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Game Session Recaps
Highlights of Episode Sixty
Naza the 2nd - 6th CY1031

Since the day after the Great Hunt had religious observances, the party did not set out.  Everyone took part in the renewal of wards and blessings, though Enkili did take the time to buy everyone winter travel garb.  Naza the 3rd saw decent weather so the party made good time, they passed a few travelers taking the coastal trail east but had no incidents even as they camped out.  The same weather and travel conditions met them on the next day, though they stayed in a manger in a coastal village.  People made sure to come around and greet the party, seeking tales and asking about the far lands the foreigners came from; Jolrael spent his time helping to mend nets, using the Mending cantrip when he could to speed his work along.

The third night out they had to make camp in the wilderness, but again they had no difficulties in travel and rest.  In the morning they came to the river and a small village that had a ferry.  Everyone paid a silver and copper to cross, and it took the little ferry three trips to get them across to the rival village on the eastern bank.  Since the road had been unused for many decades, the party did not reach Darkwater Lighthouse before night fell.  During Enkili’s watch a tall figure with squelching foot falls approached from the night.  The soaking female figure was bloated and blue as though drowned, and dark hair hung before her face.  Enkili called out a challenge several times, rousing his friends as the figure berated him for aiming weapons at her.

Enkili offered the creature, who referred to herself as Marta, a seat at the fire and asked if she had dined.  Marta claimed she was sated, with a disreputable smile and when Jolrael then Leiya addressed her with ancient languages she did not answer or even inquire what was said.  While assessing each other, the creature agreed to answer a few questions if the party answered hers.  She wanted to know if they were going to Darkwater, which they (too) readily affirmed.  Her words to the party were thus: “Stray not from the road.  Beware the night at Darkwater, although you shant have yer goal outside of night.  If you wish to see the guests at Darkwater lighthouse ye will need to see the host.  Ha!”  Many in the party perceived that Marta decided that their group was too powerful to confront, so she chose to leave; especially knowing that the party was coming to the same conclusion.  She did ask for a “shiny bauble” as tribute if the group were to return to her territory.

In the late morning the adventurers come to the coast and saw Darkwater lighthouse on an island slightly removed from the shore.  There was also a rickety looking boat of dark aged wood waiting for them, the boards attached at odd angles and leaving gaps that somehow did not ship water.  Everyone was reminded of Marta looking at this craft.  Tying their horses up near a copse of trees and grass, they crossed.  The island was small, and it only took a few minutes to look around the lighthouse.  They found the main door without traps and unlocked.  On the ground floor they found two doors, right and left, with stairs up in the middle, and a table set for five that had set long enough for mold to set into the partially eaten food.  A store room was discovered behind the left side door, and an adventurers pack was discovered amid the odds and ends.  Leiya fit the pack into her magic haversack.

On the right was a bedroom that proved have been looted prior to their arrival.  A search, naturally, unearthed nothing.  This left the spiraling stair up….
This is where the game session ended.  Our next meet will be April 30th.

Highlights of Episode Sixty One
Naza 6th- 

As the party climbed clockwise up the stairs, everyone suffered a moment of disorientation.  Now the stairs worked their way anticlockwise.  Spooked but unable to do anything about it, they continue up.  The stair opened up on the familiar floor plan of the ground floor, complete with molding food set for five at the table, a tossed bedroom to the right, and the storage room to the left.  What had changed was that all the doors were now closed and a journal was on top of the shelf near the bedroom.  Leiya retrieved the book while the others checked the rooms.  Riardon opened the front door.  Instead of a small island before the Great Inland Sea, there was naught but a churning murky sea and gray scale skies; moaning voices seemed to drift through the aperture, but only Jolly and the rogue could hear them.  This sight disturbed the adventurers, so they closed the door and explored the journal.

