. On their turns Leiya and Hubert freed themselves from the groping appendages, unfortunately Jolrael could not and suffered horribly for it. Mouth like cups at the end of the tentacles began to suck the sorcerer’s blood. Blaylocke tried his Dissonant Whispers spell again.
It sucked more of Jolly’s blood and zapped him with an electrical charge. Blaylocke upcast his mind altering spell, expending his last spell slot to do so, and drove the creature back. Unfortunately it could not flee far so its elastic tentacles continued to clutch the sorcerer, when it drained blood a third time Jolrael lost consciousness. Desperate and horrified, Enkili delivered a feinting attack on the monster and scored a killing blow. Leiya, who was also drained of magic used a cantrip ( Spare the Dying) to stabilize Jolly. Bruised and battered the party realized they had drained their resources for the day so they retreated to the room they had taken their last short rest and spent the night.
In the morning Leiya contacted Llain with her Sending spell and told the hunter about their predicament. The woodsman decided he would go home but return in five days. While they had rested the party used magic to figure out the crystal orb they had found in the black pudding room. It turned out as an Orb of Shielding (Yhnad Skarn helps resist poison and acid), which was an item Jolrael could use.
Returning to the Beholder Kin’s room, the party continued to explore. Opening a door they found themselves in a short hall between a northern chamber, a southern chamber, and east bound stairs going up. Up above they saw a pillar that looked as though symbols or speech was carved upon it, so the party was drawn upward. When Riardon stepped upon the pedestal the pillar rested upon two armored earth elemental type beings rose up out of the floor and attacked the party.
Falling back upon an old favorite of his, Jolrael cast Thunderwave which failed to hurl their opponents back; it did cause rocks to fall upon everyone from the ceiling. After observing the primordial beings for a few seconds Blaylocke inspired Enkili again. Riardon decided to ply his bow but missed. Hubert hit and discovers his scimitars did less damage than normal. Leiya summoned forth her Spirit Guardians and drew the wrath of one of the elementals. She was hit by a stone maul that caused a thunderous burst that knocked the priestess off her feet and caused another shower of debris from the ceiling. Lieya stood and healed herself with magic but was attacked again. Riardon also suffered a maul attack. Blaylocke, who faced the same elemental as Riardon and Leiya, disengaged and retreated; he then upcast Healing Word on the priestess. Enkili received a thunderous attack that dropped rocks from above that damaged several people. Hubert punished that elemental by landing a pair of blows, but the monster fixed upon Enkili and struck the man savagely. Enkili saw stars and looked rubbery in the legs.
Jolrael tried using Gust of Wind to blow an elemental away from Leiya, but the creature retained a firm stance. The sorcerer then Twinned a Ray of Frost spell and hurled ice at both creatures. Leiya disengaged from her first opponent and joined Hubert, Riardon, and Enkili with the foe they faced. Without the priestess to pick on, the elemental closed with Jolly and Blaylocke. Blaylocke used Healing Word on Enkili then successfully shot an elemental with arrows….
*This is where we left off on our game. Our next session will most likely fall on the 4th of September after our good friend and DM recovers from surgery. He has our love and prayers.
Highlights of Episode Forty Nine
Iiyoltan the 8th, CY1031
Dust and small pebbles continued to patter from the ceiling when Hubert tried two attacks against the Earth Elemental pinioned between Enkili and himself. His swings whooshed through the air then clanged off of thick armor to no effect. Against the other Myrmidon, Jolrael missed with a fiery Chromatic Orb; the thick bodied elementals only seemed ponderous. Enkili set himself up for a particularly vicious strike when he used a missed shot to measure his opponents spacing. Almost at the same second, Riardon sneakily placed a Firebolt spell in a tender area upon the other primordial creature. Leiya’s continuing Spiritual Guardians spell chewed away at both Earth Elementals physicality, and Jolly’s Gust magic pushed their one enemy back to a far wall; it spent its entire turn struggling to get back into range against Jolrael.
Jolrael uses that opportunity to Twin a Chromatic Orb spell, but missed with both evocations. Though his arrow glanced off a pauldron, Blaylocke succeeded in granting the sorcerer an inspiration. Weapons and spells continued to be wielded for several seconds more between the combatants, some hitting others missing their marks; before the battlefield shifted in what appeared to be a poor direction for the heroes. The Myrmidon facing Riardon and Jolly stepped out of the windy Gust spell’s path and helped knock Leiya out cold with a thunderous burst. However rocks from the ceiling struck and killed the other elemental. That Elemental Myrmidon exploded, sending stony shrapnel throughout the room, which did nothing to improve the unconscious priestess’ condition.
Attempting to render Leiya assistance, Jolrael skirted around his friends to find an open spot in the cordon around the last elemental. He adjusted the angle of his Gust spell and shoved the earthen being a full fifteen feet south, he then started to staunch Leiya’s seeping wounds. The Myrmidon pushed itself all the way back and hammered on the sorcerer. Using the creatures singular focus against it, Riardon ran over and dragged Leiya to the far eastern wall safely away from mauls, falling stones, and exploding Earth Elementals. As the rogue shot Blaylocke looks of appeal, the other heroes flailed in their efforts to kill the last creature. Finally Enkili pulled the creature about to help the injured Jolrael extract himself from further harm. The fighting man landed a killing blow. He and Hubert absorbed the explosion. All was silent (except for the mirage of the Beholder Kin that seemed to step through a door(inside joke)).
Though battered and running real low on spells and resources, the party continued to explore after a short rest. A hall from the northern chamber met a corridor running all the way to the doors at the southern chamber, it also led north which is the direction the adventurers took. That path turned west soon enough and Enkili marked their way with arrows carved into the wall, as Riardon demanded more space as he scouted their path. The Elven burglar found a stair down into a chamber that was lit with a strange red glow. He slowly made his way down and discovered glowing writing along a wall in an open chamber. While trying to close to within reading range, the glow flared up and two armored fire elementals manifested. Fire Elemental Myrmidons!
As the heroes gaped, momentarily stupefied, the two creatures carved on Riardon with their fiery scimitars. When the party started to rally from their surprise, one Myrmidon exited the chamber through a door to the chamber’s south. It would reappear behind the party a few seconds later. Meanwhile the other Elemental accepted the attacks of Hubert, Enkili, and Leiya. Riardon used the advent of his friends to pull back to relative safety. He was forced to face the second Myrmidon when it assaulted Jolrael from behind. Bruised and bloodied, Jolly cast Tidal Wave. He only annoyed the second Elemental which began to pick on the sorcerer in retaliation. The terrain kept Blaylocke and Riardon from rendering Jolrael effective assistance, so the sorcerer continued to get slashed and sliced. Another watery iteration of his spell brought him no relief and he soon dropped.
In the chamber, the first Elemental attempted to slip away from the fighters, but they hounded the being with steel and determination. It pushed through Hubert and tried to bully Leiya, but she used her spells and abilities with great efficacy. Hubert eventually brought that Fire Myrmidon down. However, poor Jolrael was near death in that moment. Alerted by the urgency in Blaylocke and Riardon’s voices, the fighters pushed through the others to close with the last Elemental. Though it tried to push past Enkili to get to the stricken sorcerer, it was thwarted several times by the fighting man and the punishing sword of Riardon. The last Fire Elemental succumbed to a mighty but lucky blow from Enkili and it sputtered out, doused by the party’s might.
*The party received enough experience to level up, but they are unable to slip away for training. Once again they are near death and out of resources, so we were in the middle of talking about a long rest as this game drew to a close. We will resume this narrative on the 18th of this month, until then take care of yourselves and the ones you love.
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Joined: May 2015
09-18-2022, 07:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2023, 03:14 PM by frenzied67.)
Highlights of Episode Fifty
Iiyoltan the 8-9th, CY1031
Trying to retrace their way back to a safe room to rest the night away, the party accidentally found a chamber they had not explored before. Fortunately Riardon spotted the armored air elementals from a distance. Out in the corridor, Jolrael heard the Elven man’s exclamation and ran back to a doorway and prepared himself to trigger the opening mechanism; that door was just north of the entry the rogue had taken. When Riardon flew through the chambers doors, the sorcerer opened his door, which caused the southern door to automatically close. From there the party dashed west.
At the first north south intersection Enkili chose to run south, thinking that he could lead his friends back to explored territory. However when the hallway ended their choice was a flooded room to the west or a closed door to the east. Riardon chose to open the mystery door and when when it slid up they faced one of the Air Elemental Myrmidons. The Rogue spent his turn slapping the mechanism that closed the door back up. The three in the outer chamber heard something slam into that door.
Sure that they were being chased by their doom the party raced to the north, then they were forced east all the way back to the three adjoining octagon rooms the Earth Elemental Myrmidons had lived in. Their mad fearful career took a minute and a half, before they started to realize both that they were not being chased at all, and they were cornered. Riardon crept back to the northern door they had triggered to reveal the Air Elementals; that door was still sealed shut. Enkili offered a long prayer in his native tongue, the only words the other members might have understood was the two names Mahkim and Ahme, then the name of the ruins they were in, Darsta. The fighting man acknowledged that he was not pure enough to search for the lost heirloom and all he wanted was a way out of the fallen city for his friends.
Tired from all the fighting and running they camped in the middle octagon room because it had the most exits for them. They remained unmolested through the full day and night they camped. In the morning the adventurers decided that they would rather go through the elementals than take the one north western hall they had not explored. They devised a plan at the northern door to send Riardon in first to lure a Myrmidon out, and then they were going to shut the door blocking off the second air elemental. Spells like Aid, Bardic Inspiration, and Spiritual Guardians were cast before the plan was implemented. Then Riardon crept in, and let the elementals know he was there, then he ran back as he had the day before. When the Air Elemental Mymidon’s arrived they were one before the other, their turn ending just before any of them stepped all the way through the door's frame. The Sorcerer also adressed them in Primordial, invoking the name of the ancient Storm King Alutha (based upon a legend someone recalled about King Alutha and his super fast invulnerable Air Elemental Myrmidon soldier/servants). As had been the habit with all the elementals before, these creatures of air ignored Jolly's words.
Jolly hit the lead creature with an ice spell that would cause it hardship in hitting any of his friends for a moment. So as not to have the door frame provide his victim any cover, Enkili stepped out from beside the door, hit with a Distracting Strike, then missed with a quick follow up shot. He then stepped aside to allow Jolly another spell attempt. The sorcerer hit with an ice cantrip that slowed the same elemental’s movement, then Hubert stepped around and immitated Enkili with his pair of attacks then stepped back aside. After that, Leiya stepped up to the creature and hit with a Word of Radiance which did no damage (unlike the Spirit Guardians spell in effect, the Myrmidon's speed is reduced by half in addition to the damage); she then was struck as she glided away. His eyes going strange, Blaylocke cast Dissonant Whispers on the lead Elemental causing it to react in pain.
*This fight just got started as our game day drew to a close. We had spent a lot of time and party cleverness avoiding a pursuit that never manifested. Our next game will be October 2nd. We have just learned that our October 30th game will be a horror themed one shot, details coming….
Highlights of Episode Fifty One
Iiyoltan the 9th, CY1031
Seeing the two air elemental Myrmidons lined up in a row just outside of the room, Jolrael upcast Aganazaar’s Scorcher; his fire catching both creatures. Hubert then stepped around and cut the lead myrmidon with two slashes, before stepping back. Choosing his time with precision, Blaylocke sent a Dissonant Whispers spell into the lead elemental. It turned and fled heading back the way it had come. The other being of air slid into the room and zeroed in on Leiya, whose continuing Spiritual Guardian spell was effecting it and its friend to a great extent. Lightning and sparks arched off the myrmidon’s flail as it caused a lot of harm to the priestess.
On her turn, Leiya cast Healing Word on herself, then Word of Radiance on her tormentor. The second air elemental returned to the rooms doorway, and tried to flail Enkili and Hubert but only managed to strike the door frame. Knowing the myrmidon would be displaced with the closing of the door, Enkili filled the doorway with his bulk before hitting the trigger to close the door, forcing the myrmidon to retreat away from the party. He then moved behind the first elemental and distracted it so that Leiya could safely disengage and scamper off to a safer position. After Riardon missed with his Flaming Sphere cantrip, the second air elemental proved it could open the door. It did so then moved through the room attacking and missing Hubert then Enkili. It did hit Leiya though, bringing her to a desperate position health wise.
Singing an upcast Word of Healing on Leiya, Blaylocke’s next move was to draw and ply his short bow. Trying to put some oomph into his blow, Enkili tried to be fancy with his first attack but was humbled by a miss. Though his second attack hit, he did not try that attack with anything special. The second air elemental Myrmidon began to move deeper into the room, focusing all of its attacks on Enkili; missing the first two swings but catching the fighter with its third flail assault.
After Hubert only hit with one of his scimitar attacks, Jolrael split a Flaming Sphere attack. He hit the first creature but missed the one that had hurt Leiya. Avoiding being drawn into melee with the second elemental, Blaylocke disengaged but still gifted the priestess with a healing spell. For her part, Leiya killed the second myrmidon with her Word of Radiance spell. The surviving air elemental myrmidon flailed at Enkili. Electricity crackled and made the big man whimper from the damage delivered. An upcast Chromatic Orb met that creature before it could gloat at the damaged it had done. Riardon finally hit with a Flaming Sphere and slew the last air elemental myrmidon.
Just as the last creature imploded and winked out of existence, the entire underground facility began to shake. Nearby doors whisked open, and from sounds deeper in the dungeon the sound of all nearby apertures grinding open met the players hearing. Before the stone on stone noise of the doors rumbled to a halt the cries and calls of beasts and monsters from afar started up; in less than a minute the sound of roaring flame was added to the bestial tumult. With some of the party fearing the imminent collapse of Darsta’s ruins, the group dashed into the room where the last elemental enemies had lived. Passing into an eastern running hallway through the southern door, the party passed a set of open double doors facing south then came upon a dead end room at the end of that run.
Pushing passed his friends, Enkili made it back to the open double doors to the fire trapped room where they had fought the shadow demons on their first day in Darsta. Three cadaverously thin creatures with glowing eyes and pronounced canines were slinking toward them in that room. Wanting to run, Enkili placed himself one step down in front of his friends and set himself as a guard. Though Jolly had encouraged everyone to run, he moved to the Mandagan’s side on the steps and hit the undead beings with a Tidal Wave spell. Two of the benighted creatures were swept off their feet, the water spell seeming to do great harm even to the one who remained upright. All three creatures surround Enkili. Leiya pulled upon the power of her goddess and made two of the three flee in terror. Blaylocke shot the one that stayed. Before the vampire like adversary had a chance to maul Enkili, Riardon cast a Protection From Evil spell on the fighting man. This caused the hissing creature to miss every attack. It then scuttled up the wall to cling to the ceiling, it then moved over the top of Jolly and Blaylocke to go after Leiya.
Damaging spells whipped up at the undead being from the party to varying degrees of success, but it took Enkili barging through Jolly and Blaylocke to close with his sword before the creature was undone. Not wanting to go into the room that had demonstrated all its fire hurling traps reset after a few seconds, the party decided to head back to a west running hallway near the air elemental’s room. They circumvented the trapped chamber and returned to the pool room. To the south east was the door that led to their way out. In the west and southwest were doors to halls and chambers the group had already explored. On the eastern wall was a doorway into unexplored territory.
Though he had been excoriating Enkili with barbs every since the door out had locked them in, it was Riardon who seemed the most reluctant to leave without Enkili finding his Family sword. The Elven man led the way to the east door and his keen sight noticed the glittering of undead eyes deep in the shadows down the north directed stairway they had discovered….
*We had to end this session before disposing of the last two lesser vampire creatures. We will conclude that fight on October 16th, and with luck, maybe a few other bouts as well. We will be voting on the genre of our Halloween game during the lull between sessions.
**The vote is in! We are going to visit the wierd west in a game of Deadlands for our Halloween game. In the hopes that my efforts help my fellow gamers here is the URL for the test drive rules. These rules will not help with character creation, Irik will, as usual, be all over that.
Highlights of Episode Fifty Two
Iiyoltan the 9th, CY1031
As the party watched, Riardon tossed a fire bolt down the stair’s steps to have a hissing scream float up in response. Blaylocke began to unlimber his bow, even as he sang a snippet praising Riardon (bardic inspiration); he then prepared to shoot anything that came up from below. Enkili just darted over and put himself before Riardon, and just a little left of the rogue so as not to block any shots. He also prepared to strike out at any attackers. The two vampire spawn flowed up out of the dark and hid just around the corners of the room below, giving themselves cover since they could not close with the party. Interposing himself in front of Riardon, Jolrael flung a frostbite spell hitting the right hand vampire spawn. On her turn, Leiya moved up behind Enkili and bound wounds he had derived from their first altercation with the vampire spawn.
Moving rapidly, Jolrael hit the same vampire with another frostbite cantrip and challenge them to “Come out and play”. His words came just as Hubert pushed passed the sorcerer and set himself defensively in front of everyone. Hungrily the vampire spawn on the left raced up the steps, grabbed Hubert, and tried to sink fangs into vulnerable neck flesh. Blaylocke hit that first spawn with an arrow, helping to throw its bite off target. Riardon used his favorite cantrip to add more punishment onto the over bold creature. Before the second spawn could move from its cover, Enkili danced down the steps and attacked the first vampire creature with two slashes; one of which hit with authority. The big man then moved a couple of steps back so he would not get flanked in turn. Leiya cast Word of Radiance on the first spawn, but it saved and took no damage. The second vampire spawn then moved to successfully grapple and bite Enkili. The party could visibly see the Mandagar fighter wither a little as vitality was taken from him to boost the spawn’s unlife.
With a dexterous twist, Hubert wriggled free of the first spawn's grip and put a great cut on the vile thing (critical). Even as Leiya’s Spirit Guardians chewed at the vampire spawns essence, it tried to place a grip on Hubert again but missed. It’s following bite hit however and new strength flowed from Hubert into the tattered undead. Remembering how potent his last Tidal Wave spell had been, Jolly cast it again, dousing Enkili as he severely damaged both spawn; even though they all saved; Enkili fared better than the vimpiric entities. Delving back into his trick bag, Blaylocke attempted to Charm Person both vampire spawn. Neither creature fell under the bard’s control. With unerring precision, Riardon hit the first spawn with his fire bolt magic, but he had to move to gain a better angle before hand. He abandoned that position so others could move up to get an open shot. Still clutched by the second vampire spawn, Enkili was hit by a claw attack, but the monster’s bite missed flesh. Much of the fighting man’s luck stemmed from the continuing Protection from Evil spell Riardon had laid over him minutes before (last session). It took two tries for Enkili to break free of his captor, but he Action Surged and cut down the first vampire spawn.
