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To Do, Game Hooks, and Lo...
Forum: Erath 5e Background
Last Post: frenzied67
06-23-2024, 07:26 PM
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Enkili Level 10
Forum: Level-Up Information
Last Post: Xura
06-22-2024, 05:57 PM
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Leiya (and Riardon) level...
Forum: Level-Up Information
Last Post: Xura
06-22-2024, 05:54 PM
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06-16-2024, 10:18 PM
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Forum: Erath 5e Background
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04-14-2024, 09:37 PM
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Game Session - 3/31/2024
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03-31-2024, 01:59 AM
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Feb. 18 discussion: Ollie...
Forum: Erath Miscellany
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02-18-2024, 12:46 AM
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PC's and NPC's Of Yore an...
Forum: Erath Miscellany
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01-25-2024, 09:36 AM
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The Slavers Guild - Huber...
Forum: Erath 5e Background
Last Post: frenzied67
09-15-2023, 12:12 PM
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Anstarre Nights 2: 9th-Le...
Forum: Erath Miscellany
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07-09-2023, 07:23 PM
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  To Do, Game Hooks, and Loose Ends...
Posted by: Ravenblade - 06-23-2024, 05:24 PM - Forum: Erath 5e Background - Replies (1)

Personal Hooks


*Break evil Efreet's curse barring him from his homeland
*Return the Skull of Al'marihm to the Sacred Oasis
*Bring the Sainted Sword to Al Madii and restore his family name.


*Discover the secret behind his brand (Tattoo) and reveal his foe. "The Whispers of the Pale Lady," found in the Wizard's Peak Library, may reveal such knowledge
*Seek out magical formula to construct non-detection item. Once successful, Gorvenal Commons will introduce Jolrael to the Artificer to construct the item.


*Someone who knows of his crimes has been arrested on an unrelated matter
*Needs to produce guild dues before defaulting.


*Rescue Miria (and other Rusty Bedpan folk) from the slavers

Party Hooks

Decode the Slaver's Documents:

*Scholar/Sage: Portent - specializes in cryptography, translations, and (personal) interest methods divination. Not a practitioner of magic.
*Eye of Liral (Minor Relic) which is said to grant true sight for the bearer
*Find the Cipher Crystal in Darsta.
*Access the book, "Whispers of the Pale Lady"

Eradicate the Chained Wings and disrupt the Slavers Guild operations:

*Reveal the slave trade routes
*Explore the ruins of Darsta
*Drive out the hags from the Darkwater Lighthouse
*Explore Lyral, the lost temple of Eyah
*Lord Bercel is looking for adventurers willing to inflitrate the Slavers of Nemsh

Loose Ends

*Ethorm Mourgan, father of the slain Baredal Mourgan, had fled to Norack... but has sworn revenge!

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Information Leiya (and Riardon) level-up information
Posted by: Xura - 06-22-2024, 05:54 PM - Forum: Level-Up Information - No Replies


Cleric, Level 10

Hit Points: just apply the average, please.

The rest of it: as per the PHB for standard Cleric.

Actions, plans, ideas, wishes, etc.:

Use Sending to report to Solare temple and check for news, or if they have any requests or orders for her; etc.

Use a Sending each day to try to contact Miria.

Check through her spell-component needs and invest where appropriate -- diamonds for Revivify spells, for example, if the party wants to consider that.

Leiya is quite concerned about the news of the plague in Brant, but is still deeply invested in the Chained Wings and the fate of Miria and the Rusty Bedpan children (including Hubert's young ladyfriend). She would probably opt to keep pursuing that, unless her temple orders otherwise, or the party wants to do something different.


The following are only suggestions -- the character's creator of course gets final say. If player has already submitted his leveling, please disregard all of the below.

Level up as: Arcane Trickster

New Cantrip: Mind Sliver (if allowed; this is from Tasha's Cauldron). He could, I think, consider and acquire this spell due to his intelligence, keen concentration/people-watching, and discussions with Leiya (who has the Telepathic feat) and Blaylocke (Dissonant Whispers and other spells).