As Leiya began to read, some members of the group noticed that the stairs now climbed instead of descended.  This sparked some amount of fear in our heroes.  Here are some of the words found near the end of the journal: “I can’t shake the vague images of my dreaming….”  “Gathered ‘round a great unseeable thing we were.  Myself and strangers caught up in it’s glory ‘neath the waves in the murky depths of the waters.”  “’Turn out the light and you shall see…,’ a thundering voice in my head rumbles like the thunder on a stormy night….”  “I must end this nightmare….”  “Still the thundering voice….”  “Turn out the lamp.  I will snuff the lamp tonight, storm or no, this nightmare must end!”

On a whim, to help determine if they were still in Erath, Jolrael cast Druidcraft to see what the weather would be like through the day.  Normally he would receive visions of sun or cloud, this time all he saw was an amorphous gray that did not change.  As a further experiment, as the party intended to climb the stairs yet again, Riardon carved “Enkili loves Jolly” into the table.  If they came to the same room, this message would greet them or not.  Then they ascended the mercurial stairs again.  A new level of the lighthouse was discovered as the steps remained true to clockwise this time.  Scattered objects were strewn about, all covered by decades of dust.  Blaylocke found a noose in the far right of the circular room.  Riardon found a door to the left that had dry jambs, but the door itself was sodden.  Enkili moved over to a footlocker near the rooms center point but posted himself to guard rather than investigate.  Leiya discovered and collected another book off the floor.  The noose swayed and creaked as if bearing weight, which drew Blaylocke closer.

Without warning, Jolrael clutched his head then fell to his knees as if assailed, claiming that a booming voice was talking to him.  The sodden door opened of its own accord, which made the Elven rogue shy back.  Between blinks of his eye, Blaylocke found himself in the noose, choking and unable to bring his hands to his neck.  Leiya, who was closest jumped onto a chair before remembering she had no knife to cut the Dwarf down; she called for help instead.  Enkili had moved over to the sorcerer but had no idea of how he could help.  Feeling wretched, the fighter left his voice tormented friend to deal with a situation he could lend a blade to.  The same moaning tormented voices Riardon had heard at the open door to the murky sea emanated from that room, only those disturbing vocals seemed much closer.  He retreated from the door to attend their sorcerer.

Vainly trying to take some of Blaylocke Anvilarms weight off the rope, Leiya gave Enkili as much room as she could.  The fighter flowed up onto the table and sliced the rope with a single slash of the Sainted Sword, then helped steady the priestess who nearly fell on top of the bard as he crumpled thankfully to the floor.  Protection from Evil was cast on Jolrael which seemed to quell the voice assaulting his mind.  He then told of the voice that had said: “Welcome, Child of sea and storm, come behold me in my glory and rejoice!”  On the heels of that revelation, Blaylocke spoke of the voice he had heard before finding himself strangling.  It had said: “The nightmare must end… the lamp….”

More puzzled than before, Leiya opened her new book.  Inside were the names of ships and the number of crew lost.  The earliest date was nigh a century old, but even as she read, the last page had a name appear: “50 souls lost on The Centurian”.  The party had found a trinket, a book that recorded ships lost at sea and the number of crew that had died even as those boats sank.  Enkili opened the footlocker and pulled out several old nautical charts and maps.  In this mess of papers was a magic scroll with the spell Control Weather scribed upon it.  Blaylocke had to ritually cast a spell to determine what the scroll held, and the Protection from Evil spell on Jolrael ended in that time.  The voice he was hearing returned and seemed angry at him.

In the sodden room there was a ladder and empty crate, all coated with a mucous like slime; even the walls floors and ceiling.  A trapdoor in the ceiling was reached by the slathered ladder.  Wishing to be accompanied by the fighter, Jolrael mounted that ladder and moved up to the trapdoor.  However as he moved through the revealed aperture, he bade the party to wait and not follow immediately.  After several moments of silence the sorcerer called out that they should not come back, now everyone could hear the tortured voices, and they were coming from up top where Jolrael was.