Still protected by Riardon’s magic, the second vampire spawn tried to grapple and bite Enkili again, but both attacks missed. Hubert stalked by the second undead creature and carved two big slices out of it. Jolrael grinned happily as his flaming Chromatic Orb wrought painful wounds. At the same moment Leiya poured magical healing upon Enkili. Following her example, Blaylocke sent some healing to the fighter, then shot and killed the last vampire spawn with an arrow. As the last undead fell, the air pressure assailed the party. Distantly groans and the sound of wildfire flared up briefly, an all pervading hum issued from the west in the ruins.
While they debated on whether to go on or rest, the adventurers discovered a jeweled key around the second vampire spawn’s neck. Among bones and debris in the chamber below they also found an electrum dagger inset with a black pearl. A comb set was found that was made in a dragon motif and made of gold and gem stones. There was also a flask with a boiling blue potion inside, it was later identified as a Potion of Heroism. 8 platinum, 33 gold, 57 electrum, 74 silver, and 92 copper coins also made it into the parties pouches.
Even though there were members who wanted to continue on, those who had few resources left prevailed so the party rested in the empty wading pool room. This allowed Hubert and Enkili to recover from the draining effect the vampire spawn had inflicted upon them. Surprisingly nothing afflicted the party through the night, though there were no doors to shelter behind.
Riardon and Blaylocke both decided to find out where the distant humming sound was coming from, and that meant the party found themselves retracing their steps west. They wound through the halls until they came to the first water filled room they had discovered. This time they skirted around the ledge to get on the far side of the deep pool where they found an unexplored set of hallways north. At an intersection that had a chamber to the west and one to the east, both with stairs down, Riardon first moved west. That room was empty, but in the eastern room he found a skeleton with staved in ribs and a broken sword. He discovered old coins 10 of gold and 16 of silver. He also recovered a raw diamond that he speculated must be around 500 gold coins in value.
Eventually the party made it passed the room where they had faced the Water Elemental Myrmidons, just north of that water filled chamber was a room that had four pillars built on raised beds. Riardon had been in that room before during the elemental fight, but there were changes this time. Before the room had been completely dark, now red sigils glowed within the chamber on the rounded uprights. Each pillar seemed to have magical representations of the four elements lit in red. Guessing that they had to touch each pillar in the order of the party’s encounters with the various elemental myrmidons, the sorcerer made his rounds from pillar to pillar touching them as he remembered.
When the first pillar was touched (water) the ceiling of the eastern passage ground down to be block off the hall. The southern passage also closed off their last egress from the pillar room when the second (earth) pillar was touched. The fire pillar saw all torches, candles, lanterns, and items with Continual Flame enchantments snuffed out; the only illumination came from the blood red pillars. When the air pillar was touched a huge Efreet appeared in the room. It first glared at Jolrael, then caught sight of Enkili. “Seed of Harbhamit, you shall die!” it declared. Enkili replied, “ Of all the Djin, Efreet reek the most.” While the oversized Djini stomped on the ground Enkili named it, Amir Mareib (Mandagan for Terror).
Its stomp made the whole room jump (lair action). Everyone but Riardon was knocked off their feet. Just before dodging behind a pillar the Elf pulled his bow and sunk an arrow into the Efreet lord. In retaliation it threw a globe of fire that hit Riardon (legendary action). On its turn it stabbed Enkili on the floor as he had fallen at it’s feet, then tossed another globe of fire, this time at Jolrael (action). A hurled Guiding Bolt from Leiya missed but caused Mareib to blast fire around it’s person, burning Enkili (legendary action). Putting extra power behind his Dissonant Whisper spell, Blaylocke hurled true, but the Amir of Terror used special powers to shake the spell effects off (legendary save). Knowing that he wouldn’t hit Enkili this time, Jolrael attempted his patented Tidal Wave. The Efreeti again called upon special powers to mitigate harm to itself (second legendary save).
Rolling to his feet, the mauled and singed fighter moved around and tried to strike his familial foe with his sword. His first attack missed, so he used a Distracting Strike attack to give himself advantage. That second swing hit and did damage….
*This cliff hanger is a doozy as it is the culmination of a character’s motivating quest, and a face off against a supernatural foe of Enkili's entire clan. Also, we have a Halloween one shot coming up next game so the Dungeon of Dharsta will have to resume in one month's time. We have all chosen our archetypes for this horror western Deadlands game.
Highlights of Episode Fifty Three
Iiyoltan the 10th through Drindos the 10th CY1031
Pivoting around his cover behind a southern pillar, Blaylocke hurled a Healing Word at Enkili, then he lofted an errant arrow in the vicinity of Murieb. In retribution Murieb took two swings at the fighter delivering one more injury. Inexplicably, the Efreet Pasha scanned the room looking for invisible enemies. Mentally altering his magic, Jolrael turned Aganazaar’s Scorcher into Aganazaar’s Chiller. The ice seemed to do full damage. Breaking from cover, Leiya dashed from her southern pillar in order to cast Cure Light Wounds on Enkili. Taking advantage of having two enemies close, the Efreet noble generated a concussive fiery burst. Blaylocke interrupted Murieb with Cutting Words, stealing his mojo so that his spell burst was restrained in the damage it dealt (Blaylocke earned experience for his stinging diatribe).
Hubert also left his concealment from behind the same column Leiya had hidden, he hit twice, the first cut much deeper than the second (critical). Piqued, Murieb hit the loyal retainer with a big bolt of fire, which severely hurt the lad. Being young and quick, Hubert acted next by first flanking the Efreet and striking him twice. Opposite Hubert, Enkili missed with an attack then hit especially solid with a second swing (critical). Muttering a vile curse, Murieb tried to summon forth a poisonous cloud. Blaylocke countered this using a Dispel Magic spell, keeping his friends from having to inhale noxious volcanic fumes. Another Tidal Wave manifested by Jolrael slammed into Murieb, who had to use another dwindling Legendary Save to keep his feet.
When Leiya invoked her Spirit Guardians spell, the fearsome Efreet attempted to Counterspell that magic. Clever Blaylocke negated that Counterspell with one of his own; a quick magical duel that robbed Murieb of the chance to be obnoxious. The Efreet was able to partially fend off the sprite shaped positive energy projections, then it bowled Leiya over with a quick savage overrunning charge. When it moved Hubert thwacked the Efreet with his scimitar, but Enkili missed his opportunity. Next Murieb rained fire upon the prone priestess but could not shake her concentration upon her continuing spell. From behind his northern pillar Riardon sped an arrow strait into the noble Efreet’s kidneys.
Responding negatively to the rogue’s attack from concealment, Murieb flung another blob of fire at Leiya; she again kept her concentration on her Spiritual Guardians. Seeing another opportunity to shoot the Pasha in the back, Riardon tried another shot but the Efreet stepped left instead of right. Not to be outdone, Murieb succeeded in producing a noxious gas cloud that covered Leiya, Enkili, Jolrael, and Riardon. Holding his breath to keep from getting poisonous fumes in his lungs, Enkili closed with the Efreet lord. Smoke stung eyes prevented the Mandagan fighter from connecting with his cuts. In a blast of fire and violent noise, Murieb pulsed a concussive blast that knocked Leiya out and blasted Enkili and Hubert off their feet. Scrambling from prone, while producing a Potion of Healing, young Hubert administered aid to the senseless priestess.
Sensing Enkili’s weakness, Murieb cut at the fighter and brought him down, broken and bleeding out. Jolrael gasped as hot gasses filled his lungs. He was instantly sickened but forced himself to cast Aganazaar’s Chiller again. Murieb’s retributive fire followed the sorcerer as he moved around a corner outside of the poisonous clouds radius, hurting the former sailor badly. Newly revived and having the presence of mind to hold her breath, Leiya stood and cast Mass Healing Word. She was hit by a fiery orb but maintained her feet. From the south, Blaylocke missed with his arrow but further bolstered the freshly risen Enkili with a Healing Word. A geyser of magma was fired at Jolrael. The sorcerer spun mostly out of harms way, so the damage he took was not enough to take him down. Sensing her own weakness, Leiya chugged a Potion of Healing, then improved Enkili’s condition with some healing magic as a bonus action.
Once again Murieb pulsed out a concussive burst of flame. Hubert and Enkili absorbed the damage and kept their feet, Leiya slammed to the ground much worse for wear. Hiding his despair behind a mask of fury, Enkili used his acid weakened sword to strike his ancient family foe. His second shot was a critical, which cut Murieb down. Before the Efreet burst into flame and vanished he cursed Enkili, basically informing the young man that he would never return home to Mandagar, never see his family again, nor fulfill his quest to return the Sainted Sword to his loved ones; or words to that effect. The huge scimitar that Murieb had been wielding lost its illusion enchantment, revealing itself to have seven bulls engraved upon the blade, between their horns were seven moons that each held a pentagram. The Sainted Sword.
Stone ground on stone as the sealed doors began to open. At the same moment the raised dais in the middle of the room rose up to fill a recess in the ceiling. Below the dias was revealed three lock boxes and a locked chest. After numerous adventures without gaining treasure, our adventurers gained fifty five pounds of coin, a plethora of gems and jewelry, and several magic items other than the coveted sword. Laden down, the troop left Dharsta and retrieved their mounts from Llain the Hunter. They turned their steps towards Anstarre where they would spend the next twenty days training and selling their plunder, as well as replacing their damaged arms and armor. Training and guild fees have been paid. Their first night was spent in a wood and thatch inn called the Blushing Ivy, whose owner/proprietor was Peg. Peg proved to be high strung and easily distracted, but she took pride in her stone fireplace.
Here is the party’s list of treasure: Bracers of Defense (+1?), Hewards Handy Haversack, Horn of Silent Alarm (4charges), Potion of Supreme Healing, Elemental Gem (fire), Serpent Scale Armor. The Sainted Sword is currently a +1 weapon and is considered a legendary magic item, it will grow as its wielder grows. 280 platinum pieces, 260 gold, 573 electrum, 740 silver coins, and 924 copper were found. On top of that 3 blood stone gems, 1 box of turquoise animal figurines, brass mug with jade inlays, bronze crown, 2 carnelians, 3 chalcedony, 2 chrysoprase, 4 citrine, a large gold bracelet, 2 moonstones, 2 onyx, 1 quartz, 3 sardonyx, a silver necklace with a gemstone pendant, star rose quartz, and 4 zircon gems swelled the groups coffers.
Highlights of Episode Fifty Four
Drindos the 10th-18th CY1031
For twenty days each member of the party trained during the day, and worked on projects at night (this lasted until Drindos the 10th). They would continue their extracurricular activities for another week after that (Drindos 11th-18th).
For her part, Leiya attempted to contact certain benefactors and friends with divine messaging means. The orphan girl Miria did not respond to the priestess’ hails. The girl could have been asleep, unconscious, unwilling to respond, or dead. High Priestess Jonella of Solare wondered if the party would be returning to the area. Maraudering trolls between Wizard’s Peak and the capitol have been making life miserable for many people in and about Solare. Wellborne Huxley informed Leiya that preparations for war continue though no wars have been declared yet. He also warned her that the party has captured the interest of unknown individuals who may be scrying upon the party’s progress.
Other than learning new songs and a smattering of lore, Blaylocke spent his available hours repairing the plate armor the group captured in the catacombs below Anstare. By the end of training he found himself a mere week from completing this project. He requested the time to finish this errand before the party made a decision on a direction to set their feet.
Learning how to turn himself invisible by arcane means, Riardon decided to spend his free time planning then implementing a break-and-enter caper. He succeeded with little problem, coming away with coin and a wand of some sort. Of course he paid dues to the local underground element and was allowed to keep his new wand. Unfortunately, on Drindos the 11th, he learned that a person knowing of his theft had been captured by the law. The underground element did not think their man would be able to remain silent on Riardon’s involvement, and the Elven rogue had chosen not to share this wrinkle with his friends.
Near the end of harnessing more powerful spells, Jolrael Symara discovered someone had slipped a note into his pocket. This forced the sorcerer to reveal a bit of backstory to the whole party, information that he had only shared with Leiya before then. Jolly had been an ordinary sailor until one day he woke up with a brand upon his upper back/shoulder area and arcane powers buzzing in his cranium. He thinks (with Blaylocke agreeing with him) that the strange mark may be a map. The note he found claimed that he could learn more about his brand if he will show up at a ruined lighthouse along the coast of the Inland Sea.
Enkili bought a wagon, a team of 4 horses, and extra adventuring gear for the party, and a composite longbow for himself. At night he researched the Sainted Sword taken from Murieb and discovered many things lost to his family. From four excerpts the fighter gleaned that three people conspired to craft the sword. Harbhamit (his ancestor) had an Efreet named Haqim and a Djinni named Malaq forge his sword using earth from the elemental plane of earth and a forge from the elemental plane of fire. The Djin folk infused the blade with powers, the Djinni layed spells of protection (against otherworldly beings) while the Efreet infused eldritch powers that harmed as much as they helped. Evidently the Sainted Sword would not become completed until joined with “a coin made from stone, a song stolen from dirt, and a knife from under the hills” were acquired.
After agreeing to let Blaylocke have his week to smith on the armor, the party is considering on traveling back to Solare to check on Miria and kill trolls. In the meantime everyone else is planning on shopping for specific items and researching trolls. Riardon was acting as though he resented this delay in the party’s departure.
*Our next game is scheduled for January 22, 2023.
Highlights of Episode Fifty Five
Drindos the 18th – Kemen the 7th CY1031
After having Enkili finance the last stretch of repairing the black plate and mail, Blaylocke presented the armor to the fighter. Enkili let the bard have his splint mail to sell just to replenish his coin purse. During that week the party learned that trolls quickly regenerate unless acid or fire was used to damage them, which hampers their ability to heal. They come in many kinds depending on their place in the world, and they are related to the various families of giant kind. In the mean time the party discussed returning to Solare in order to learn the fate of Miria and hunt down the trolls ravaging near the capitol.
They arrive at the Pilgrim’s Rest near Elvton on the 25th of Drindos. This is the sanctuary for Wizard’s Peak guild members. After talking to Iriel and Renela, Jolrael turned over the Waverly Plate to the caretakers and got a writ granting the sorcerer permission to read “Whispers of the Pale Lady”. This also placed Jolrael into the member-in-good-standing category as far as his guild dues. Enkili used the pretext of gathering information to ride off to Elvton to visit the ladies of the night and smoke hashish with them. Everyone who stayed at the Rest ate off of a now full set of Waverly Crockery, and were enervated by the dining experience.
Continuing an uneventful journey, the party arrived in Solare in the early evening (6th of Kemen). They set off to lodge in the Rusty Bedpan, only to find the place burned to a husk. Riardon and Blaylocke entered the remains of the inn and poked around. Blaylocke discovered the sign of the Chained Wings carved into the bar top and called the Elven man over to look. Discovering that the emblazoned board was loose, Riardon made sure it was safe before he recovered a paper written to him by his old contact Sess. Sess wrote the names of Borman, his daughter, the cook, and Miria and a few others that had been taken by the slavers to the slave pits of Nemsh via an overland route to The Freehold and then a stop in Yri, which is not a direct path at all (most definitely was way out of the slaver's way to go to Yri). This was all done to punish us for sinking their ship The Torrent when we had last been in Solare.
Seething inside, the party found another inn, The Kings Vine; which was a few steps up on The Rusty Bedpan. Brenson was the innkeeper, a man with long hair fading to gray. The man was festooned with tattos that shared Nautical symbolism and fish. After a rest they rose and set out to gain more information. Leiya attempted to contact the High Priestess at Milosta’s temple, but learned that the exalted lady had gone to Clearbrook to minister and grant aid. So she canvassed her fellow clergy to see if they knew anything. They were unaware of the true happenings in their city. Finding an old beggar the party cajoled a few bits of information from him. His name was Nieman and he had seen the fire “They were took to the docks, put on a ship with red and blue sails”, “Twer others as sure, that were took the nigh(t) before”, “Since the sinkin’ they (the Chained Wings) hide their marks, but are in league with some muckity mucks with pull. Geld is a great incentive.”.
Enkili found a man that had some knowledge. With the threat of angered Tazenite followers hunting the man down, just for displeasing a Mandagan diplomat, Enkili coerced some information loose. He was given the name of a Chained Wings middleman who worked the docks in The Freehold, a man who could be either a pilot or a dock official….
***The name and the information Enkili squeezed from his man will be fleshed out and delivered in full by our next game on February 5th.
Highlights of Episode Fifty Six
Kemen the 8th CY1031
***Note- Failed to get the name and extra information from Enkili’s threats because we forgot to remind the DM before our fifty sixth game. Maybe we will get that info in game fifty seven.
At first the party was pondering setting off for The Freehold to rescue their friends, but Riardon pointed out how many months (8 1/2 roughly) had passed since the abductions. So they committed themselves to hunting down the trolls in the countryside. Melwen’s church was relieved to have Leiya and her friends agree to help, however the church was always “poor” from all their charity work. All they could do was offer three flasks of alchemical fire, ten flasks of regular oil, top off Leiya’s healer’s kit, and grant an extra healer’s kit. They also told the group that a local farmer had agreed to help, but he had failed to arrive to lead the group to the trolls lair that was a seven hour trek away.
They were also told that the trolls marauded during rainy and wet weather. Using Druidcraft to foretell the next day’s forcast, Jolrael determined that it would be cloudy with rain in the evening. After leaving the city (Solare) the party drove or rode into the countryside, eventually finding the farmers hut. The door had been kicked in, the people were missing, and the livestock had vanished. Jolrael and Blaylocke put their heads together to read the sign and discovered that folks had been dragged away, heading towards the mountain where Wizard’s Peak resided. In the hut Riardon and Enkili discovered a rag doll and drag marks, the thatch in the ceiling had been disordered by tall villains.
Since they had arrived in the late afternoon/ early evening, and it was now raining and misty, the party made the decision not to tromp out into the wilderness. Instead they set a fire in the fireplace and stabled their ten horses, hoping the signs of habitation would draw their prey to them. In the middle of their second watch, in the middle of the night, the three trolls came.