Alternative Cantrips: Blade Ward (from PHB); Infestation (Xanathar's); Poison Spray (PHB); Toll the Dead (Xanathar's).

New 2nd-level Spell suggestions: Crown of Madness (PHB); Mirror Image (PHB); Phantasmal Force (PHB); Tasha's Mind Whip (Tasha's Cauldron).

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  Enkili Level 10
Posted by: frenzied67 - 06-10-2024, 09:15 PM - Forum: Level-Up Information - Replies (1)

Character/ Class Archetype: Enkili / Battle Master
Hit Points gained= Hit Point Total average 6+3=9 (90 hp?)
Proficiency Bonus= +4
Features: Archetype Bonus- 2 maneuvers- 7) Trip Attack, when I hit a creature with a weapon attack, I can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. I add the superiority die to the attacks damage roll, and if the target is large or smaller, it must make a strength saving throw. On a failed save I knock the target prone.
8) Riposte Attack, When a creature misses me with a melee attack, I can use my reaction and expend one superiority die to make a melee weapon attack against the creature. If I hit, I add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll.
Improved Combat Superiority-Improved Combat Superiority (d10)PHB p73
At 10th level, your superiority dice turn into d10s.

Enkili will also purchase a crowbar (2gp, 5#), 50' silk rope (10gp, 5#), and a new grapnel hook (2gp, 4#).

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  Game Session - 3/31/2024
Posted by: Ravenblade - 03-31-2024, 01:59 AM - Forum: Erath Game Calendar/Sessions - No Replies

The plan is to try and work with Fantasy Grounds, but I am not optimistic given the recent issues. I won’t spend too much trouble trying to get things working if we have mapping issues. We will use MapTool as a backup, although I’ll have to manage a lot of things on the backend.

MapTool v 1.14.3 can be downloaded from https://github.com/RPTools/maptool/releases/tag/1.14.3 or the link below.

Please note a couple of things:

  • Please take a look at the ‘Read Me First’ section, then scroll down the page to ‘Assets’ (just after the ‘Contributors’ section).
  • Windows users are encouraged to use the MSI (MapTool-1.14.3.msi).
  • Since RPTools is not a “known software publisher” by Microsoft, you will need to click through the prompts to install MapTool and when starting MapTool for the first time you might be prompted to allow network access.  See the download page for more information.

I will be on an hour before game time (11am) to troubleshoot Fantasy Grounds and (if necessary) help everyone setup MapTool.

Looking forward to seeing everyone Smile

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Shocked Feb. 18 discussion: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free
Posted by: Xura - 02-04-2024, 06:01 PM - Forum: Erath Miscellany - Replies (4)

Phase 1: Liberate Slaves.

Phase 2: ???

Phase 3: Profit/death

The party has -- for now -- dispatched the orcs and other guardians of the slave pits. We're working on extracting the slaves in hopes of moving them out to freedom and safety. What we know so far:

  • There are at least two orc guards alive (they ran away)
  • There are whole orc tribes in these tunnels or this area, according to the orc that Blaylocke charmed
  • Evil Priestess is still alive and on the loose -- current whereabouts unknown
  • There are two routes out (not counting the sewers) -- the tunnel that the two orcs ran down; and the "back way" that the party came through

What shall we do? Which way shall we go? Will our heroes prevail against the forces of evil? Pitch your ideas and thoughts here.

(Next game session: Sunday, February 18, 2024, at 12:00 noon.)

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  The Slavers Guild - Hubert's Report
Posted by: Ravenblade - 09-15-2023, 12:00 PM - Forum: Erath 5e Background - Replies (1)

As the party settled into their seats at the table, Hubert’s grim expression became apparent to the adventurers. “I’m afraid I have poor news regarding the Chained Wings and the slavers,” he started, “The report of the winter location was a ruse. Thankfully, we got word to you in time.”

Shifting uncomfortably, Hubert continued, “Unfortunately, Bercel sent a number of his people to reconnoiter the fort, and the slavers struck in their absence. Most of us were able to fend off the attacks. However, a number of establishments were sacked, including a Melanian temple and a druidic grove not far from Freehold.”