Blaylocke hit the former sailor with a Bardic Inspiration, then the Dwarf made room at the ladder's foot and readied his bow.  Riardon also backed up while he prepared a Firebolt to hit the first non friendly creature he saw with.  Ignoring Jolly’s entreaties for them not to follow him up, Leiya scaled the ladder.  She realized that specters were attacking them and called that information down.  She then used her divine powers to burn away a couple of the monsters with Melwen/Milosta’s symbol.  They saw silhuettes of humanoid figures and the shape of some fishy monstrocity lurking in the perpetual twilight around Darkwater Lighthouse.  Calling upon the desert gods of his people, Enkili flew up the rungs and found one lone incorporeal undead between Jolrael and Leiya.  He made two mighty swings and destroyed the ectoplasmic being.  Each slain creature turned into sparks that flew into the lighthouse’s candle room.  Jolrael used his magic to turn a Shocking Grasp spell into a Burning Grasp spell.  He tried to kindle a fire into the lighthouse lantern room, but the fire had no bite for some arcane reason.  A regular specter climbed to the top of the tower to face Leiya, across from that undead another spirit rose.  It spoke of “snuffing the flame”, revealing it as the ghost of the lighthouse keeper.  Down the ladder two specters moved through the walls to assail the Dwarf and Elf.  One of them ate a Firebolt sneak attack from Riardon.

*That’s it for this week.  Our next scheduled game falls upon Mother’s Day, so we may convene on that day or the day prior (the 13th).

Highlights of Episode Sixty Two
Naza 6th-  ?

Riardon spent his next turn closing the sodden door and calling out that the specters were resistant to fire.  As the Elf tried to cut off one evil spirit, the other one sharing the room with them glided over and grabbed Blaylocke; drawing some of his life force away.  Riardon killed it with his Fire Bolt.  Up above, at the top of the tower, a specter flew over and successfully attacked Leiya.  The ghost of the lightkeeper tried to drain Enkili, but missed.  Retaliating, Enkili moved around the undead lightkeeper then attacked while flanking with Jolrael.  He used a heavy weapon master ability, then a distracting strike; he hit both times but did not kill the potent spirit.

Leiya cast Light of Radiance and burned the specter that had harmed her, but not enough to end it.  On his turn, Jolrael twinned his Chromatic Orb spell and threw a lightening orb at the lightkeeper and the other specter.  His magic killed Leiya’s opponent and further hurt the lightkeeper.  Downstairs, the specter Riardon had shut out phased through the door and drew away some of the Elf’s life.  Each time a specter died, the undead would turn into sparks that were drawn into the brazier for the lighthouse.

Enkili got a critical on his next attack and received a bonus action attack (Heavy Weapon Master feat).  All three attacks hit and the lightkeeper wailed in despair as he turned to sparks and made the lighthouse fire blaze.  The specter harrowing Blaylocke and Riardon was sucked through the ceiling and became part of the fire.  All the specters below, and the large tentacled fish creature (aboleth) controlling them, scattered fleeing the light.  And the fight was over.

For the next several moments the party considered taking a short rest as they healed themselves up.  They also yearned to find Diera and leave this cursed island.  Riardon used a healing kit, and his new skills with it, to heal Leiya.  Leiya, for her part, cast Aid on Blaylocke, Jolrael, and Riardon as their hit points were down.  In the end they chose to seek out the girl.  Starting at the top they searched the balcony then the floor below.  Eventually they hit the ground floor without finding anything.  Riardon succumbed to his curiosity and opened the front door.  He feared seeing the murky sea, but found the island had been restored.  Unfortunately their short time in the lighthouse should have brought them back near late morning; instead it was night time.

They all filtered out the door to contemplate how and what had happened to time for them.  Hoping that lighting a fire at the top of the lighthouse would correct the wrongness in the hour, Jolrael quaffed a Potion of Flying and soared up.  Enkili wondered if the message Riardon had scored into the table was still there so he turned and walked back into the lighthouse.  He was brought up short when he saw the drowned crone visage of Marta and a sister called Meg.  For his part in the conversation, Enkili spoke loudly so his friends could hear him.  They soon joined him in the lighthouse.  The Hags, after some banter wanted to introduce the party to Granny, the giant sized leader of the fey creatures.

Up at the summit of the lighthouse, Jolrael searched for materials that would burn and in so doing noticed three hags in the room below the balcony.  Even applying oil to the few bits of wood he found did not allow him to light a fire.