Riardon and Blaylocke were up and doing their best to be vigilant when they heard tree limbs being ripped off of wooden trunks. They hurriedly woke Enkili who rose and began to don his newly repaired plate armor. Enkili woke Hubert, Hubert woke Leiya and Blaylocke woke Jolly. Blaylocke helped Enkili put his armor on, while Hubert and Leiya helped each other. Just as they finished they noticed a troll looking at them through a west facing window. Enkili raised a middle finger at the giant then drew the Sainted Sword. Moving over to the window to make his attack, Jolrael discovered a second troll who was closer to them than the first troll was. He hit that creature with a Ray of Frost cantrip which caused it to temporarily slow down, he then moved out of the way.
Hubert chose to move out through the northern wall which was where the main door would have been, moving through the rubble slowed the young man down so he was unable to close with any foes. The troll that Jolly had froze spent it’s turn ripping the western window and wall away, creating another ten foot gap in the hut (the first gap was where the north facing door had once stood). The second troll charged towards Hubert but could not reach him, the NPC was visibly shaken from seeing the big creature bear down on him. A third troll was spotted following behind the first two.
Enkili flowed up to the new western wall gap and tried to intimidate the first troll with his attacks, and even though he critically hit the creature, it found the small human lacking in ferocity; still the troll took a lot of damage with the Sainted Sword doing some fire damage with the deep slashes. Quartering around the rubble in the north of the hut, Riardon moved to support Hubert, his Fire Bolt did not hit troll flesh. Uttering a Dwarven chant aimed at Enkili, Blaylocke sent the fighter an inspiration, yet his arrow did not hit the first troll in the new made gap. Ducking under the bard's flying missile, Leiya moved over to get behind Enkili, she cast Spirit Guardians ensuring the first troll was engulfed by the swarm of glowing angelic sprites she produced.
Blaylocke fired again and hit this time, making the first troll look thoroughly mauled. At the same time the second troll took Riardon’s Fire Bolt straight into the chest, just a second before Hubert hit it with an unlit flask of oil. Unnerved still, the young fighter fell back a few steps trying to get out of the second troll’s line of sight. Sensing that her efforts would be better used with the second troll, Leiya hit the first troll with a Guiding Bolt then moved trying to meet up with Hubert. The second troll arrived before she did, engaging both of them. Hubert blocked that troll from clawing Leiya, but Leiya was too far away to prevent the troll from biting him. The first troll disengaged and fell back to meet the third troll, but could not move fast enough.
Jolrael chased after the first troll and tried to hit it and the third troll with an Aganazaar’s Scorcher. The third troll was too far away to be in range, but the first troll fell, magic fire crackled in the dead giant kin almost merrily. Even though he had killed the first troll, Jolly was exposed to the third troll, so Enkili chose not to go after the second troll, moving to intervene himself between the last troll and the unarmored sorcerer. He then remembered he could action surge and act twice in his turn. So he closed some distance, shouted “Na'adri Haqim (Haqim roars)” slashed the Sainted Sword through the air and a searing cone of fire launched from the blade (as a Burning Hands spell); he then closed and hit with a weapon master heavy attack then a regular attack.
Acting faster this next round Enkili again attacked with his ancestral sword, missing massively the first swing (natural 1), then connected with a critical hit. The third troll was severely singed and had gashes that were frightful to behold. Meanwhile, Riardon hit the second troll with his Fire Bolt cantrip, getting his sneak attack damage, and igniting the oil dripping off it’s body from Hubert’s earlier efforts. Leiya hitting it in the face with a Guiding Bolt was too much for the second troll, it disengaged and began to run away taking more damage from the little fey angels of the Spirit Guardian spell. The third troll also broke free of Enkili and began to hoof it back towards the mountains.
Hubert chased after the second troll but only hit it once, but not hard enough to finish it off. Moving at an angle to put both trolls in range, Jolrael twin cast a Chromatic Orb spell. He hit both trolls with his magic balls, which killed the second troll, but failed to drop the third. Blaylocke also did not like seeing his prey getting away. He cast Haste upon himself and zipped out of the hut. He then fired two shots at the third and final troll and killed it.
*This is where we ended this game. Enkili is going to vote for seeking out the troll’s lair to see if there were survivors and treasure, but his vote has little value after forcing everyone to go to Dharsta for his sword. Our fun should resume on the 19th of February!
Highlights of Episode Fifty Seven
Kemen the 8th CY1031
***The man that Enkili threatened into cooperation two sessions ago informed the fighter that a man named Gaervan Plithy worked for the Chained Wings slavers. He acts as an official on The Freehold’s docks.
After ensuring that the three trolls were indeed dead, the party returned to the hut and partook in a long rest. In the morning they debated on whether they should return to Solare to hire a tracker, head to Solare for the week long market, or try to find the troll’s lair on their own. Feigning to converse with his sword, Enkili voted to try and follow the rain washed tracks towards the mountains; which is the course everyone chose (despite the theatrics, not because of it). As the party traveled, the fighting man mimed having conversations with the Sainted Sword as a joke on the rest of the party. When the rest of the group began to become alarmed, they found the trolls cave in the foothills.
After following a short passage into a large chamber, Enkili acted like the sword had told him to shout into this cavern. There was no reply so he walked in. There was naught but natural detritus inside this large chamber, the only indication that this was where they wanted to go was the troll stench that pervaded the cavern air. Another narrow cave system in the north west corner of the chamber was found, so the party took it.
Riardon took the lead stealthily advancing ahead of the party. No matter how slow he moved, Enkili’s armor rattled and echoed. After a short advance another cavern opened before them. The rogue grew tired of the metallic rattle, so he made everyone stay behind as he moved deeper into the large cavern; his course took him to the east. After several tense and silent moments Riardon ran into a waking nightmare. The creature was truly giant in stature, larger than the trolls they had fought the night before, and it had several arms and heads sprouting from neck and shoulders. There were even trollish faces among the bubo's growing on the things abdomen. A dire troll! It performed a double move to close with the Elven rogue.
Hearing the troll’s roar the rest of the party hastened to close with their friend; making double moves just to barely come within visual range. Riardon slipped away from the greedy reach of the abomination, he darted to hide behind Enkili and hurled a Fire Bolt at the creature, doing a small bit of damage. Blaylocke made his double move and granted Riardon a bardic inspiration. Leiya attempted to cast Slow on the Dire Troll, but it saved.
Acting first the next round, Blaylocke attempted to inflict the troll to a Confusion spell. Again the monstrosity saved. Casting Spirit Guardians, Leiya surrounded herself with the tiny faery angels then moved up next to the fighter so her spell plugged the narrow section of cavern the troll was in. Dancing up til he had his range, Jolrael cast Aganazaar’s Scorcher on the troll. It saved and only took partial damage. Trying to get the Elven morsel it had initially chased after, the dim creature squeezed itself against the wall to squeeze by the fighter. Realizing it had many snacks nearby, it erupted into a whirlwind of claws and teeth that hit Riardon, Leiya, and Enkili. Each of them took a large amount of damage, however, the Spirit Guardian spell took a few bites out of the giant. Enkili attacked twice, once with a heavy weapon master attack then a regular attack. He left his mark on the Dire Troll.
Jolly tried his Aganazaar’s Scorcher again. Again the Dire Troll shrugged off most of the damage, so the sorcerer moved to create space. Not liking being scrunched up against the wall, the troll brushed Enkili, Leiya, and Riardon aside, it’s savagery made the fighting man miss his opportunity attack. Riardon moved south away from the troll then attempted to Fire Bolt their massive foe, his bolt flew wide. On his turn, Blaylocke cast Haste on Enkili. Leiya spent her turn healing herself. When the fighter went, he used his bonus action to bolster his health (Second Wind), then he darted all the way around the troll so he could flank the beast. He did a heavy hit then three other ‘regular’ hits.
Seeing an opportunity to slip a Fire Bolt into the twisted giant, Riardon managed to get his sneak attack in. After the Spirit Guardians mauled it further, the Dire Troll erupted into another whirlwind attack. Leiya, Enkili, and Jolrael all fell unconscious from the battering they took (47 points each). Enkili rolled a 20 on his death save, and Leiya made her save, but poor Jolrael failed his first death save.
Blaylocke sensed that the grotesque creature was on its last legs, so he attempted to finish it with a Dissonant Whispers spell. It shrugged off most of the damage. Trampling the sorcerer under gigantic feet, the troll closed with the bard and erupted into another whirlwind assault. Blaylocke was severely hurt, and Jolrael took more damage (equal to another failed death save). Again the bard tried to finish the creature with his Dissonant Whispers magic, and again a save reduced the spell’s damage. Jolrael tossed his dice and shockingly rolled poorly. He died at the feet of the Dire Troll, broken and bleeding.
As the sorcerer perished, the troll was hit with a well placed Fire Bolt. This time the sneak attack and fire damage was more than the twisted perversion of a troll could take (crit!). It’s body smoldered next to Jolrael Symara’s. Enkili rolled another twenty on his next Death save and came too. Staggering to his feet, the fighter stumbled over to Leiya and bound her wounds with the healer’s kit he carried for the priestess. Riardon pulled forth a potion of healing and revived her.
Seeing all her companions either down or so bloodied that it was a miracle they stood at all, Leiya centered herself and cast a Mass Healing Word on the party. She flinched when her magic did not revive the sorcerer. It took Enkili a little longer to understand their friend’s finality, reading it in Lieya’s face when she refused to stop healing him instead of tending to Jolrael.
Stunned by their friend’s passing, the party rounded up the farmers, father, wife, and daughter, who were stored in the troll’s larder (the only survivors). They also located a large gold bracelet, 7 pp, 13gp, 16 ep, 25sp, and 57 cp. A Death Ward scroll was also located, rubbing salt into the groups wounds. Also, a Potion of Supreme Healing and 3 other potions were located. Leiya states that after a long rest she would like to cast Gentle Repose on Jolly's body.
**This is where we ended the game. The party has gained enough experience to go to eighth level, but they plan on petitioning the church of Melwen to help them return Jolrael to the land of the living. This may not be a realistic endeavor as the party is not of a high enough level to be useful to the church for such a costly spell. The player running Jolly is also seriously considering coming in with another character. The training and revival will be discussed through the next two weeks when we resume our game March 5th.
What will the party do when they notice that Enkili is not pretending to consult his sword anymore? Will they be mad? Will they not say anything at all since their hearts all ache for the loss of their friend? Or will a lynching come about?
Jolrael's Untimely End
Jolrael Symara was a man from the Endelian highlands. We know he was drawn to the sea and offered his prayers to Quendi the god of sea and storm. It is assumed that Jolly spent several years serving as a sailor aboard ocean going vessels. At some point mystery snuck up on the young Endelian man, and he woke to find a brand on his back. It looked like a burn brand of a map, but he had no pain associated with this mark.
This event also seemed to bring forth his sorcerous abilities, as he became a wellspring of arcane energy. Though he never confessed the origin of his distinctive attire, Jolrael wore a head wrap that was multipurpose and double sided. If he reversed the head wrap it glowed with some form of permanent magical light. He also whipped the wrap off his noggin and used it as his personal weapon, a sling for which he was quite adept. His magic seemed a gift from Quendi as wind, thunder, wave, and lightening seemed to be the manifestation of his spells (Storm Sorcerer).
Jolrael Symara met his end facing danger on the behalf of those unable to defend themselves. He was clawed and trampled by a dire troll, a monster of true giant size, unlike the trollish minions he had helped slay the night before. His lilting accent will be missed from the party. He had just learned of a locale that may have held clues as to the origin of his mysterious branding, which drives the tragedy of his early demise home to the rest of us.
**As of 3/4/2023 we learned that Jolrael's player wishes us to return him to life. An excellent idea, as his story arch was coming around to some sort of inciting event. The obituary will stand though, just to remind us that this story is not kind.
Highlights of Episode Fifty Eight
Kemen the 9th - Kirrid the 25th CY1031
Finding the Melwenite church amenable to raising our dead companion, the party learned that twelve hundred and fifty gold was required. Leiya supplied a five hundred gold piece diamond the party had gleaned in a previous adventure, which left the party to come up with seven hundred fifty gold to make up the difference. Riardon remembered a ceremonial dagger that Jolrael had taken as his share of loot, and professed his interest in it. Believing the platinum dagger was worth the remainder, he purchased the dagger for seven hundred fifty which they applied immediately toward the spell. Leiya and a Melwenite priest of high stature retired to a chamber where the long ritual was conducted.
Jolrael Symara walked out of that room with the Onastian priestess. The next act was to spend 13 days attempting to sell the Potion of Longevity. They found a buyer willing to pay 50,000 gp for the draught.
Hard training then ensued, and for the next 24 days, the party crunched to earn new skills and improve themselves. New feats were learned by some, and others improved physical or mental attributes. Although they studied hard, the group could not help but notice the introspective state Hubert had fallen into. At the end of their training they gathered together to deal with their companions musings. As they had thought, the dangers the group were now facing was proving too much for the former urchin. They offered to hire him as a camp guard until he decided what he wished to do.
The next topic the party discussed was what to do about the slavers. Everyone seemed to realize that a counter network would be the best way to combat the established slave network. Hubert expressed an interest in posing as a business owner for an establishment that would network former slaves towards their new free lives; he seemed eager to work an inn, trading post, or warehouse if the party would buy it for him.
This, of course, led the party into a discussion on which people they should approach to join their cause. Lady Adelien, Lord Cromley, Wellborne Huxeley were all discussed, but every body agreed that Lord Caer Bercel of The Freehold was perfect as he had prior grievances with the slavers. Leiya cast a Sending spell to ask if Lord Bercel would be receptive to a meeting and an exchange of ideas.
Since Jolrael’s mysterious Black Lighthouse was near, Enkili’s dock official was there, so the troop loaded up on their horses or on the wagon and set out for The Freehold. Along the way, Leiya proposed they buy the warehouse the party had cleared of slavers their last visit to that city. Also, Jolly seemed convinced that his back markings had changed since his death. They took the time to have Enkili sketch his markings over the span of several days. Indeed, subtle changes were happening to those markings, though no discernable pattern was gleaned.
Winter was well established by the time the party arrived on Lord Bercels doorstep….
This is where the game ended. With frigid weather being an almost constant, and winter storms stirring the great Inland sea, as well as the time of The Wild Hunt being upon them, the group believes they will have to “winter” for a time. They will discuss visiting the mysterious lighthouse, buying a property (possibly the warehouse), and meeting the slaver agent Gaervin Plithy in some fashion. Hopefully, we will be able to settle these talks into a plan of action before March 19th.
Highlights of Episode Fifty Nine
Kirrid the 25th, Midweek – Naza the 1st CY1031
After setting up at Lord Bercel’s fine estate, Leiya attempted to contact Lukoff the Sverfneblinn who lived atop the cliff overlooking The Freehold’s port with a Sending spell. That cantankerous worthy did not respond and a visit to his house showed the adventurers that he had taken all his stuff and moved out. Later it was learned that the residence was up for sale. Their next step was to ponder a business to set Hubert up in.
Lord Bercel notified them that Phirian Lesta was The Freehold’s magistrate (similar to a mayor in her power). However the second name the noble dropped was of more import. Garena Findel was the minister of Lands and Titles, and her office could guide the groups decisions. To help the party out, Lord Bercel gave them a letter of introduction, to show the group had connections within the city.
It was decided that Leiya and Enkili would travel to the coloseum to tap the knowledge of the Tazenite’s, while the rest of the group would go to the Land and Titles office to see what was available. On arrival, all Enkili and Leiya could do was show devotion at the shrine of Tazen, the local brotherhood had departed for some battle somewhere.
The Freehold’s available real estate boiled down to:
The Copper Pot- an inn just outside the north gate, a fixer upper.
The Busted Bottle- the inn where Riardon’s contacts had been slaughtered. It was in a bad section of town and also required repairs.
A tavern with no name- this establishment was in the poor section of town and required a lot of restoration.
A smithy outside the western gate- this establishment also came with stables.
Warehouse- the sight of the party’s battle with the Chained Wings their last visit.
And the last listing- Lukoff’s former two story home that tilted over the cliffs near the docks.
After some serious deliberation, our heroes decided to invest in two properties. Lukoff’s former house and the dock side warehouse. Between the two properties, the party had to pay 10,000 gp, and that included taxes and other mandated fees and licenses. That night Enkili donned a disguise and meandered to the docks where he located Gaervin Plithy. The fighter was able to judge that the man was not dangerous. The next day, and also wearing disguises, Hubert, Leiya, and Enkili met Gaervin. After Hubert interviewed the dock master on what was needed to get the warehouse operational, Leiya cast Detect Thoughts.
Gaervin realized what had happened and hastened to leave, still Lieya learned that the dock master was distraught and worried about someone dear to him. Riardon was sent to follow the dock master who went home. While pondering his next act, the rogue noticed several rough looking character arrive at Gaervin’s house. They forced their way in, so Riardon slipped closer. The bad guys roughly grilled Gaervin on where some of their companions were. Claiming ignorance the dock master pleaded “The deal is still on, is she still safe?”. This seemed to satisfy the slaver’s who left. Riardon reported what he had learned.
Hoping that they could convince Gaervin that they would help him, the party went to his home in the morning. After no response to knocking they discovered that the door was unlocked. Riardon slipped inside and found the man had hung himself after writing a confession. His letter explained that he thought his abducted daughter had been slain by the Chained Wings and that he could not live with that result and his guilt in helping the slaver murderer's. A quick search of his house lead to the discovery of a false bottomed drawer with several documents.
Some of these documents were forged manifests that named four ships that smuggled sentient cargo. He had orders to spread a rumor that claimeed there were clues to the genesis of Jolrael’s mysterious marking to be found in the Dark Lighthouse. It was reasoned that the missing slavers that the rough men had queried Gaervin about had set an ambush at the lighthouse and had since gone missing. The party also found a note that had threatened Gaervin to cooperate with the slaver’s or his daughter would be killed.
The four revealed slaver ships are= The Zephyr’s Wind, The Wave’s Charm, The Blue Water, and the Stormcutter. Jolrael expressed an interest in owning the last ship named. The destinations of these ship’s living cargo were, Yri, Lur, and Blackshore. Yri and Lur are islands in the Inland Sea, but no one had ever heard of Blackshore, but it was surmised that this place was along the Bhelian coast along the southern shores of The Inland Sea.