“Never before have the slavers given such a show of force and brutality… so many taken…” Pausing momentarily to compose himself, Hubert resumed his report, “We’ve known for some time that the Chained Wings were acting as agents of the Slavers Guild. It has now become obvious that the Slave Lords themselves have taken a keen interest in our efforts to undermine their wretched commerce.”

“Please, there’s more!” said Hubert as he waved away the sudden burst of questions and exclamations from the party, “Our mole sent word of a remote island off the coast of Yri that appears to have been long-used by the slavers. They had made a waypoint along their slave route and base some of their operations in an old temple there.”

“Lord Bercel is currently in ongoing engagements with the local lords, but they appear to be cowed by the attacks. The regional Sedarin Magistrate is also too busy quelling unrest in the slum quarter to spare aid, if that is their intent.”

Hubert leaned forward conspiratorially, “Lord Bercel says he has a ship and captain insane enough to make the journey. He asks if you are too.”

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  Anstarre Nights 2: 9th-Level Boogaloo
Posted by: Xura - 07-09-2023, 06:46 PM - Forum: Erath Miscellany - Replies (1)

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, kobolds nipping at your nose ...

It's Gurthos/December and we've hit Level 9 (imagine that). The question is, Now what? Some possible options:

  • Use Herbert's intel to strike at the Chained Wings in the bleak midwinter
  • Figure out what formula is needed by Jolrael's contact; acquire said formula; and take the formula to Jolrael's contact
  • Go back to Freehold and talk to Lord Barcel about his plan to hire a group to strike the Chained Wings' stronghold in Bhell
  • Go back to Freehold and hang loose, chat with Herbert, etc.
  • Head to Solare (one or two people mentioned having business there)
  • Spend a cozy winter in Anstarre relaxing and/or using the month for downtime -- including Blaylocke's quest for a better bow
  • (Insert other options here)

Lay your cards on the table and list your suggestions. All ideas welcome. Smile

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  Anstarre Nights
Posted by: frenzied67 - 06-25-2023, 06:10 PM - Forum: Erath Miscellany - Replies (1)

After delivering Diera to her uncle and aunt, Calen and Badeen Preath, the party wanted to spend a few days doing various things. Also the DM needs a reminder to calculate the experience points the party has earned through this story arch, we seemed to have reached a milemark moment as well as finishing the story arch itself.

Blaylocke Anvilarm stated he wanted to seek a place where bards gather lore, poems, songs, and bad reputations.

Enkili Seeks the bards knowledge on his sword, specifically on this fragment he found: "...with a coin made from stone, a song stolen from dirt, and a knife from under the hills, Malaq wove his most powerful spells into the sword….” The Malaq mentioned is a Djinn. The maker of the Sainted Sword was an Efreet (Haquim) who used materials taken from the elemental plane of earth and fire taken from the elemental plane of fire to forge the weapon. He also wants to poll the party to see if they should include the Preath's in their campaign against the slavers. They may wish to participate in some small way especially since their family has suffered at slaver hands. Enkili will assist anyone wanting to do research.

Anyone else who wants to accomplish things during this downtime, they can post it here.

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  PC's and NPC's Of Yore and Yon
Posted by: frenzied67 - 06-01-2023, 09:50 AM - Forum: Erath Miscellany - Replies (3)

Here are pictures of Inge and her husband Harald.  Inge was Thorfinn's love interest and the mother of Aurora, Thorfinn's daughter. Inge revealed the true paternity of Aurora years after the girls birth.



Everyones favorite merchant in Yri, Takei from Quan

Thorfinn did not spontaneously generate, he had a father.  Thorvald The Mighty!

Here is mighty Thorfinn himself!  Great work John!

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  The Party
Posted by: frenzied67 - 05-29-2023, 01:28 PM - Forum: Erath Miscellany - Replies (1)

Here are the chosen pictures of our adventuring group.
Riardon AKA Rodor
Jolrael Symera
Blaylocke Anvilarm
Leiya Tevorova
Enkili Harbhamit Pesar Al'Madii

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