Before the Sorcerer flew down to join the rest of the group, Granny offered the party a boon, while implying they had eaten the little girl, Diera.  Evidently the (aboleth) giant fish creature had held Granny and some other Hags back from entering Erath, so they thought they owed the party a bargain.  Again, Enkili sized up Granny as the giant Hag studied him.  He learned that this creature was more powerful than he, though their armor was comparable.  Jolly asked for two questions and safe passage when he joined the party, he also let slip that there were more Hags about.  Granny agreed to answer two questions but safe passage would have to see the party bound with a Gaes spell that would prevent them from ever telling anyone of the Hags whereabouts.

Not liking the sound of this bargain the party requested a moment to step out and discuss what questions they would ask.  At first they contemplated making a run for the boat and trying to escape, but they knew they would not make it far.  So they tried to find wriggle room in the bargain.  Eventually they all thought the hope of rescuing the girl would make being bound by magic acceptable.  Of course they had dithered so long that Megs and Marta had began to have doubts.  Jolrael asked after the girl, and to everyone’s surprise Granny called Diera out of the store room.  Jolly looked her over and thought she might be ensorcelled.  Someone recalled how Hags replenished their numbers with stolen children, when Granny confessed that they would keep the child with them and give her a home.

Enkili offered Granny his Elixir of Health for the girl.  “A potion can be gulped and then be gone, the girl would be with us always.  This is not a good trade,” was his reply.  So he offered a large golden bracelet he carried instead.  Again he was turned down, so the party began to offer gems and jewels to tempt the Hags with.  Eventually Granny said, “Magic you are, offer us magic.”  Riardon offered his Horn of Calling which was refused, as was another item the party thought worthy.  Then Blaylocke held up his trinket, a needle that could not be bent.  When the Hags looked suspiciously at the bard, who was demonstrating the strength of the needle, Enkili acted as though Blaylocke was offering too much.

“That is too powerful, you can’t offer them that,” he said.  His bluff was so convincing that Granny immediately wanted it, had to have that needle.  And so Diera, who had began longing for home while watching Riardon’s ever spinning top, was saved.  The party had one more question, so Jolrael lifed his shirt and asked where the changing map on his back led.  Laughing Granny claimed the map would lead the Sorcerer to his grave.  And this is where the session ended.

Our next game will be June 11th, as Memorial Day weekend will be used for other activities.

Highlights of Episode Sixty Three
Naza 6th-  8th.  CE 1031

Our heroes gathered up Diera and rowed back to the mainland intending to take the girl to her Aunt and Uncle in Anstarre.  After gathering their horses they realized that none of the hags had laid a Gaes on the party, not that they could remember; they had made the fey creatures a promise though.  On the overgrown road back north Blaylocke’s stirrup suddenly broke when he turned to scan their back trail.  After almost falling he quickly cast Mending to repair his newish and well cared for saddle.  Jolrael offered to cast the cantrip, but the bard insisted he could do it himself.  Shortly the twisted and stunted flora and fauna around the Darkwater Lighthouse began to give way to more wholesome growth, yet the birds remained subdued.

Within her saddlebags Leiya heard a sharp report, and upon investigation she learned her water jar had broken spilling water all over the fodder she carried for the horses.  Again the damage was easily remedied by a Mending cantrip, except for the water damage to the hay and oats; commodities cheap and easy to replace.  That purchase took place when they came back to Westop, the village on their side of the river where the barge had ferried them across.  Playing on a hunch based off of half remembered knowledge from his homeland, Jolrael asked Enkili if he had items made from iron.  Enkili listed off his grappling hook and the bag of caltrops he carried.  The sorcerer chose a caltrop, which he offered to Diera.  The little girl looked at the jack shaped foot trap then asked why he would give her such a thing, then returned the gift.