After informing the city guards (occupying Sedaran troops), the party took their information to Lord Bercel. He asked the party if they could deliver these slaver’s to justice. He has the belief that seeing the law meting out justice will strip some of the Chained Wings and other slaver’s influence. The Lord also wished the party to go to the Dark Lighthouse in an attempt to save Gaervin’s daughter. This was agreed to.
Then it was time for the celebration Lord Bercel had set up for the Night of the Wild Hunt. He introduced the party to Gelaina Sandek who was the Minister of commerce and Trade; a person who could help facilitate the new business Hubert would be starting at the warehouse. Lord Bercel also had the group meet Nilgar Holmut, a Branti lord. Lord Holmut was also interested in bringing pain to the slavers. Another face at the party stood out to Riardon, a man who had been an archer in the warehouse fight on the adventurer’s last visit. Xander Holdarian was a Guardsman posing as muscle for the slaver’s, but he was actually a spy for Lord Bercel. This man had also slain the archer who had almost killed Riardon, he had then rendered aid to the rogue that distant night.
The next morning, as plans were laid to travel overland to the Dark Lighthouse, they learned the legend of the coastal building. In times past, the keeper of the lighthouse had put out the life saving light for some unknown reason, then had ran off. This had caused many vessels to pile up and their crews had drowned. It is reputed that the keeper and the ghosts of all the slain sailors haunt the building still.
**This is where our game ended for the night. Enkili wants to transfer the wagon’s contents to Lukoff’s home, which is now the party’s property. Hubert can use the wagon and the draft horses to help set up the warehouse while they travel to the Dark Lighthouse. Our next game will be April 2nd, may the gods have mercy on us ‘til then.
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Joined: May 2015
04-16-2023, 08:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2023, 09:32 AM by frenzied67.)
Highlights of Episode Sixty
Naza the 2nd - 6th CY1031
Since the day after the Great Hunt had religious observances, the party did not set out. Everyone took part in the renewal of wards and blessings, though Enkili did take the time to buy everyone winter travel garb. Naza the 3rd saw decent weather so the party made good time, they passed a few travelers taking the coastal trail east but had no incidents even as they camped out. The same weather and travel conditions met them on the next day, though they stayed in a manger in a coastal village. People made sure to come around and greet the party, seeking tales and asking about the far lands the foreigners came from; Jolrael spent his time helping to mend nets, using the Mending cantrip when he could to speed his work along.
The third night out they had to make camp in the wilderness, but again they had no difficulties in travel and rest. In the morning they came to the river and a small village that had a ferry. Everyone paid a silver and copper to cross, and it took the little ferry three trips to get them across to the rival village on the eastern bank. Since the road had been unused for many decades, the party did not reach Darkwater Lighthouse before night fell. During Enkili’s watch a tall figure with squelching foot falls approached from the night. The soaking female figure was bloated and blue as though drowned, and dark hair hung before her face. Enkili called out a challenge several times, rousing his friends as the figure berated him for aiming weapons at her.
Enkili offered the creature, who referred to herself as Marta, a seat at the fire and asked if she had dined. Marta claimed she was sated, with a disreputable smile and when Jolrael then Leiya addressed her with ancient languages she did not answer or even inquire what was said. While assessing each other, the creature agreed to answer a few questions if the party answered hers. She wanted to know if they were going to Darkwater, which they (too) readily affirmed. Her words to the party were thus: “Stray not from the road. Beware the night at Darkwater, although you shant have yer goal outside of night. If you wish to see the guests at Darkwater lighthouse ye will need to see the host. Ha!” Many in the party perceived that Marta decided that their group was too powerful to confront, so she chose to leave; especially knowing that the party was coming to the same conclusion. She did ask for a “shiny bauble” as tribute if the group were to return to her territory.
In the late morning the adventurers come to the coast and saw Darkwater lighthouse on an island slightly removed from the shore. There was also a rickety looking boat of dark aged wood waiting for them, the boards attached at odd angles and leaving gaps that somehow did not ship water. Everyone was reminded of Marta looking at this craft. Tying their horses up near a copse of trees and grass, they crossed. The island was small, and it only took a few minutes to look around the lighthouse. They found the main door without traps and unlocked. On the ground floor they found two doors, right and left, with stairs up in the middle, and a table set for five that had set long enough for mold to set into the partially eaten food. A store room was discovered behind the left side door, and an adventurers pack was discovered amid the odds and ends. Leiya fit the pack into her magic haversack.
On the right was a bedroom that proved have been looted prior to their arrival. A search, naturally, unearthed nothing. This left the spiraling stair up….
This is where the game session ended. Our next meet will be April 30th.
Highlights of Episode Sixty One
Naza 6th-
As the party climbed clockwise up the stairs, everyone suffered a moment of disorientation. Now the stairs worked their way anticlockwise. Spooked but unable to do anything about it, they continue up. The stair opened up on the familiar floor plan of the ground floor, complete with molding food set for five at the table, a tossed bedroom to the right, and the storage room to the left. What had changed was that all the doors were now closed and a journal was on top of the shelf near the bedroom. Leiya retrieved the book while the others checked the rooms. Riardon opened the front door. Instead of a small island before the Great Inland Sea, there was naught but a churning murky sea and gray scale skies; moaning voices seemed to drift through the aperture, but only Jolly and the rogue could hear them. This sight disturbed the adventurers, so they closed the door and explored the journal.
As Leiya began to read, some members of the group noticed that the stairs now climbed instead of descended. This sparked some amount of fear in our heroes. Here are some of the words found near the end of the journal: “I can’t shake the vague images of my dreaming….” “Gathered ‘round a great unseeable thing we were. Myself and strangers caught up in it’s glory ‘neath the waves in the murky depths of the waters.” “’Turn out the light and you shall see…,’ a thundering voice in my head rumbles like the thunder on a stormy night….” “I must end this nightmare….” “Still the thundering voice….” “Turn out the lamp. I will snuff the lamp tonight, storm or no, this nightmare must end!”
On a whim, to help determine if they were still in Erath, Jolrael cast Druidcraft to see what the weather would be like through the day. Normally he would receive visions of sun or cloud, this time all he saw was an amorphous gray that did not change. As a further experiment, as the party intended to climb the stairs yet again, Riardon carved “Enkili loves Jolly” into the table. If they came to the same room, this message would greet them or not. Then they ascended the mercurial stairs again. A new level of the lighthouse was discovered as the steps remained true to clockwise this time. Scattered objects were strewn about, all covered by decades of dust. Blaylocke found a noose in the far right of the circular room. Riardon found a door to the left that had dry jambs, but the door itself was sodden. Enkili moved over to a footlocker near the rooms center point but posted himself to guard rather than investigate. Leiya discovered and collected another book off the floor. The noose swayed and creaked as if bearing weight, which drew Blaylocke closer.
Without warning, Jolrael clutched his head then fell to his knees as if assailed, claiming that a booming voice was talking to him. The sodden door opened of its own accord, which made the Elven rogue shy back. Between blinks of his eye, Blaylocke found himself in the noose, choking and unable to bring his hands to his neck. Leiya, who was closest jumped onto a chair before remembering she had no knife to cut the Dwarf down; she called for help instead. Enkili had moved over to the sorcerer but had no idea of how he could help. Feeling wretched, the fighter left his voice tormented friend to deal with a situation he could lend a blade to. The same moaning tormented voices Riardon had heard at the open door to the murky sea emanated from that room, only those disturbing vocals seemed much closer. He retreated from the door to attend their sorcerer.
Vainly trying to take some of Blaylocke Anvilarms weight off the rope, Leiya gave Enkili as much room as she could. The fighter flowed up onto the table and sliced the rope with a single slash of the Sainted Sword, then helped steady the priestess who nearly fell on top of the bard as he crumpled thankfully to the floor. Protection from Evil was cast on Jolrael which seemed to quell the voice assaulting his mind. He then told of the voice that had said: “Welcome, Child of sea and storm, come behold me in my glory and rejoice!” On the heels of that revelation, Blaylocke spoke of the voice he had heard before finding himself strangling. It had said: “The nightmare must end… the lamp….”
More puzzled than before, Leiya opened her new book. Inside were the names of ships and the number of crew lost. The earliest date was nigh a century old, but even as she read, the last page had a name appear: “50 souls lost on The Centurian”. The party had found a trinket, a book that recorded ships lost at sea and the number of crew that had died even as those boats sank. Enkili opened the footlocker and pulled out several old nautical charts and maps. In this mess of papers was a magic scroll with the spell Control Weather scribed upon it. Blaylocke had to ritually cast a spell to determine what the scroll held, and the Protection from Evil spell on Jolrael ended in that time. The voice he was hearing returned and seemed angry at him.
In the sodden room there was a ladder and empty crate, all coated with a mucous like slime; even the walls floors and ceiling. A trapdoor in the ceiling was reached by the slathered ladder. Wishing to be accompanied by the fighter, Jolrael mounted that ladder and moved up to the trapdoor. However as he moved through the revealed aperture, he bade the party to wait and not follow immediately. After several moments of silence the sorcerer called out that they should not come back, now everyone could hear the tortured voices, and they were coming from up top where Jolrael was.
Blaylocke hit the former sailor with a Bardic Inspiration, then the Dwarf made room at the ladder's foot and readied his bow. Riardon also backed up while he prepared a Firebolt to hit the first non friendly creature he saw with. Ignoring Jolly’s entreaties for them not to follow him up, Leiya scaled the ladder. She realized that specters were attacking them and called that information down. She then used her divine powers to burn away a couple of the monsters with Melwen/Milosta’s symbol. They saw silhuettes of humanoid figures and the shape of some fishy monstrocity lurking in the perpetual twilight around Darkwater Lighthouse. Calling upon the desert gods of his people, Enkili flew up the rungs and found one lone incorporeal undead between Jolrael and Leiya. He made two mighty swings and destroyed the ectoplasmic being. Each slain creature turned into sparks that flew into the lighthouse’s candle room. Jolrael used his magic to turn a Shocking Grasp spell into a Burning Grasp spell. He tried to kindle a fire into the lighthouse lantern room, but the fire had no bite for some arcane reason. A regular specter climbed to the top of the tower to face Leiya, across from that undead another spirit rose. It spoke of “snuffing the flame”, revealing it as the ghost of the lighthouse keeper. Down the ladder two specters moved through the walls to assail the Dwarf and Elf. One of them ate a Firebolt sneak attack from Riardon.
*That’s it for this week. Our next scheduled game falls upon Mother’s Day, so we may convene on that day or the day prior (the 13th).
Highlights of Episode Sixty Two
Naza 6th- ?
Riardon spent his next turn closing the sodden door and calling out that the specters were resistant to fire. As the Elf tried to cut off one evil spirit, the other one sharing the room with them glided over and grabbed Blaylocke; drawing some of his life force away. Riardon killed it with his Fire Bolt. Up above, at the top of the tower, a specter flew over and successfully attacked Leiya. The ghost of the lightkeeper tried to drain Enkili, but missed. Retaliating, Enkili moved around the undead lightkeeper then attacked while flanking with Jolrael. He used a heavy weapon master ability, then a distracting strike; he hit both times but did not kill the potent spirit.
Leiya cast Light of Radiance and burned the specter that had harmed her, but not enough to end it. On his turn, Jolrael twinned his Chromatic Orb spell and threw a lightening orb at the lightkeeper and the other specter. His magic killed Leiya’s opponent and further hurt the lightkeeper. Downstairs, the specter Riardon had shut out phased through the door and drew away some of the Elf’s life. Each time a specter died, the undead would turn into sparks that were drawn into the brazier for the lighthouse.
Enkili got a critical on his next attack and received a bonus action attack (Heavy Weapon Master feat). All three attacks hit and the lightkeeper wailed in despair as he turned to sparks and made the lighthouse fire blaze. The specter harrowing Blaylocke and Riardon was sucked through the ceiling and became part of the fire. All the specters below, and the large tentacled fish creature (aboleth) controlling them, scattered fleeing the light. And the fight was over.
For the next several moments the party considered taking a short rest as they healed themselves up. They also yearned to find Diera and leave this cursed island. Riardon used a healing kit, and his new skills with it, to heal Leiya. Leiya, for her part, cast Aid on Blaylocke, Jolrael, and Riardon as their hit points were down. In the end they chose to seek out the girl. Starting at the top they searched the balcony then the floor below. Eventually they hit the ground floor without finding anything. Riardon succumbed to his curiosity and opened the front door. He feared seeing the murky sea, but found the island had been restored. Unfortunately their short time in the lighthouse should have brought them back near late morning; instead it was night time.
They all filtered out the door to contemplate how and what had happened to time for them. Hoping that lighting a fire at the top of the lighthouse would correct the wrongness in the hour, Jolrael quaffed a Potion of Flying and soared up. Enkili wondered if the message Riardon had scored into the table was still there so he turned and walked back into the lighthouse. He was brought up short when he saw the drowned crone visage of Marta and a sister called Meg. For his part in the conversation, Enkili spoke loudly so his friends could hear him. They soon joined him in the lighthouse. The Hags, after some banter wanted to introduce the party to Granny, the giant sized leader of the fey creatures.
Up at the summit of the lighthouse, Jolrael searched for materials that would burn and in so doing noticed three hags in the room below the balcony. Even applying oil to the few bits of wood he found did not allow him to light a fire.
Before the Sorcerer flew down to join the rest of the group, Granny offered the party a boon, while implying they had eaten the little girl, Diera. Evidently the (aboleth) giant fish creature had held Granny and some other Hags back from entering Erath, so they thought they owed the party a bargain. Again, Enkili sized up Granny as the giant Hag studied him. He learned that this creature was more powerful than he, though their armor was comparable. Jolly asked for two questions and safe passage when he joined the party, he also let slip that there were more Hags about. Granny agreed to answer two questions but safe passage would have to see the party bound with a Gaes spell that would prevent them from ever telling anyone of the Hags whereabouts.
Not liking the sound of this bargain the party requested a moment to step out and discuss what questions they would ask. At first they contemplated making a run for the boat and trying to escape, but they knew they would not make it far. So they tried to find wriggle room in the bargain. Eventually they all thought the hope of rescuing the girl would make being bound by magic acceptable. Of course they had dithered so long that Megs and Marta had began to have doubts. Jolrael asked after the girl, and to everyone’s surprise Granny called Diera out of the store room. Jolly looked her over and thought she might be ensorcelled. Someone recalled how Hags replenished their numbers with stolen children, when Granny confessed that they would keep the child with them and give her a home.
Enkili offered Granny his Elixir of Health for the girl. “A potion can be gulped and then be gone, the girl would be with us always. This is not a good trade,” was his reply. So he offered a large golden bracelet he carried instead. Again he was turned down, so the party began to offer gems and jewels to tempt the Hags with. Eventually Granny said, “Magic you are, offer us magic.” Riardon offered his Horn of Calling which was refused, as was another item the party thought worthy. Then Blaylocke held up his trinket, a needle that could not be bent. When the Hags looked suspiciously at the bard, who was demonstrating the strength of the needle, Enkili acted as though Blaylocke was offering too much.
“That is too powerful, you can’t offer them that,” he said. His bluff was so convincing that Granny immediately wanted it, had to have that needle. And so Diera, who had began longing for home while watching Riardon’s ever spinning top, was saved. The party had one more question, so Jolrael lifed his shirt and asked where the changing map on his back led. Laughing Granny claimed the map would lead the Sorcerer to his grave. And this is where the session ended.
Our next game will be June 11th, as Memorial Day weekend will be used for other activities.
Highlights of Episode Sixty Three
Naza 6th- 8th. CE 1031
Our heroes gathered up Diera and rowed back to the mainland intending to take the girl to her Aunt and Uncle in Anstarre. After gathering their horses they realized that none of the hags had laid a Gaes on the party, not that they could remember; they had made the fey creatures a promise though. On the overgrown road back north Blaylocke’s stirrup suddenly broke when he turned to scan their back trail. After almost falling he quickly cast Mending to repair his newish and well cared for saddle. Jolrael offered to cast the cantrip, but the bard insisted he could do it himself. Shortly the twisted and stunted flora and fauna around the Darkwater Lighthouse began to give way to more wholesome growth, yet the birds remained subdued.
Within her saddlebags Leiya heard a sharp report, and upon investigation she learned her water jar had broken spilling water all over the fodder she carried for the horses. Again the damage was easily remedied by a Mending cantrip, except for the water damage to the hay and oats; commodities cheap and easy to replace. That purchase took place when they came back to Westop, the village on their side of the river where the barge had ferried them across. Playing on a hunch based off of half remembered knowledge from his homeland, Jolrael asked Enkili if he had items made from iron. Enkili listed off his grappling hook and the bag of caltrops he carried. The sorcerer chose a caltrop, which he offered to Diera. The little girl looked at the jack shaped foot trap then asked why he would give her such a thing, then returned the gift.
Several minutes later, after they had the girl switch to riding with Riardon, a large branch snapped off a tree and tumbled down. Trying to spur his mount forward the rogue instead caused the horse to rear and throw him. Clutching the girl to himself, Riardon turned his topple into a roll. They both landed safely. After ruminating on the lore he had, Blaylocke suggested that the fey could have a powerful influence upon those they adopt; but he was unsure if the effect were permanent or not. An hour later the girl was shifted to Jolrael’s horse, keeping to a schedule to keep from wasting the horses strength to soon. No strange event happened during that hour, not until she was moved to ride with Enkili on his horse Arame. Jolly shifted in his saddle and almost pierced himself with a caltrop, the very same item he had returned to Enkili, who in turn had placed the spiked item back into his bag of caltrops. At this point everyone knew something was amiss and no one had spotted trouble following or pacing them along the trail.
Playing a hunch Enkili tried to engage the girl in both games and conversation. Diera was delighted when he had them face backwards on the horses back, that is how they found out that her Uncle’s name was Calen and her Aunt’s name was Badeen. However the girl shut off again after the fighter asked her if Granny or Marta was following them. Jolrael has Diera’s attitude soften towards him when he claimed that they were going after the mean people who had harmed her father; she had already learned of her dad’s demise from the hags. The girl really had not liked the stunt with the caltrop before.
Paying attention to the girl seemed to be the key to stopping the weird problems from happening. They made it back to the little town Westop with no further mishaps. Westop was across from Corr’s Ferry the village on the east side of the river. Though the little girl seemed to like the idea of camping out, the rest of the group wanted to stay at the inn and have a meal. The Leadwood Inn was an establishment that had seen better days, but had not fallen into complete squalor. Blaylocke had one of the finest performances of his life (raking in 6gp, 6ep, 20sp, and 40cp in tips) earning his free bed and board. Too continue entertaining Diera, Leiya used a cantrip to change the color of the candles flame at their table to red. Diera assumed a slight smile and the color turned purple. Blaylocke used some of the proceeds from his show to buy Diera a little doll the next day, a toy that seemed to delight the girl.
*The party hit the road to Anstarre just as the game came to an end. There may be further purchases but we have two weeks to ponder which merchandise is desired. If not we are putting Westop behind us, a little town we will forget, but who will never forget Blaylocke Anvilarm. See you all on June 25th.
Highlights of Episode Sixty Four
Naza 8th. - 9th CE 1031
As they had the day before, the party let Diera alternate riding with each of them so that the horses would not be overtaxed. Since Blaylocke had gifted her the creepy doll, she rode with him first. He kept her imagination captivated by having her help him drum as he sang a song about animals, she made the animal sounds when their parts came up in the music. Letting her hold Giz the mouse, Riardon quoted limericks that were somewhat dubious in nature. Diera did not mind. After Riardon relinquished the girl to Enkili’s care, he decided to practice his illusion magics. Enkili tried to engage the girl into telling stories about her new doll, but Diera was enchanted by the rogue’s spells.
Thrashing brush surprised the party later, when Leiya and the girl were together, and everyone had to fight to remain on their mounts. Everyone except Diera and Leiya, their horse barely responded when a sow and her litter of piglets burst out of the brush and dashed away. No one fell, but Enkili and Blaylocke both had close calls due to the fact they were guiding their mounts by knee at the time, their arms full. Later a tinker’s wagon came the other way. Quickly, Jolrael bartered with them for a sliding whistle and when Diera and he rode his horse, they made boisterous noise; she with the ocarina (which he gave her, hoping she would trade for the slide whistle; the trade happened minutes into the audio tumult) and he with slide whistle. Later three men passed them going south, which set Enkili’s paranoia skyrocketing.
As the forest gave way to the farmlands surrounding their goal of Anstarre they encountered a wary farmer whose cart had become stuck in a well worn rut. Enkili, who was riding point immediately offered to help. At first he did not know if his offer would be accepted, the farmer seemed as paranoid as Enkili himself had been when those three men had passed almost an hour prior. Getting off his horse Arame (which means ‘flame’ in Mandagar) to push the cart, the fighter noticed a rock pinioning the wheel; that stone would have wreaked havoc on the carts wheel if they had forced it forward. Pointing this out to the farmer helped ease that man’s trepidation, and they were able to work together to pry the stone from the rut. With a little coaxing of the work beast pulling the cart, and with the rock removed, the cart popped free without any further hardship.
As the farmer said he had little to pay with, Enkili ensured him that all the farmer had to do was help someone in the future. At the gate they paid the toll of one silver per person, and one copper per beast, the party was just happy that they beat the sun this time and were able to get into the city before the gates were closed and locked. Diera was able to guide the troop to her uncle and aunts house, where a perceptive servant met them at the door. Seeing the girl with strangers told him the tragedy of the situation without any announcement. Calen and Badeen Preath were summoned and they too seemed to understand that Diera’s father was dead. They asked the party to sup with them, which they gladly agreed to. After the meal, Blaylocke and Diera performed their animal song routine which delighted Aunt Badeen a lot. She was amazed that Diera had been coaxed out of her shell; a clue that Diera had been touched by strangeness long before crossing paths with the hags.
After the little girl went to bed in her new home, Blaylocke told the Preath’s about Diera’s ordeal. They had been aware that “ruffians” had kidnapped the girl, but had never dreamed that fey creatures had replaced the slavers as caretakers. After telling the aunt and uncle to be gentle and patient with Diera, with Leiya’s admonition not to spoil the child, Enkili mentioned that they should have her tutored in spell casting skills. She had shown a fascination and facility with magic already. Of course Diera’s family had been taken on an emotional roller coaster ride through their night talk, but Calen (an architect) had noticed Riardon’s roving eye. The Elven man had taken a fancy to a miniature gilden branch that had a strange symbol carved into it. He offered the rogue the trinket which he accepted. During breakfast the Preath’s invited the party to come and visit them whenever they came to Anstarre, proving themselves to be local contacts. After this several members of the party mentioned they wanted time to conduct business in the city.
*This is where the game left off. Anyone who wants to do research, go shopping, or haunt houses of debauchery please state what your goals are in the Forum. There is a heading called Anstarre Nights under Erath Miscellany, this will help Irik prepare for our next game rather than have to ‘wing it’ by consulting charts and books on the fly. See everyone on July 9th!!!!
Highlights of Episode Sixty Five
Naza 9th. - Gurthos 1st CE 1031
Feeling that they had tested themselves enough to seek training in their respective class abilities, the party took their training in Anstarre again. In their off time, Leiya and Enkili looked for more information on the Sainted Sword, but Anstarre had no new history’s or tales on that topic. Riardon spent his off time relaxing, but he did take a night out to carry word to Jade about the fate of Jubb and Serca who had been taken by the slavers. He tried for empathy which may have come across as holding out on the local guild. Blaylocke gained a powerful traveling spell, Leomund’s Tiny Hut while training, but his off time was spent gaining lore. He focused on Enkili’s riddle “...with a coin made from stone, a song stolen from dirt, and a knife from under the hills, Malaq wove his most powerful spells into the sword….”
Though he failed to glean information on the Sainted Sword, the Bard did learn things from a wizened old Gnomish woman named Maata. “I know of a Djinn called Riah. Riah can be found in Jentaria. Riah may be able to break Enkili’s curse.” Maata then added that Jentaria may be the birth place of the Mandagan people (The Cradle they never speak of). “It is said that Riah is in service to a Jentari warlord named Sayfir.” Not much is known of this Sayfir who bears Riah’s ring.
Other than helping Enkili, Leiya used some of her downtime to use her Sending spell. She contacted Lord Bercel to let him know about how the girl Diera had been rescued and brought to her uncle (the Praeth’s). Hubert also received a Sending. He responded by informing her that he was sending a messenger with a coded missive. That letter arrived near the end of the party’s training.
Jolrael, who had become withdrawn, almost haunted, chose to visit the sage Gorvanal again; attempting to make a trade for the information he was after. The eccentric sage gave Jolly the name of a certain alchemist or magical tinkerer who may be able to help him. This taciturn recluse would need to be bribed with a formula the party would have to learn about, then gather the ingredients for.
Training ended on the first of Gurthos, where there was a remembrance day. People burned candles for the people they had lost. Enkili burned three candles, while Leiya burned five. If the other party members observed this holy day, they did not admit to burning candles to anyone else. Hubert’s message also arrived. “Chained Wings activity has been reduced to recruitment and local trade for the winter. Their ranks have taken significant hit from numerous sources. Additionally, a group of Chained Wing operatives have settled into a fortress near the Sedaran/Bhelian border for the winter.”
* The game ended with the party debating on their next course of action. They could seek out this alchemical formula, they could work on Lord Bercel’s raid deep into Bhel, wintering was an option thrown into the mix, or, as a majority seemed to want, go after the slavers sheltering on the border.
*Tracy has started a thread in the forum, Anstarre Nights 2: 9th-Level Boogaloo, for the party to make their cases for the next course of action. Hopefully the DM will have a clue on what to do by July 23rd.
*In the past I may have inproperly said that Leiya was using the Message spell. She has been using Sending all this time, but as a non magic user, I can't spell... uh... state the right spell; oh you know what I mean.
Highlights of Episode Sixty Six
Gurthos 1st CE 1031
*This was an extremely short game session today. There were a few accomplishments made.
Enkili wanted to head off for the fort at once, though problematic weather seemed on the horizon. Blaylocke and Jolrael mentioned hiring a tracker from the woodcutter community a day west of Anstare. Leiya made a sending to Lord Bercel who implied he could help, so she voted on going to The Freehold. She persuaded everyone but Enkili by saying we could research Jolrael’s formula there as well as seek a better bow (possibly magical) for Blaylock. A day hunting for Blaylockes improved arrow slinger did not pan out for the bard or Enkili.
Enkili wrote a fake note that he intends the slavers to find.
“Our spy’s word was good, there was a fortress along the border that the Chained Wings had taken over. I believe proceeds from the loot and supplies could be sold and give us enough to repay the loan we took from Lady Alisande and leave us enough to start refurbishing the Darkwater Lighthouse. You should start feeling out the market for the sale of these goods once they get to you. I will send you a list of equipment and the workers we will need for our new base of operations in a few days. Please feel free to pay our insider, I think we can trust his information in the future.
Sincerly E.”
The envelope is made out for Tansy with an address in Suther’s Ally in Solare.
Highlights of Episode Sixty Seven
Gurthos 2nd - 5th CE 1031
Blaylocke claimed he would catch up with the party on the road, having pressing bardic business to attend. So the rest of the band set out for The Freehold without him. The first few nights following the road held no incidents for the party except to pass a small group of tinkerers on their way to Anstarre. On the third night after taking to the trails, while Leiya was taking first watch, two men called out to join her at the fire. They wore rough garb, one having a cloak woven from tree bark. Leiya woke everyone up to meet Hulreth and Bleythyn, two Druids on a pilgrimage.
They claimed to be following the steps of someone akin to a nature saint which meant that they carried little in provision and they did not even glean wood for a fire. They accepted some food and bedded down with the characters for the evening. In the morning they ground some herbs into a resin ball that they wrapped with leaves. This object had a pungent smell and they claimed it would deter violent beasts. After they presented their gift they ate breakfast then went on their merry way. They did accept one meal worth of rations from the group, but were not allowed to take more.
Shortly after midday Enkili and Riardon drew their horses to a halt when they noticed a giant elk on the trail. Leiya and Jolrael joined them in gaping at the unusual sight. The beast observed them back for a few moments before wandering majestically into the woods. After making camp that night Leiya and Riardon served their watches before waking Enkili to fulfill his time at the chore. Soon he began to hear breaking twigs and displaced branches, so he kicked Jolrael’s tent to wake the sorcerer. At the edge of the fire’s light something big and shaggy stopped short and growled.
Enkili glimpsed a large creature with a sloping quadruped form with canine features. It gestured with one hand like paw and words formed within the growls.
“Violence can be avoided, all you have to do is set aside your weapon.” Without thinking the desert warrior began to set the Sainted Sword aside before shaking off the magic trying to steal away his will. Seeing that its spell did not work it began to charge.
“Attack! Attack!” was Enkili’s reply as he charged to meet the unnatural beast.
His blade, magical and fiery as it was, did very little damage with the one hit he was able to make; as though chopping a soggy stump. As the Mandagan Fighter was charging, Riardon had slipped from his tent and began to work his way behind the huge canine shape, which continued to be wreathed in shadow though next to the camp’s fire. Lieya grabbed her gear and the Druid's pungent ball and began to make her way out of her tent. Jolrael cast Mage Armor on himself before stepping out of his tent. Riardon, seeing his perfect time to strike, fired off a Fire Bolt cantrip. His aim was so true that the creature was slain instantly (thanks for the timely critical on top of sneak attack damage).
*Again this was a brief gaming session. Our next scheduled game will be September 3rd, and will be a full length session.
**Word has reached us that a new player is going to join our group. Welcome Indraneel Dutt, we look foreward to meeting your Half Orc Life Domain Cleric.
Highlights of Episode Sixty Eight
Gurthos 6th CE 1031
Jolrael and Blaylocke figured out the beast was a lower planar creature called a barghest, a shape shifter that could morph its body between that of a goblin or appear as a hound like beast with a goblinoid face. For a few minutes after its demise the party pondered on whether they should move their camp or just return to their slumber. Hoping they had chosen right, they decided to stay and return to their regular nightly watches after heaping well deserved praise on Riardon. Blaylocke had the next watch. Another creature decided to see what their fire was about, but this one announced itself with a call and wave, making sure the bard got a good look at him before he came forward.
It was a part Human part Orc man who was 5’9” tall, wore scale mail, cloak, and a headband. He also had a strange symbol of gold that formed twin Elves, male and female, that stood back to back. No one was able to decipher what the symbol meant, but the man wore it in a manner that made it seem religion was the root of the symbol’s function. He introduced himself as Grinn and asked if he could join their encampment. After he set up his tent he joined Blaylocke at the fire, where the two exchanged a bit of information. The HalfOrc produced a blunt which he shared with the party hardened bard. Once again Riardon woke. He snuck out and secretly moved behind the stranger, unfortunately Blaylocke may have given the Elf away after noting the rogue’s silent signals.
Realizing that there was no danger, Riardon revealed himself with a query.
“Whose your friend?” Though the question was aimed at Blaylocke, it was Grinn who answered.
“This is Blaylocke who was nice enough to let me set up my tent here. He seems like a nice person.” The Dwarf was amused but Riardon was put off a little. He grumbled at Blaylocke then returned to his bedroll. After a while the long journey both men had experienced that day wrought tiredness and it was time to place the watch into Jolrael’s capable hands. Blaylocke introduced the sorcerer to Grinn, who was kind enough to save his questions for the morning which was not too far away. Jolly used his Druidcraft check to see what the day held in store. He learned the day would be wet with plummeting temperatures and sleet.
Rising in the morning Grinn first met Leiya then Enkili. They discovered Grinn was headed for The Freehold, as were they, so they offered the young priest the use of their pack horse (Grinn had been travelling on foot). Enkili tried to prank the stranger by telling him that where ever Leiya went children would vanish and she would remain forever young. Of course the priestess overheard and nixed the joke before it could take root. As the tents were broken down and stowed they coaxed Grinn’s tale forth.
Evidently the young Half Orc priest had been in a “Dwarven” ruin where he quarreled with a friend over the affections of a girl. He awoke the next morning to find himself in a different wood nowhere near the mountains he had been encamped the night before. After wandering around looking for his friends, the ruin, or anything familiar he had a vision in which a goddess he was unfamiliar with claimed she would sponsor him in these new lands. She was Melana a sister deity to Melwen and Tazen, she is the goddess of love, lust, and patron of soon to be mothers among other titles. Her words to him were thus: “Go to the northern shore of the Great Inland Sea, to the Freehold city you’ll find allies: a warrior from the distant sands; an Elf from the sylvan realm; a son of song and stone; a man born from storms; and a follower of my sister-goddess.
Jolrael pulled out a black pearl and bade Grinn take it in hand, put his wish to meet these people in mind with closed eyes, then turn about three times; promising the cleric that he would see the people he sought. After following Jolly’s directions Grinn opened his eyes to only see the people he was with. Jolly then cast a minor spell and let the storm winds lift him several yards away.
“I am a child born of storms, Enkili comes from Mandagar a land of sand, Leiya serves Melwen the sister of Melana, Riardon comes from Shandeer, and Blay is a Dwarf who sings. You seem to have found us.”
He naturally asked questions about their quest so they gave him the gist of their war against the Chained Wings slavers, but not too many details while they took to the roads. Of course they also figured out that Grinn was from another world (Valesia, for which he had a map) and not Erathian born. Around mid day the weather turned stormy so Blaylocke offered to cast his Leomund’s Tiny Hut spell so they could take shelter for the night. Unsure of how long the poor weather would hold they decided to turn their tents into shelters for the horses. Grinn proved his worth with that task, directing them in how to cover their mounts so they would not suffer in the sleet and cold. As is the nature with Erathian weather, the storm passed and improved as the shelter was completed, so they hit the road again. The Freehold was not that far away.
An hour before dark they entered The Freehold and set their horses towards the warehouse. They had discussed resting for the night before taking Grinn to Melana’s temple then going to meet Lord Barcel to discuss the assault on the slaver’s fortress on the border. Hubert greeted them and, in his scattered youthful way, began to spill a tale of Lord Barcel needing to talk to them about a temple being sacked in the middle of the city….
* Before the story could be told the servers of Teamspeak failed us a half hour before the time we wanted to end this session. Speaking only for myself I had fun with Neel and his character Grinn and hope he fully joins the party. Our next game will be September 17th.
**This is Hubert's report which we will be able to respond too October 1st.
As the party settled into their seats at the table, Hubert’s grim expression became apparent to the adventurers. “I’m afraid I have poor news regarding the Chained Wings and the slavers,” he started, “The report of the winter location was a ruse. Thankfully, we got word to you in time.”
Shifting uncomfortably, Hubert continued, “Unfortunately, Bercel sent a number of his people to reconnoiter the fort, and the slavers struck in their absence. Most of us were able to fend off the attacks. However, a number of establishments were sacked, including a Melanian temple and a druidic grove not far from Freehold.”
“Never before have the slavers given such a show of force and brutality… so many taken…” Pausing momentarily to compose himself, Hubert resumed his report, “We’ve known for some time that the Chained Wings were acting as agents of the Slavers Guild. It has now become obvious that the Slave Lords themselves have taken a keen interest in our efforts to undermine their wretched commerce.”
“Please, there’s more!” said Hubert as he waved away the sudden burst of questions and exclamations from the party, “Our mole sent word of a remote island off the coast of Yri that appears to have been long-used by the slavers. They had made a waypoint along their slave route and base some of their operations in an old temple there.”
“Lord Bercel is currently in ongoing engagements with the local lords, but they appear to be cowed by the attacks. The regional Sedarin Magistrate is also too busy quelling unrest in the slum quarter to spare aid, if that is their intent.”
Hubert leaned forward conspiratorially, “Lord Bercel says he has a ship and captain insane enough to make the journey. He asks if you are too.”
Highlights of Episode Sixty Nine
Gurthos 6th - 8th CE 1031
* Note- Someone needs to buy a crowbar.*
After digesting Hubert’s news, Grynn felt it necessary to head to Melana’s temple to see if he could help, Enkili decided to follow him in this task. Not only had the temple been looted and raided, but the priestess’ had been taken and the building burned. Local neighbors had also scavenged the site in the days after, making it hard to tell what had happened. With the fighter’s help Grynn did find a potion of healing and a Melanite holy symbol that had not suffered any harm in the altercation and fire.