Several minutes later, after they had the girl switch to riding with Riardon, a large branch snapped off a tree and tumbled down.  Trying to spur his mount forward the rogue instead caused the horse to rear and throw him.  Clutching the girl to himself, Riardon turned his topple into a roll. They both landed safely.  After ruminating on the lore he had, Blaylocke suggested that the fey could have a powerful influence upon those they adopt; but he was unsure if the effect were permanent or not.  An hour later the girl was shifted to Jolrael’s horse, keeping to a schedule to keep from wasting the horses strength to soon.  No strange event happened during that hour, not until she was moved to ride with Enkili on his horse Arame.  Jolly shifted in his saddle and almost pierced himself with a caltrop, the very same item he had returned to Enkili, who in turn had placed the spiked item back into his bag of caltrops.  At this point everyone knew something was amiss and no one had spotted trouble following or pacing them along the trail.

Playing a hunch Enkili tried to engage the girl in both games and conversation.  Diera was delighted when he had them face backwards on the horses back, that is how they found out that her Uncle’s name was Calen and her Aunt’s name was Badeen.  However the girl shut off again after the fighter asked her if Granny or Marta was following them.  Jolrael has Diera’s attitude soften towards him when he claimed that they were going after the mean people who had harmed her father; she had already learned of her dad’s demise from the hags.  The girl really had not liked the stunt with the caltrop before.

Paying attention to the girl seemed to be the key to stopping the weird problems from happening.  They made it back to the little town Westop with no further mishaps.  Westop was across from Corr’s Ferry the village on the east side of the river.  Though the little girl seemed to like the idea of camping out, the rest of the group wanted to stay at the inn and have a meal.  The Leadwood Inn was an establishment that had seen better days, but had not fallen into complete squalor.  Blaylocke had one of the finest performances of his life (raking in 6gp, 6ep, 20sp, and 40cp in tips) earning his free bed and board.  Too continue entertaining Diera, Leiya used a cantrip to change the color of the candles flame at their table to red.  Diera assumed a slight smile and the color turned purple.  Blaylocke used some of the proceeds from his show to buy Diera a little doll the next day, a toy that seemed to delight the girl.

*The party hit the road to Anstarre just as the game came to an end.  There may be further purchases but we have two weeks to ponder which merchandise is desired.  If not we are putting Westop behind us, a little town we will forget, but who will never forget Blaylocke Anvilarm.  See you all on June 25th.

Highlights of Episode Sixty Four
Naza 8th. - 9th  CE 1031

As they had the day before, the party let Diera alternate riding with each of them so that the horses would not be overtaxed.  Since Blaylocke had gifted her the creepy doll, she rode with him first.  He kept her imagination captivated by having her help him drum as he sang a song about animals, she made the animal sounds when their parts came up in the music.  Letting her hold Giz the mouse, Riardon quoted limericks that were somewhat dubious in nature.  Diera did not mind.  After Riardon relinquished the girl to Enkili’s care, he decided to practice his illusion magics.  Enkili tried to engage the girl into telling stories about her new doll, but Diera was enchanted by the rogue’s spells.

Thrashing brush surprised the party later, when Leiya and the girl were together, and everyone had to fight to remain on their mounts.  Everyone except Diera and Leiya, their horse barely responded when a sow and her litter of piglets burst out of the brush and dashed away.  No one fell, but Enkili and Blaylocke both had close calls due to the fact they were guiding their mounts by knee at the time, their arms full.  Later a tinker’s wagon came the other way.  Quickly, Jolrael bartered with them for a sliding whistle and when Diera and he rode his horse, they made boisterous noise; she with the ocarina (which he gave her, hoping she would trade for the slide whistle; the trade happened minutes into the audio tumult) and he with slide whistle.  Later three men passed them going south, which set Enkili’s paranoia skyrocketing.

As the forest gave way to the farmlands surrounding their goal of Anstarre they encountered a wary farmer whose cart had become stuck in a well worn rut.  Enkili, who was riding point immediately offered to help.  At first he did not know if his offer would be accepted, the farmer seemed as paranoid as Enkili himself had been when those three men had passed almost an hour prior.  Getting off his horse Arame (which means ‘flame’ in Mandagar) to push the cart, the fighter noticed a rock pinioning the wheel; that stone would have wreaked havoc on the carts wheel if they had forced it forward.  Pointing this out to the farmer helped ease that man’s trepidation, and they were able to work together to pry the stone from the rut.  With a little coaxing of the work beast pulling the cart, and with the rock removed, the cart popped free without any further hardship.