After resting for the night, Leiya had the idea to check the Melwenite temple to see how they had fared. There were many new faces including guards, paladins, and even several Tazenite warriors guarding the once profaned fane. Grynn purchased a suit of studded leather armor to wear on the ship, citing his scale mail would be dangerous on the water. On Leiya's return the whole troop made their way to the docks to the ship Quendi’s Fortune, a name that brought a smile to Jolrael’s lips. Her captain was Lanir “Seaworthy”, and the first mate was Onschel Webleigh. As the party boarded they commented on the roiling seas and seething clouds, Onschel waved the weather away nonchalantly. Everyone in the group pitched coppers into the sea to sooth Quendi. Even Grynn, who had to have the custom explained, pitched a platinum coin.
The first mate’s claim was true, they did not have to fear the storm. After casting off, Quendi’s Fortune was not buffeted by wave or wind; the waves abating near the ship and the rain just vanishing short of the topsail. In their quarters the party watched the diffused sun move across the room then give way to night in the span of two and a half hours. A sailor began calling “Land Ho” as everyone realized they had not taken the time to plan out their assault on the island and its temple. A trip they had thought would take two or three days was done in mere hours. A quick meeting with the captain did occur before the group was rowed ashore.
Lord Bercel’s spy had exposed this formerly unknown island that had a ruined city and a partially restored temple; which the slavers were using. Intelligence reports claimed there was rough terrain and trees to the south of the temple as well as a secret entrance. The slave pens were reported to be under the structure. Regular entrances were through two portcullis and through the stone cutter’s shed.
Nearing the temple, the party witnessed human or humanoids patrolling along the walls of the three story building. Mounted patrols were also noticed coming and going through the two main entrances (portcullis’). Several sections of roof were still burned, with other sections looking recently repaired. In the darkness they dashed to the walls and began to seek the secret door. Riardon failed to notice a trap and got a spiked board in the chest on opening the aperture. Another trap was at the end of the short narrow hall, directed at the door leading deeper into the building. This was easily bypassed. An east to west corridor was revealed beyond, a door at the end of the left section and a left hand turn down the right side. They chose the door.
A shorter hall led to a door after a right hand inward turn. This door was not locked but it was swollen and would not budge. Enkili tried pushing it open but it would not yield to his shoulder. Riardon convinced everyone that it would be too loud to batter it open or hack through it, so they turned about and took the right hand path. The hall dead ended but there was a door to the right. The room beyond was full of rubble and junk. No one found a secret passage so they had to retrace their steps to the stuck door.
Charging at the door, the fighter threw his entire body at the blockage this time, blasting through it with such ease that he face planted beyond. Before Riardon really got into mocking Enkili for his less than graceful display, figures appeared through a hole in the roof, eight undead figures leaped down and surrounded the prone warrior. Jolrael heard the fighters call for help and stepped up. After a quick perusal of the small room, he realized he would not be able to use any of his area effect spells without bringing harm to his friends as well. He cast a fiery Chromatic Orb at a single ghoul, flying himself backwards on mystic winds so he could make room for another party member.
Enkili was swarmed by most of the ghouls, taking numerous hits, but fortunately not succumbing to their body numbing touch. He was able to get back up and attack, killing one and severely injuring another, then spraying four more with fire from the Sainted Sword. Some of that fire flicked back and scorched Enkili. The fighter suffered the assault of the remaining undead, barely remaining unfrozen from being hit some more. Riardon blasted a foe with a well placed Firebolt, killing the creature outright. The Elf then barged through the others so as not to be so near the ghouls. With more room to work, Leiya bulled forward with Melwen’s symbol held high. Light from her admonishment destroyed the four remaining ghouls.
After that Enkili was treated with Leiya’s healer’s kit, and a Cure light Wounds spell. Riardon was doing a safety check at the fire gutted room’s other door when Enkili decided to climb up to the second story and search the ghoul’s lair. He discovered six alexandrite stones and a flask that held a red tinged liquid….
**This is where we finished the game for today. Our next game will be October 15th, and we began discussing a one shot horror game for October 29th.
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10-15-2023, 07:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-14-2024, 09:36 PM by frenzied67.
Edit Reason: forgotten details
Highlights of Episode Seventy
Gurthos 8th CE 1031
* Note- Someone needs to buy a crowbar.*
Grynn caught up to the group as Blaylocke spent ten minutes to cast Detect Magic on the potion, then when that did not spur any knowledge in him, he cast Identify as a ritual spell. The flask held a potion of Fire Resistance. Not wishing to be hurt by another trap, Riardon used his invisible Mage Hand cantrip to open the door. They found a stair up to a thoroughly burned out room, the floor was gone. At this point Leiya used the Healer's Kit to bind up Riardon's wounds. There was a slight ledge on the left, a better looking ledge to the right, and some scorched beams down the middle of a thirty foot drop. Tying a rope around himself, Riardon handed the other end to Enkili, then he balanced beamed his way across the middle of the drop. Once across he wedged himself with his back to the wall and his feet pushing the other wall to anchor the rope.
One by one the party traversed their way across. Enkili, with no one to anchor him, decided to climb down and investigate the basement below. Slipping after climbing a third of the way down he fell, but Jolrael caught him with a Feather Fall. After ascertaining that the basement doors were truly filled in, Enkili climbed back up on the other side of the burned out room. The hall where Riardon had wedged himself ran west to east with an alcove in the south half way down (15’). Three large barrels with brown stained barrel staves filled the little alcove. Grynn moved to the end of the hall where it turned north. Stairs ran down to a 15’x 15’ room that had a door on its north eastern edge. Dust and a pile of rags were in this square little room.
While Leiya, Jolly, and Enkili were trying to find out what the barrels held, Grynn entered the room and was beset by a giant sundew plant (pile o' rags). Blaylocke stung it with an arrow as Grynn cried out, he also hit the priest with Bardic Insiration. Enkili ignored the barrels after that to barge through Blaylocke and Riardon to get where the action was, drawing the Sainted Sword as he elbowed his way to flank the creature with Grynn. Six tendrils lashed out at Grynn and Enkili, missing the fighter but grappling the HalfOrc priest. Turning his headband around so that the light side was out, Jolrael also pushed his way to take up position at the bottom steps just below Riardon and Blaylocke. Blind without light, Leiya felt her way over to Blaylocke’s side and was unable to enter the fray; too many people between herself and the action.
Riardon pulled his bow and sank a shaft deep into the sundew (sneak attack!). He did not move, unwilling to get closer to the sticky plant. Enkili moved around the flailing leafy creature and severed the tendril holding Grynn, then he burst into furious chopping activity to severely wound the plant with three of four attacks (action surge). Jolly used a fiery Chromatic Orb, thinking it was the flaming properties of the Sainted Sword that had injured the sundew; it proved resistant to the fire. Blaylocke missed with his next arrow. Leiya plowed through Blaylocke, Riardon, and Jolrael to get next to the creature, unfortunately she had been slowed down enough to not get an attack. Grynn used some divine energy when he attacked with his magic mace, crushing leaves and tendrils alike.
Though his second shot wasn’t as well placed as his first, Riardon’s arrow finished off the plant monster. The sticky sap that remained on Grynn continued to damage him with acidic burns. Enkili ran back to the barrels and smashed the lid of one. It held wine that had gone to vinegar a long time ago. He carried that barrel back so that Grynn could wash the caustic sap off his person. Leiya also took a flask of that vinegar just in case it may have a use later; she may be looking forward to a salad later, so she joked. Riardon checked the next door, listened at it, then opened it. Leiya, Blaylocke, Grynn, and Jolrael noticed a metallic glitter near the dead sundew. They dug up 500gp, a tiger eye, topaz, and yellow saphyr gems, and a ring that glowed with energy when Jolly cast Detect Magic. Grynn neither healed himself nor accepted offers from Leiya, bearing his sundew burns stoicly.
*That’s it for our 70th game in this anti slavery campaign. We will meet again on October 29th, but in the meantime we will be voting via text to see if we play D&D or do a one shot horror game.
Highlights of Episode Seventy One
Gurthos 8th CE 1031
Leiya talked Grynn into letting her patch him up with the Healer’s Kit, completely healing the damage he had taken from the Sundew plant. Riardon steped out of the sundew room, to the left was a short passage to a door, and a hall going north with a left hand intersection fifteen feet up. He listened at the left hand door and thought he heard conversation, so he trotted to the intersection to the north. Around the corner was a door leading to a burned out room (15’x35’), and a passage heading east that turned south beyond that door. As everyone searched the room, Grynn ran to the east and found another door on the east wall around the south turn, and passed that door heading south were stairs going down.
Thinking the stairs would take them to the slave pens, the party decided to go down. Riardon listened at the eastern door and thought he heard the noise of wind, then he moved down the steps to a door with a slide latch facing south. Beyond that door was a short ten foot long passage to another door to the south. This door opened onto a courtyard. Whatever fire that had destroyed much of the temple had left rubble around the courtyard’s periphery. They worked their way south, observing retaining walls and temple walls framing the open air area they moved through; there were no signs of guards along the short retaining walls or the temple roofs. A turn to the west was found at the far end of the courtyard, charred stone and timbers were all over.
Scouting slightly ahead of his friends, Riardon rounded a wall to the west and found open passages twenty feet away heading south, and one burned out door five feet away to the north. He turned north and was surprised by a gaunt undead creature upon entering the room. It attacked the rogue with a sword and clawed hand, the hand hit and drained the hapless Elf; slamming him into the wall everyone else was behind. After a few seconds of not knowing what to do (surprise round), Enkili drew the Sainted Sword and dashed around the corner. Dueling around an empty door frame, the fighter managed to slash the ravening creature twice before clearing the door so that others could engage this caricature of life.
Jolrael was trailing the rest of the group, but was the next to act. Using the storm winds his magic manifested as a by product, he sailed up to the wall and hurled a fiery Chromatic Orb at the vicious creature. The sorcerer landed on the wall top, yet his precarious perch made it hard for him to make his shot. Also unable to close the distance, Grynn ran around the corner and used his turn to cast bless on Enkili, Jolrael, Blaylocke, and Riardon. Cursing in Elven, Riardon stabbed the intelligent undead then ran away. Unwilling to pass through the doorway the creature backed up, tossed aside its sword, pulled a bow and fired two arrows at Jolly. The second arrow forced Jolrael to teeter atop the wall, but he held his place after windmilling his arms.
Blaylocke stepped around the corner and could not see who everyone else was fighting; he granted Riardon a Bardic Inspiration and hit the Elf with a Healing Word. Unfortunately the life had been drained from Riardon, so the magic did not restore him any. Grynn stormed into the monster’s lair, expending all his energy crossing the rubble; all he was able to do was manifest a Spiritual Weapon near the undead thing. Moving into another gutted room, the fell creature launched two more arrows at the sorcerer; Jolrael mocked the thing from his wall top untouched by this second volley of shafts.
Grinning as his Tempestuous Magic floated him off the wall, Jolrael cast Tidal Wave at the doorway the creature had ducked behind. It’s dead body rolled into view in the wash of magically generated liquid. Leiya examined Riardon and figured out that she did not have the right spells ready to help him, but judged that a good night’s rest would more than likely see the rogue recover on his own. The party spread out, moving from one fire glutted room to another. Riardon and Grynn discovered coins spilling from a fire baked bag, they recovered roughly 1,000 EP, and 2,000 CP.
Ignoring the fire ravaged rooms to the south, they party reasoned that any access to the basement would likely be sealed up by the slavers in these charred ruins so they returned the way they had come from at the far end of the courtyard. They found the door closed and locked behind them. Shadowy figures flitted along the roofs and walls. Riardon tried to pick the lock, but someone slapped the mechanism closed from the other side. Enkili tossed his grapnel rope up, someone cut the rope and stole the grapnel hook. Mocking laughter floated down from above from a handful of humanoid shadows. No alarm was raised by those harrasing them!
*Here is where we leave our intrepid characters until November 12th. Remember, the party still needs a crowbar, have to replace the grapnel hook, and we start at noon instead of 1 pm. Not to mention we have to figure out why the mysterious figures want them locked into the courtyard and its maze of rubble strewn rooms.
Highlights of Episode Seventy Two
Gurthos 8th CE 1031
Under the eyes of the figures on the roof, the party wondered what to do. Since Riardon’s attempt to open the door had been rebuffed, Enkili decided to try force. Unfortunately he bruise his shoulder for no gain. They felt their only alternative was to make their back south and go back into the maze of burned out rooms again. The rooms they had not visited did not yielded any exit, but the wall just east of them seemed low enough to scale. The roof skulkers began to fade away, blending with the night. Enkili offered to hoist his friends to the ten foot wall’s top, but Jolrael stopped him. The sorcerer cast Light on a stone and had it tossed over the wall.
Riardon was the first over the wall. The courtyard beyond was filled with lifelike statues in weird poses, most of them broken in some way. Jolly was next over followed by Grynn. Before Leiya or Blaylocke had a chance to go over two big lizards ambled around the corner; they had eight legs and the most malevolent glares. Jolrael briefly met the eyes of the lead creature and felt a supernatural energy trying to freeze him to the spot. Shaking the effect off he dashed behind a statue and blindly hit the creatures with a Tidal Wave spell. For his efforts the lead creature zipped over to his position and bit Jolrael with an envenomed bite.
Heeding the sorcerer’s warning Riardon winged one with an arrow then attempted to lose himself within the garden of statues. Wondering what ill fortune had befallen his friends, Enkili swarmed over the wall to see Both Basilisk’s. Somehow he ignored the foul gazes of the beasts and fell behind the lead monster who was making Jolly’s life less festive. He attempted to frighten the lizard with his first attack, but Enkili’s second attack was well delivered and the basilisk had it’s life carved out (critical hit). The fighter then moved so that the second beast would have to attack him or go the long way around.
Blaylocke chanted a song at the Fighter ( Bardic Inspiration) then prepared himself to help Leiya over the wall. Climbing was not the priestess’ strong suit, so it took all her effort, even with the Bard’s assistance, to clamber over the wall and get to Jolrael. Grynn manifested his Spiritual Weapon and sent it to the last lizard, swinging wide since he could not look directly to place the blow. After that he climbed back to the top of the wall to help Blaylocke over. The Basilisk attempted to bite Enkili, but the reforged plate armor held up under the attack. Sending a fiery Chromatic Orb at the last creature, Jolrael missed with the spell. Riardon repositioned himself and sent another half aimed arrow flying. This shaft missed.
Tricking the savage lizard with his swordplay to increase his odds of hitting, Enkili landed a great shot with the Sainted Sword; but his follow up shot nearly cut the basilisk in two (a second crit!). Gynn used a healing scroll on Enkili while Leiya used a Cure Light Wounds[i]spell on Jolrael immediately after the battle. The party found a nest around the south western corner, but no treasures were found. There was an area of wall near where the party had climbed over that was obviously bricked up, the party pulled this section of wall apart and found an entrance to a room back inside areas they had already explored. This was the broken tool room they had visited before. They had to traipse back up the stairs, over the rickety beam, then down the stairs to the sundew room. This time when Riardon listened at the western door he did not hear conversation. He opened the door and stepped in. Someone inside the room, around the corner, said: “What’s that?”. Riardon pivoted about, gently closed the door and ran passed both Blaylocke and Ekili telling them to be quiet and hide. Leiya, Grynn, and Jolrael were still in the sundew room and noticed the commotion but did not hear the rogue’s warning whisper. Enkili followed Riardon up the north passage, but for some reason Blaylocke did not move from his spot. When the door opened, humanoid figures noticed the bard right off the bat….
*This is the cliffhanger for the fortnight. We will convene again on November 26th, followed by December 10th, however December 24th we will not game. Note, we need a crowbar and a replacement grapnel hook.
** Riardon One Liner- Great! We found a stupider way to go in circles. ** I wonder if Rimmermac would have said this, it is hard trying to channel him while subing his character. Hope Rimmer comes back to us.
[i]Highlights of Episode Seventy Three
Gurthos 8th CE 1031
*My apologies, I forgot to take notes for most of the first hour of our game. I’m not sure if I have the sequence of events correct or not. Starting off in combat gave me four whole pages of notes, and I write small. I have everyone correct after that first hour though, when our pace picked up.
Three creatures that appeared to be mostly of Orc blood confronted Blaylocke in the short west hall. Riardon scooted down from the narrow northern hallway and fired at the closest Orc with a[i] Firebolt spell. His aim was so poor the creature never felt the heat from the cantrip (natural 1). The Elf then ran back north so the spot behind Blaylocke would remain open for his friends to use. Enkili move to the spot just before the spot Riardon had just abandoned, moving passed the rogue to do so. The burly fighter waited to strike any foe that moved into that square. Casting a Word of Radiance cantrip after moving into that spot behind the bard, Leiya’s aim was slightly better than Riardon’s yet she too failed to hit a target and moved back to her former position. At this point an Orc at the back of the trio turned about and returned to the stables they had all come from.
Grynn chose his moment to also move into the sweet spot, he could see all his friends there and was able to Bless them all; he then returned to where he had been. From the back of the sundew room, Jolrael prepared his Chromatic Orb cantrip; aiming for the same magic spot beyond the sundew room’s door, just behind Blaylocke. After a few seconds the Sorcerer chose a different tactic, he moved passed Leiya into the space beyond the door. He fired an Aganaazar’s Scorcher at the two orcs beyond Blaylocke then flew on a wind back into the sundew room. On his turn, Blaylocke disengaged and moved into the sundew room, pressing passed Leiya. Not knowing that Enkili was in the northern hallway above the door to the sundew room, an Orc moved to strike Leiya; finding her at the doorway rather than Blaylocke. It got hit by the Sainted Sword and badly damaged; it tried to hit the fighter back but missed and stumbled back from the contested spot at the door, taking the space Blaylocke had abandoned.
Having a killer instinct, despite her protestations that it is not so, Leiya stepped through the door and hit the damaged orc with a Word of Radiance slaying it. She retreated back to her former position at the doorway of the sundew room. At this point Blaylocke chose to produce his new Haste spell, casting it on Enkili; a move that arguably may have been a key choice in this battle as more and more Orc guards would be joining the fray coming from two directions. To the fighter it seemed as though the whole world had slowed except for himself. He rounded the corner he had been guarding finding a lone orc in the west hall, near the stables. He cut it down then ran into the stables searching for the third Orc guard that had been present moments before. All he saw were the double doors to the stable partially open at the far western side of the facility, he turned to head back as he heard the commotion his party was making back in the north facing hall.
Riardon, who was still in the narrow northern hall, heard the clap of boots on stone as more Orc guards seemed to be heading their way. The clever Rogue used Minor Illusion to fill half the corridor with the seeming of a big boulder. Possibly not knowing how impactful his Bless spell was proving itself to be, Grynn chose to follow Enkili into the stable, he was the first to see two Orcs rise with drawn shortbows. Back in the narrow northern hallway, an Orc guard discovered the boulder in the passage. He could see the slender Elven Rogue further south of himself, so he tried to climb over the boulder. He tumbled into the illusion falling flat on its face. As the two snipers in the stable fired at Enkili, hitting him with one shaft, Blaylocke fired an arrow of his own at the Orc who had fallen in the illusionary boulder. The hit would have slain another creature other than a hardy Orc.
A guard following the illusion befuddled Orc was himself disturbed by the strange boulder, but none-the-less pushed through the image and closed with Rairdon, making a double move to close the gap. Grimacing after seeing a companion taking an arrow, Grynn threw himself up the ladder to gain the hayloft where the villains were. Once again he manifest his Spiritual Weapon, placing it between the Orcs, and had it club the nearest sniper injuring him. Blaylocke shot the Orc Guard that had closed with Riardon, causing some harm. The clumsy guard who had fallen into the illusionary boulder stood up and raced to just behind his companion facing the rogue. Back in the hayloft the injured sniper dropped its bow and retrieved a shortsword posted in a nearby hay bale and vainly tried to skewer Grynn.
Facing two Orcs now, Riardon grasped the nearest and electrocuted it with a Shocking Grasp cantrip. As its body spasmed and jerked from the residual energy, the rogue slipped into the hall spaces between the sundew room’s doorway and the stables. Three more guards end their movement behind the illusionary boulder in the north hall, wondering how the impediment had gotten there. Happily Jolrael slamed the far trio of Orcs with a Tidal Wave, knocking one of them off their feet, injuring all of them. Drawing her rarely used crossbow, Leiya fired a bolt at the guard whom Riardon had shocked, but missed.
Using the increase in his speed wrought by the Haste spell, Enkili ran halfway down the stable, vaulted off a stack of hay bales, and swung himself up into the hayloft behind both snipers (Thank the Erathian gods for the Athlete feat). With two slashes of his heirloom blade, he killed the nearest Orc then, with Grynn’s permission, moved behind the Orc attacking Melana’s priest. He damaged that one with a single hit; again the dauntless nature of the Orc prevented him from dying from the wound. On the other side of the two front fray, a washed out Orc chose to flee back to the north due to the manifestation of magic that had almost killed him, another uninjured Orc took his place though. Since he had not been pursued into the western short hall, Riardon peeked around the corner and Firbolt cantriped the Orc he had zapped a few seconds ago, nearly cremating it with his shot, he then retreated back around the corner not liking all the other Orcs who had shown up.
Using his Ray of Frost cantrip on one of the wave injured Orc’s up the passage, Jolrael killed this opponent and goaded the survivors with his brogue accented insults. The sorcerer remained at the mouth of the door in front of Leiya. The Guard behind Jolly’s victim realized the boulder’s illusionary nature and ran through it, dashing to close with the spell slinging human. Returning to the hayloft fray, Enkili chose to give the last sniper a little push instead of using his big curved sword. Though he tried to grab the fighting man to keep his balance, the orc plummeted the fifteen feet to the stable floor. Though his head survived the impact, the angle of his neck did nothing to keep his spinal column from snapping. Enkili then lowered himself down from the loft and waited for Grynn to climb down and join him near the short hall door to the east.
The Half Orc priest clambered down the ladder and bade his Spiritual Weapon to follow. The tall ladder took Grynn’s entire movement to clear. Noises to the west, beyond the stable’s double door, indicated more guards were coming. Back in the sundew room, Leiya cranked back her crossbow and let fly at the Orc directly in front of Jolrael. The shaft sank deep into the light armor the snarling humanoid wore, dropping it on the spot. Blaylocke attempted to duplicate the priestess’ feat with a shot of his own. His target was further up the northern hall so his shaft missed its mark. That Orc dashed to close with Jolrael, straddling his dead companions to do so.
Using the same tactics as before, Riardon poked his head around the short hallways corner and fired a Firebolt at Jolrael’s new challenger. The fire did this Orc no favors, so Riardon smiled as he retreated out of view. Seeing the cantrip’s flames lick up this Orc’s torso, Leiya moved up and directed her next bolt at it nearly killing it in the process. She retreated back to her former position standing beyond the doorway. With no enemies remaining in the narrow north hall, Jolrael prepared a Chromatic Orb spell in case more villains showed up. Orcs stormed into the stable and closed with Enkili, almost hitting the fighting man with an attack. Grynn had his Spiritual Weapon attack the nearest foe, before he half clambered onto a stack of oat sacks and finished it off with a savage blow of his mace. The cleric then moved into one of the stables and began to pull out his climbing pitons to spike the stable doors closed with.
Not seeing anymore Orc Guards in the narrow hallway, Blaylocke ran for the stables and cast a Healing Word on the barely injured Enkili. Not usually perceptive, Enkili figured out what Grynn was wanting to do, so he moved to the stable doors. Several Orcs were in the yard beyond, so he slammed the doors shut in their faces and droped the locking bar into place. Back in the north hall a new Orc discovered the illusionary boulder. Once his hand passed through the image he called the information back to the reinforcements behind himself.
The stable door rocked under one then two thudding attempts to breach the aperture. The board locking the doubles doors shut developed some cracks and splintering though. To the north more Orcs pressed into the hall, one letting fly with a bolt at the sorcerer. The missile missed but still alarmed Leiya, Riardon and Jolrael with the fresh tactics being employed. Another arbalestier tried to skewer Jolly, but his bolt too flew wide. As the barn doors suffer another battering more Orcs pour into the narrow northern hall, some getting as close as the eastern intersection on their turns. Not liking the snipers up around the illusion, Jolrael targeted them with another Tidal Wave spell, sweeping them off their feet and knocking them savagely about. Riardon attempted to target the nearest charging guard with a Firebolt, but his aim was so cockeyed that no Orc felt the destructive heat of the cantrip (another natural 1). The closest guard closed with Leiya at the sundew room’s doorway, a fell friend on his heels.
Even after Enkili voiced an opinion that they should fall back to a point where the party would not be fighting on two fronts, Blaylocke climbed up into the hayloft and prepared to fire at any creature breaching the double doors to the west. Using a climbing piton, Grynn spiked the doors just before a fresh onslaught of banging thudded into the barrier. The doors held. Enkili flew out of the stables, through the short hall and into the Orc confronting Leiya. Even though he had dashed passed Riardon, Jolrael, and before that Grynn to get into position, the Haste spell still allowed him one attack that gravely injured the guard in the door. A Word of Radiance dropped that Orc allowing Leiya to move behind the wall, concealing herself from would be snipers.
In the stable the piton flew free and the doors slammed back on protesting hinges as four battering ram armed Orcs were revealed. A guard straddled Leiya’s victim in the sundew rooms' opening and engaged Enkili whose armor shunted the blow aside. Dropping the battering ram, one guard fired a missile at Grynn which missed, while another drew a shortsword and failed to stab the Half Orc priest; a second crossbow bolt did hit Grynn grazing a limb and creasing skin. The fourth Orc moved behind the companion engaging Grynn as a fifth guard appeared in the courtyard near the arbalestiers. On the other front an orc pushed through the villain fighting Enkili and entered the sundew room, he squared off against Leiya.
Back in the stable Grynn danced away from the orc trying to hurt him and cast Guardian of Faith in the space he had just vacated. Meanwhile his Spiritual Weapon clobbered the priest's last attacker. Centering his spell on the stables double doors, Blaylocke caste Confusion. All five Orcs were in the target area but only two of the guards succumbed to the spells influence. The bard then climbed out of the hayloft realizing he would be trapped and swarmed if he remained in the high vantage. A brain dazed victim of the bard’s spell walked away from the stables beyond the sight of any of our heroes. At the same time another orc squeezed into the sundew room, taking a solid hit from the opportunistic fighting man, Enkili. This guard managed to strike Leiya with a sword stroke.
Still in the short hall behind Enkili, Jolrael hit the fighter’s foe with a Chromatic Orb badly injuring the Orc. Behind Jolly, Riardon also targeted that guard with his own cantrip; the Firebolt snuffing the slaver in a cloud of oily smoke. In the yard outside of the stables, the other Confused Orc chose to sky watch on his turn. In the sundew room, Leiya slammed a Word of Radiance into the bloke who had stabbed her. Enkili waded into the Sundew room killing one Orc, and injuring the other….
*That is it for this biweek of action. There does not seem to be but one injured guard remaining from the narrow northern hall front, and most of the Orcs in the stables are injured or ensorcelled. We will next meet on December 10th, however the session following that will fall on December 24th, a holiday date we reserve to spending time with our families. This means that we will gather again on January 7th after these early winter celebrations. Remember, the party still needs a crowbar, and have to replace the grapnel hook. Long John has crafted another Enkili Picture that has captured that character’s resting psycho face, check it out in Erath Miscellany under The Party heading where our current party’s portaits are portrayed.
[i]Highlights of Episode Seventy Four
Gurthos 8th CE 1031[/i]
Jolly tossed a fiery [i]Chromatic Orb at the foremost Orc in the stable, the spell would have slain an ordinary creature, but the Orc’s obnoxious tenacity kept this one on its feet. Feeling its mortality threatened though, it tried to duck into a stall to avoid other missiles and spells but his movement triggered the Guardian of Faith spell Grynn had set up. This obliterated the Orc. As this was happening, Grynn pulled out a scroll and read it. The Tongues spell he placed on himself made Malena’s Priest able to decipher the Orc’s speech. He then began to negotiate with them, unfortunately only the Orcs and the Halforc cleric were the only folk able to understand the conversation. This was the gist of Grynn’s words though: Where is the glory in throwing your lives away? The living Orcs in the stable, those not under the influence of Blaylocke’s Confusion spell, were thrown into instant consternation.
Realizing that their new party member was making headway, Blaylocke ceased shooting at the guards; he took a readied stance showing he was willing to resume shooting if necessary, he also cast a Healing Word on Grynn. Back in the sundew room no one knew that hostilities were cooling down in the stable. The last remaining Orc, already bad off with terrible wounds, tried to separate himself from Leiya and Enkili. The Mandagan fighter pursued the hapless Orc and slew him back near the barrels of vinegar, he than raced back into the sundew room.
The two living Orcs in the stables who were not ensorcelled made it known they were willing to deal. Grynn let his Guardian of Faith spell lapse as a sign of good faith. Grynn tried to make the Orcs change sides for cash, which did not seem too enticing for the guards, but they did not resume fighting after that offer. With no nearby foes and no sign of further antagonists coming down the north hallway, Leiya broke from the sundew room. She began to hear the negotiations on entering the hay strewn facility. Changing strategies, Grynn told the orcs he would pay them if they told him where the slaves were held. Leiya backed Grynn up with persuasive words of her own.
As the victims of the Confusion spell continued to run around doing random acts of pacing, gibbering, or navel gazing, Jolrael lowered his hands and assumed a passive stance. Riardon pattered into the stable and lowered his bow after seeing their new friend persuading their enemies into a different mind set. The advent of the Elf almost upset the balance Grynn had achieved, and things almost reverted to a tense but non violent state before Enkili raged into the room with his great Mandagan sword raised on high. Fortunately the fighter read the room and stopped his charge.
Not liking the numbers coming to bear against them, the lead orc became more tense but did not break off the parley. At this moment both the Bless and Haste spells wore off. The sudden lethargy hit Enkili like a ton of bricks, the fighter staggered into a stall and leaned against the wall to keep from falling down. This time Grynn held up some platinum coins when he repeated his request for knowledge on where the slaves could be found. The offer of twelve platinum coins was more than incentive enough for the surviving Orcs to agree to the terms. Even as the ensorcelled Orcs continued to do random acts, the two steady creatures began to describe two different ways that the underground pens could be reached.
One approach could be found in the chapel under a statue. Unfortunately there was a password required and the only Orc that knew that word had already died. At this point there was another lapse in the talks. One of the spell scrambled Orcs pulled its blade and tried to stab the second stable Orc, that fracas continued out of sight for a few moments. The lead Orc turned about showing his back for a moment. He was much relieved that the party did not pounce in that second of lapse. This made his information flow to the group without the soul searching that had slowed him down before. The heroes began to learn of the second route to the underground captives. This was a route through a haunted graveyard.
Both routes were through the passage north of the sundew room. That hall would take them to the stone cutter’s shack. Through the shack north was the chapel, but south of the shack was the cemetery. Evidently there was a rumored secret passage in the cemetery that led to the underground passages under the temple complex, unfortunately this area was haunted. The spell confused Orc who was attacking his friends was slain, ending that little drama. The survivors gathered themselves after collecting the money they had earned, and they marched away in the directions of the complex’s main gates.
Grynn started gathering dead bodies and stashing them in the hay, Enkili and Blaylocke gave the priest a hand. After a brief discussion the party laid back patching their wounds and gathering their breath for an hour. At the mention of questioning the dead with a spell that Leiya possessed, Blaylocke protested the use of dark magic which killed the debate on discovering the secret word needed to get through the chapel’s trap door. As the break ended Leiya cast Aid on herself, Enkili, and Jolrael, then cast Death Ward on Grynn. Riardon resumed his place on point, probing the group's path through the north hall over and passed the bodies strewn there from the battle. The hall was long and turned to the west after a bit of hike. The doors to the stonecutter’s shack were open, even the aperture at the far end of the building.
A set of closed doors were immediately south, in the direction the Orcs had said the cemetery was. Riardon crept through the shack and peeked about looking for the chapel across the courtyard. He came back to report his findings, which stimulated a discussion on which path they should take. Only Leiya and Jolrael argued in favor of going through the chapel, everyone else thought the stealthiest approach would be through the haunted graveyard. So the southern doors were opened revealing an overgrown lot with overturned gravestones, trees, weeds, and one lone mausoleum fifteen feet away. The crypt’s door faced them.
Spreading out, the party let Riardon do his thing checking for traps, then attempting to open the locked aperture. Grynn walked down the western side of the crypt to make sure nothing was hiding behind it, and a tree seemed to slap Jolrael with a branch. Once at the back of the mausoleum, all the bushes and grasses seemed to rise up, surrounding the Halforc priest. Grynn chose not to react to this provocation, speaking gently to the growth. This seemed to work as a few seconds later the bushes parted to allow him to go back to the party. Riardon failed to pick the locks again, so Grynn cast Guidance on the Elf before the Rogue tried for a third time.
This attempt worked and the door's lock clicked, however Riardon could not drag the doors open. They had to call on Enkili, with Blaylocke’s help, to pull the reluctant doors wide. Rust and growth were the hampering factors behind the aperture's reticent opening, but that could not halt the duos tandem effort. Instead of sarcophagi, coffins, urns, and other things to hold bodies, the group found a set of stairs leading into the depths below. The stairs headed south, turned to the east, then turned north making a complete ‘U’ before they came to a dirt landing. The dirt passage they found did not have tool marks nor the sign of claws to show the passages formation.
Blaylocke studied the walls, ceiling, and floor for a few moments as the occasional spill of dust dirtied their hair or made noise down the passage. He thought that insects of incredible size may have been the engineers of these tunnels. Their passage moved north east for a ways then intersected with another north/south passage. South had the noise of wind whistling distantly, but Riardon heard Orcs conversing up the north passage. They headed for the orcs. Nearing the sound, the rogue moved off on his own and came to another juncture. The tunnel continued in a north westerly direction but there was an opening and a ladder down into a circular room filled with ten orcs who had a number of large leashed weasels…
* This is where we leave off of this 74th episode of our adventures. Again, our next game will be on January 7th because of the holidays. Too long a wait in my opinion, but I would sell my relatives for any chance to game 
**Our shopping list has grown. We now need 600 gold pieces worth of diamonds for our clerics, as well as a grapnel hook, and a crowbar. Merry Christmas to one and all, Happy Hanukkah, and may the love of family be matched by the love of your friends during this holiday season!
[i]Highlights of Episode Seventy Five
Gurthos 8th CE 1031[/i]
For a few minutes our heroes considered whether to continue on in the bug tunnels or to advance on the Orcs and their pets. Jolrael proposed the use of a new offensive spell he had not had a chance to use yet. His argument moved the party to choose climbing down the ladder to face the Orcs. Followed closely by Enkili, the Sorcerer crept up to the top of the ladder and surveyed the room. A fifteen by ten foot rectangular nook off of a circular room met his eyes, sewage flowed in an annular channel around the edges of the round portion of the room with a span bridging the nook with the inner circle. The disposition of the Orcs was too wide for Jolrael’s initial plan, so he cast [i]Storm Sphere near the ladder instead. He achieved complete surprise, as he floated into the room and dropped onto a crate in the north east corner; he caused lightening to pop out of his spell to strike a human male sitting at a small table in the nook under the ladder.
Enkili sped down the rungs and hacked one of the nearby weasels to death. When one hit was enough to do in the overly large mammal, the fighter sent his second stroke into the man, giving himself advantage with a feint; the man did not fall from this attack. Trying to strike and remain in cover, since there was not enough room to clamber down and not get swallowed in Jolly’s spell, Riardon let loose with a Fire Bolt at a weasel but missed; he scuttled back from the opening. Everyone else shuffled forward waiting to climb down, but unable to act due to the narrow confines of the bug tunnel. After the Storm Sphere killed a couple of weasels and damaged the Orcs and the luckier weasels, the Orcs began to withdraw back out of the spell. Seven of the ten Orcs tried to skewer Jolrael with bolts from their crossbows, bad aim and magical protection kept the sorcerer from suffering any harm from the missiles.
Riardon’s aim was better with his next Fire Bolt and he was able to snuff one of the last remaining weasels, he then stepped back. The last weasel tried to bite Enkili but could not penetrate the plate armor covering his thigh. The fighter cleaved that furry pest then roared in the face of the man when he attacked him with his follow up slash, shaking that villain to his core. Grynn pushed passed his comrades and dropped into the space Enkili had made at the ladder’s foot. Jolrael tried to zap the human with the Storm Sphere’s lightening bolt, but the fellow managed to slide away from the magical discharge. The sorcerer then decided to cast Synaptic Static into the bulk of the Orcs who were amassed just beyond his first spell. This was Jolly's new magical weapon.