As the farmer said he had little to pay with, Enkili ensured him that all the farmer had to do was help someone in the future.  At the gate they paid the toll of one silver per person, and one copper per beast, the party was just happy that they beat the sun this time and were able to get into the city before the gates were closed and locked.  Diera was able to guide the troop to her uncle and aunts house, where a perceptive servant met them at the door.  Seeing the girl with strangers told him the tragedy of the situation without any announcement.  Calen and Badeen Preath were summoned and they too seemed to understand that Diera’s father was dead.  They asked the party to sup with them, which they gladly agreed to.  After the meal, Blaylocke and Diera performed their animal song routine which delighted Aunt Badeen a lot.  She was amazed that Diera had been coaxed out of her shell; a clue that Diera had been touched by strangeness long before crossing paths with the hags.

After the little girl went to bed in her new home, Blaylocke told the Preath’s about Diera’s ordeal.  They had been aware that “ruffians” had kidnapped the girl, but had never dreamed that fey creatures had replaced the slavers as caretakers.  After telling the aunt and uncle to be gentle and patient with Diera, with Leiya’s admonition not to spoil the child, Enkili mentioned that they should have her tutored in spell casting skills.  She had shown a fascination and facility with magic already.  Of course Diera’s family had been taken on an emotional roller coaster ride through their night talk, but Calen (an architect) had noticed Riardon’s roving eye.  The Elven man had taken a fancy to a miniature gilden branch that had a strange symbol carved into it. He offered the rogue the trinket which he accepted. During breakfast the Preath’s invited the party to come and visit them whenever they came to Anstarre, proving themselves to be local contacts.  After this several members of the party mentioned they wanted time to conduct business in the city.

*This is where the game left off.  Anyone who wants to do research, go shopping, or haunt houses of debauchery please state what your goals are in the Forum.  There is a heading called Anstarre Nights under Erath Miscellany, this will help Irik prepare for our next game rather than have to ‘wing it’ by consulting charts and books on the fly.  See everyone on July 9th!!!!

Highlights of Episode Sixty Five
Naza 9th. - Gurthos 1st  CE 1031

Feeling that they had tested themselves enough to seek training in their respective class abilities, the party took their training in Anstarre again.  In their off time, Leiya and Enkili looked for more information on the Sainted Sword, but Anstarre had no new history’s or tales on that topic.  Riardon spent his off time relaxing, but he did take a night out to carry word to Jade about the fate of Jubb and Serca who had been taken by the slavers.  He tried for empathy which may have come across as holding out on the local guild.  Blaylocke gained a powerful traveling spell, Leomund’s Tiny Hut while training, but his off time was spent gaining lore.  He focused on Enkili’s riddle “...with a coin made from stone, a song stolen from dirt, and a knife from under the hills, Malaq wove his most powerful spells into the sword….”

Though he failed to glean information on the Sainted Sword, the Bard did learn things from a wizened old Gnomish woman named Maata.  “I know of a Djinn called Riah.  Riah can be found in Jentaria.  Riah may be able to break Enkili’s curse.”  Maata then added that Jentaria may be the birth place of the Mandagan people (The Cradle they never speak of).  “It is said that Riah is in service to a Jentari warlord named Sayfir.”  Not much is known of this Sayfir who bears Riah’s ring.

Other than helping Enkili, Leiya used some of her downtime to use her Sending spell.  She contacted Lord Bercel to let him know about how the girl Diera had been rescued and brought to her uncle (the Praeth’s).  Hubert also received a Sending.  He responded by informing her that he was sending a messenger with a coded missive.  That letter arrived near the end of the party’s training.

Jolrael, who had become withdrawn, almost haunted, chose to visit the sage Gorvanal again; attempting to make a trade for the information he was after.  The eccentric sage gave Jolly the name of a certain alchemist or magical tinkerer who may be able to help him.  This taciturn recluse would need to be bribed with a formula the party would have to learn about, then gather the ingredients for.