All six Orcs caught in the psychic blast fell dead with blood leaking from eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. The human man carefully disengaged from Enkili then dashed across the ring shaped portion of the room. He was briefly limned in a flash of light on a stairway on the far side of the room. That light flared then died returning that corner of the room back into a darkened state. Choosing to cease concentrating on his Storm Sphere spell, Jolrael suddenly made room for the rest of the party to climb down and get involved in the fight. Two Orcs tried to punish the sorcerer, but their aim was just as bad as before. Reaching the floor, Blaylocke cast Charm Person on one of the snipers who had just tried to pierce Jolrael. It lowered its crossbow as the bard reassured him that he was no longer in danger. Having to work his way through the sudden plug of his friends, Enkili tried to chase after the man, flipping the light around on his helmet so he could see, he gained the same stairway as his prey. He found both the human man and an Orc opening a set of double doors at the top of the steps but could not quite reach either.
Jolrael also followed but chose to cast Tidal Wave instead of trying to close with those fleeing. His spell killed and washed the Orc off the steps but the Human deftly kept his feet. The sorcerer then snarled threats at a nearby Orc sniper. The party members nearest the ladder notice the lantern that had been on the table was on its side now that the table was overturned, it was not leaking oil which meant it had a Continual Flame spell cast upon it. The slaver human passed through the doors, turned to smile at Enkili, then manipulated something behind the doors. The steps folded turning the incline into a slick ramp. Enkili was dumped at the bottom of the new made slide. Sensing that the fighter was going to race up the slope, Grynn ran over and placed a Guidance upon Enkili. Leiya joined her fellow cleric at the foot of the new made ramp.
Blaylocke moved over to his charmed Orc and began to ask his name and inquire after the slave pens, he learned the Orc’s name was Mugg. At the same time Enkili tried to get up the slide, but only made thirty feet after straining. Those nearest the ramp heard noises of forces gathering from where the slaver had ran, cries for help from the slaves, and orders rallying the slaver's minions. Riardon made his way partially up the ramp. Mugg told Blaylocke there was a long way through the bug tunnels to get to the slave pens, but the shortest way was up the ramp. Also he named a priestess and the rogue human as the bosses he reported to (those names are in notes not currently accessible to the DM). Enkili got through the doors but could not find a device to activate the stairs.
Having gone back to the overturned table, Leya began to read some of the scattered papers. She found hints of several slaver activities so she scooped up all the loose sheaves and the journals she could grab. Riardon caught up with Enkili and took over searching for the mechanism that worked the stairs. Going from body to body, Jolrael began going through the pockets of the dead, kicking their unnecessary equipment and bodies into the sewer as he went. He collected two crossbows and the ammunition for himself and Grynn as he went. The bard tried to get Mugg to provide troop numbers, but it became evident that the Orc had never thought about using his fingers and toes to count with. All the Orcs bunked to the southwest of the slave pens in a series of caves and they were “many, many”. Blaylocke then gave Mugg a silver piece and told him to leave, which he did, climbing into the bug tunnels to escape.
Jolrael convinced Blaylocke to check out the crates in the corner for loot, the Dwarven bard found various supplies, but also some bags of coins. Climbing to the top of the stairs, Enkili tossed a rope down the slide which Grynn tied to a piton he hammered into the floor. Riardon triumphantly discovered the mechanism for activating the stairs, making Grynn and Enkili’s antics with the silk rope moot. Grynn realized the commotion from up the stairs was now that of enemy forces on the move having already gathered. Seeing that Blaylocke had a lot of items to look through, Jolrael cast Detect Magic on himself to help expedite that search. They gather up all the coin they could after the spell failed to locate anything interesting.
Next the party became divided with some of their number arguing about crawling through the bug tunnels in the hopes of finding the slave pens, while others thought that going forward up the stairs was the shortest and best route. After several wasted moments the faction who wanted the shortest route won out so the party gathered in the west bound hallway beyond the double doors. They did not get very far before they noticed movement in a chamber ahead of them, Orcs and several Dwarven sized bugs armed with swords and shields were squaring off to face them….
*It was nice having R.C. return to be our Jolly sorcerer rather than being a jolly Santa. Now if only we could get Rimmermac back. Our 76th episode will be on February 4th. Take care until that happy day.
**Our shopping list: we now need 600 gold pieces worth of diamonds for our clerics, as well as a grapnel hook, and a crowbar.
[i]Highlights of Episode Seventy Six
Gurthos 8th CE 1031[/i]
“Mahkim, I hope I have lived a life you would approve of,” Enkili prayed before charging to the end of the hall. A crossbow bolt streaked by missing by a mile, so the fighter waved The Sainted Sword and jetted out a cone of fire ([i]Burning Hands) catching a bug man two Halforcs, and two Orcs in the fan of flame. None of the enemy dropped. Another bolt came at Enkili, but went wide. The bug creature, that looked like an upright weevil, had two swords and two shields. It’s two attacks missed the fighter. Grynn, who was in the middle of the group tried to fire his new crossbow at the Orc closest to Enkili, but his bolt lodged in the narrow hall's ceiling, so he cast Spiritual Weapon in the midst of the Orcs; smashing a foe down when the manifestation acted.
Another bug creature stepped around the corner and got two shots at the Mandagan fighter, hitting once. When it scuttled away, Enkili retaliated with an opportunity attack, cutting it deeply. Stepping into the vacated spot in front of Enkili, an Orc tried to cut the Human but scuttled safely back after missing. Moving by his companions, Blaylocke placed a Bardic Inspiration on Enkili, then he plied his bow hampered by the narrow hall. Leiya cast a Slow spell in the middle of the enemy’s formation, catching all but a couple of them. Firebolt did not connect for Riardon, cast from the rear of the party in that damned hall. Another bolt shattered against the wall near Enkili.
Nearly spent from their last fight, Jolrael had to marshal his magical power (converting Sorcery Points into a spell slot) in order to cast Synaptic Static into the pack of enemies. He caught every visible opponent with the potent spell, unfortunately he did not realize that there were pits full of slaves in the radius of his spell also. The party had heard the cries of the people but had not fully laid eyes on the pens at that point. Many slaves were dropped, but so were many of the guards. A woman came out of a side room near the hall, she tried to snare Enkili with some spell, however Blaylocke’s Inspiration helped the fighter resist. The woman then ducked back into the side room allowing a slowed Orc to move up and miss with a short sword; he too moved back.
Another Orc copied this tactic, but he hit the hearty fighter; he too stepped back. Instead of trying to harm Enkili, the next Orc dropped his weapon and stepped out on to the top of the slave pens, the barred cages below formed a grid of squares that could be slowly balance atop of and crossed. Blaylocke got a good shot off at an upright bug person, killing it with a Dissonant Whispers spell. Faring better with his second crossbow shot, Grynn dropped an Orc, then hammered another one down with his Spiritual Weapon as he moved by Enkili to get on the platform above the slave pens. Many of the innocent slaves were down, felled by Jolrael’s spell, a sight that brought dismay to the priest. The last bug man (Aspis) filled the gap between the cleric and fighter, it’s being Slowed helped Enkili twist away from the assault.
An Orc tried to stab Grynn, but was too rattled by the chaos to hit, its friends running away was a sight too much. The rogue boss from the sewer room popped out of the side room, slashed at Grynn twice, then skipped out of harms way with great agility; he ran to the north side of the room putting the surviving Orc and bug guards between himself and the party. From the corner of his eye, Grynn noticed the priestess leave the side room through a door; that south facing closure shut with a rattle that sounded like locks or bars being placed. Riardon cast Firebolt on the last bug man, who surprisingly took the shot and remained upright. Shuffling up til she was just behind Enkili, Leiya cast Spiritual Guardians. The radius of miniature angels did not have many enemies left to target.
After filling in the gap in the hallway, Jolrael hit the bug man with his Frostbite spell. From the lack of reaction the Aspis proved it was immune to cold. Dropping his crossbow, another Orc under the Slow spell trusted himself to the balancing act get-away atop the slave pens. Another Orc quickly followed that example. A third Orc also fled this way, but this one kept his weapons in hand. Having to put extra effort into his action (action surge) Enkili missed the Aspis twice, then hit with his extra action killing it. The fighting man then sped by the few enemies on the platform to close with the Sewer Boss. He did not kill the man even as an Orc missed with an opportunity attack at Enkili’s back. Squeezing by Riardon and Leiya, Jolrael moves onto the platform and layed eyes on the slaver boss. Arcane winds let the sorcerer fly passed the last Orc so he could knock the boss prone with a Chromatic Orb.
Hoping against hope, Grynn cast a Mass Healing Word into the nearest pit before swinging his magic mace at the last Orc on the platform. Seeing some of the bodies respond to his healing magic was enough to be a distraction; he missed the attack. The Halforc cleric then tottered out onto the slave pens getting into position to cast more heals. Seeing three Orcs atop the pens on the rail nearest him, Enkili closed with the rear most and cut him down, waving his arms for balance the entire time. Seeing that he was almost surrounded by the relentless party, the last Orc on the platform made a double move to escape; the narrow walks over the slaves now full of precariously balanced combatants.
Moving onto the platform, Riardon popped the last fleeing Orc with his cantrip and killed him, he then glanced into the side room to see what or who was there. Blaylocke also left the hall and moved up to the edge, seeing all the fallen slaves distracted him from the combat at hand. Dropping her Spiritual Guardians spell, Leiya also moved onto the platform, taking up station along the edge. She then started looking for familiar faces in the two cages below her even as she cast Mass Healing Word into the nearest pen. Five of the six fallen stirred to life from her spell. Natural aggression made one of the Orcs turn and fire at Enkili rather than fleeing as fast as he could, he missed. Jolrael killed him with a Ray of Frost to the face. Wanting a prisoner to question, Blaylocke attempted to bind the Sewer Boss’ wounds.
Calling for Miria, Leiya also moved out along the rails, casting another Mass Healing Word into a cell. All six prisoners began moving, saved by the magic. One Orc got away, moving out of sight to the west. The last visible Orc was teetering along but Enkili spent all his efforts to close with that guard. Seeing that the fallen bodies in two cells were close together, Grynn used his next Mass Healing Word on the victims in both pits. He saved five of them. Blaylocke found out that the Human slaver had passed away even as the bandages were being applied. Going into the side room, Riardon did not find any keys, but he did find several roped platforms that the slavers used to get their subjects in and out of the pit pens. He dragged those contraptions out then begins to use one to bring forth those in the nearest pen.
Knowing it would help, Jolrael went back to the sewer room to get the ladder stationed at the bug tunnels. Fate allowed the last Orc to get away through a tunnel along the west wall, but Enkili tried to follow. When the fighter saw there was no hope to bring mayhem on the last guard he turned back and began to help raise the slaves out of the back pens. Grynn healed another pen, this time with a one hundred percent success rate. Blaylocke, who found no keys on the boss, grabed lift ropes and begins to get people up and out. He and Riardon began discussing how best to get the shackles off the prisoners ankles….
*Here we end this day’s game session, success seemingly at hand. Though there are worries about the two escaped Orc guards, and the Evil Priestess. What mayhem could those three conjure, especially with an Orc village and Aspis allies in the same cavern system? We will all find out this September 18th when our story will resume.
**Our shopping list: we now need 600 gold pieces worth of diamonds for our clerics, as well as a grapnel hook, and a crowbar.
*** Well, our September18th game got derailed due to technical difficulties. It has been noted by the DM that there are 19 freed slaves, none of whom are familiar to any party member. I guess you'll have to join us March 3rd.
****Another lore drop between games has revealed that some of the 19 freed slaves have indicated that these pens were a sorting area, and ther eare other holding facilities elswhere. There are more slaves yet to be freed. Does this mean we may yet save Miria, and other friends taken? Have we determined that the priestess' are among the 19? I also think that this means a bigger badder beatdown boss ahead.[/i][/i]
Highlights of Episode Seventy Seven
Gurthos 8th CE 1031
*Unfortunately this was too short of a game. The Fantasy Grounds update seemed to have broken the big maps the DM required for this campaign.
Blaylocke fished a key off the slaver’s body. Meanwhile some of the former slaves informed Enkili, Leiya, Grynn, and Riardon of the other slaves that had once shared the pits with them. They claimed these pens were a sorting area before people would be moved into the little room the evil priestess had fled through, presumably to other holding facilities beyond. After going down the stairs into the circular sewer room, Jolrael noticed some movement from above the ladder. Aspis! He turned and began to race back, shouting a warning. With an unbelievable speed, the upright weevil looking creatures were on his tail, giving the sorcerer a nasty gash with one of two sword slashes.
Two more join the lead Aspis persuer, unable to close with their prey because of the narrow causeways in the circular sewer. Floating back on mystic winds, Jolrael hit the trio with a Tidal Wave, washing the tail end Aspis all the way back to the ladder. The spell caster then sprinted as far up the stairs as he could with bug men hot on his heels; and even more Aspis spilled out of the bug tunnels into the sewer room. As this was occurring, Riardon had dashed down the narrow hallway reaching the top f the stairs. He positioned himself at the stair/ramp controls ready to flip the switch once Jolrael reached safety. Enkili pounded after the Elven rogue, sheathing The Sainted Sword as he ran.
The cry Jolrael had given caused the former prisoners to panic. They dashed to and fro with most of them crowding into the northern portion of the platform. A few of the survivors even crawled back down into the pits. Leiya devoted her efforts into quelling the panic amid the former captives, using soothing tones to begin directing their efforts to remain together; and to trust their rescuers to keep them from harm. Seeing the priestess had the prisoners well in hand, Blaylocke followed everyone else down the hall, he hit Enkili with another Bardic Inspiration. Riardon was faced with a tough choice. Part of him wanted to get involved in the fight steps away from himself, but with many Elven curses on his tongue, he forced himself to wait for the sorcerer to clear the doorway so he could flip the stairs back into a ramp.
Floating out of sword reach by his Tempestuous Magic abilities, Jolrael detonated another Storm Sphere where he had stood. He floated through the door as high winds buffeted the bug men and one bolt of lightening coruscated harmlessly off the carapace of a harassing Aspis. The Sorcerer wished to do more with this spell, but Riardon flipped the switch turning the stairs into a steep ramp. Instead, Jolly slammed the door closed which caused the mighty spell to end early. More Aspis pour into the sewer room even as the view was cut off. Trading places with Riardon, Enkili positioned himself near the door, bidding his friends to go back and open the door in the little southern room. The same door the evil priestess fled through, and through which the remaining undiscovered prisoners had been taken.
*Our next game will be March 17th, gods willing.
**Our shopping list: we now need 600 gold pieces worth of diamonds for our clerics, as well as a grapnel hook, and a crowbar.
[b]Highlights of Episode Seventy Eight
Gurthos 8th CE 1031 [/b]
*Another short game due to technical ^%#$@!!! &$^#$!…. Pardon the implied invective.
Blaylocke quickly handed the key off to Riardon, almost a short toss. The rogue quickly turned that key in the lock afraid he was about to hear the weevil like Aspis begin pounding and attempting to break through. Both he and Blaylocke were slightly unnerved from the silence coming from the sewer room. Riardon did not waste time listening too long, he thrust passed everyone heading back to the sorting pens. Grynn kept his hands upon his weapons while keeping watch on the door inside the small room, just in case the priestess returned that way.
While organizing the prisoners, Leiya began asking what they knew about this facility. The subdued responses she received told her that everyone in the holding pens had been herded passed an Orc camp or village coming from the tunnels on the far side of the pens; the people no longer in the pens had been taken through the small room and not seen again. Jolrael, Enkili, and Blaylocke also headed back to the holding pens, jostling by each other in the narrow passage. Riardon moved up next to Grynn and discovered no lock for the key he held, so he produced his tools and began to unlatch it using his unique skills to great effect. Enkili decided that they should keep the prisoners between them with Riardon leading the scouting party while he and Grynn brought up the rear.
Further, the fighting man encouraged the prisoners to take arms and armor so they could help free themselves. Leiya showed her quality when she offered her spare weapons to the unfortunates in their care, an example that Enkili quickly imitated, turning over his mace and dagger to those unafraid to take them. Jolrael set himself in the middle of the pack, keeping an eye toward the sewers just in case the bug men did come that way. Blaylocke and Riardon moved through the door, finding themselves on a landing before south facing steps down into a small room that hooked west. Moving ahead of the Dwarf, Riardon caught a glimpse around the corner. A wide room seemed to run south, full of barred cells full of prisoners in a terrified state. Each of them were belly down on the floor with hands covering their heads, their whimpers of fear only audible to himself and the Halforcs waiting to unleash their trap.
Shooting between bars, a crossbow armed Orc drilled Riardon before the Elf could step back (crit.). Hearing the guttural shout from the Halforc’s Jolly tried to wade forward, but too many freed prisoners were in his way. He began to call for them to fall back to the holding cell platform. The Bard used a Healing Word on Riardon before placing himself to fire an arrow at anyone coming around the corner; he called back word of the pending skirmish which helped turn the freed people back from the steps. Enkili could only dance with impatience, switching weapons from sword to bow, while waiting for the free folk to make a path. More Orc breed’s move up from the hidden southern portion of the jail.
A woman’s voice rose up in a chant from the south, casting an unknown spell. Riardon popped out as the enemies maneuvered to new positions and cast a Firebolt on one Halforc, injuring him. A heavily robed figure also moved up from the south, waving his arms and intoning a spell. Instead of shooting this partially concealed figure, Blaylocke unleashed a potent Counterspell and disrupted this fell spell caster. Though Grynn kept his features and emotions more in check than the fighter, he too felt helpless in the back waiting for the prisoners to grant him a path to the fight. Leiya crossed from the stairs to the southern wall, around the corner from the nearest Halforcs and the spell caster. Not having a lot of options left to her since her spells were all but used up, she pulled forth the red gem she had acquired in Dharsta. She began to unleash the fire elemental held inside the glowing stone….
*Here is where our VTT failed us again, bringing a sudden and final quelling chill to our game. Fortunately not the final chill of a TPK, but an unwanted halt to the immersion.
**Our shopping list: we now need 600 gold pieces worth of diamonds for our clerics, as well as a grapnel hook, and a crowbar.
*** I think our next game is Easter Sunday, March 31st.