Training ended on the first of Gurthos, where there was a remembrance day.  People burned candles for the people they had lost.  Enkili burned three candles, while Leiya burned five.  If the other party members observed this holy day, they did not admit to burning candles to anyone else.  Hubert’s message also arrived.  “Chained Wings activity has been reduced to recruitment and local trade for the winter.  Their ranks have taken significant hit from numerous sources.  Additionally, a group of Chained Wing operatives have settled into a fortress near the Sedaran/Bhelian border for the winter.”

* The game ended with the party debating on their next course of action.  They could seek out this alchemical formula, they could work on Lord Bercel’s raid deep into Bhel, wintering was an option thrown into the mix, or, as a majority seemed to want, go after the slavers sheltering on the border.

*Tracy has started a thread in the forum, Anstarre Nights 2: 9th-Level Boogaloo, for the party to make their cases for the next course of action.  Hopefully the DM will have a clue on what to do by July 23rd.

*In the past I may have inproperly said that Leiya was using the Message spell.  She has been using Sending all this time, but as a non magic user, I can't spell... uh... state the right spell; oh you know what I mean.

Highlights of Episode Sixty Six
Gurthos 1st  CE 1031

*This was an extremely short game session today.  There were a few accomplishments made.

Enkili wanted to head off for the fort at once, though problematic weather seemed on the horizon.  Blaylocke and Jolrael mentioned hiring a tracker from the woodcutter community a day west of Anstare.  Leiya made a sending to Lord Bercel who implied he could help, so she voted on going to The Freehold.  She persuaded everyone but Enkili by saying we could research Jolrael’s formula there as well as seek a better bow (possibly magical) for Blaylock.  A day hunting for Blaylockes improved arrow slinger did not pan out for the bard or Enkili.

Enkili wrote a fake note that he intends the slavers to find.

“Our spy’s word was good, there was a fortress along the border that the Chained Wings had taken over.  I believe proceeds from the loot and supplies could be sold and give us enough to repay the loan we took from Lady Alisande and leave us enough to start refurbishing the Darkwater Lighthouse.  You should start feeling out the market for the sale of these goods once they get to you.  I will send you a list of equipment and the workers we will need for our new base of operations in a few days.  Please feel free to pay our insider, I think we can trust his information in the future.
Sincerly E.”
The envelope is made out for Tansy with an address in Suther’s Ally in Solare.

Highlights of Episode Sixty Seven
Gurthos 2nd - 5th CE 1031

Blaylocke claimed he would catch up with the party on the road, having pressing bardic business to attend.  So the rest of the band set out for The Freehold without him.  The first few nights following the road held no incidents for the party except to pass a small group of tinkerers on their way to Anstarre. On the third night after taking to the trails, while Leiya was taking first watch, two men called out to join her at the fire.  They wore rough garb, one having a cloak woven from tree bark.  Leiya woke everyone up to meet Hulreth and Bleythyn, two Druids on a pilgrimage.

They claimed to be following the steps of someone akin to a nature saint which meant that they carried little in provision and they did not even glean wood for a fire.  They accepted some food and bedded down with the characters for the evening.  In the morning they ground some herbs into a resin ball that they wrapped with leaves.  This object had a pungent smell and they claimed it would deter violent beasts.  After they presented their gift they ate breakfast then went on their merry way.  They did accept one meal worth of rations from the group, but were not allowed to take more.

Shortly after midday Enkili and Riardon drew their horses to a halt when they noticed a giant elk on the trail.  Leiya and Jolrael joined them in gaping at the unusual sight.  The beast observed them back for a few moments before wandering majestically into the woods.  After making camp that night Leiya and Riardon served their watches before waking Enkili to fulfill his time at the chore.  Soon he began to hear breaking twigs and displaced branches, so he kicked Jolrael’s tent to wake the sorcerer.  At the edge of the fire’s light something big and shaggy stopped short and growled.

Enkili glimpsed a large creature with a sloping quadruped form with canine features.  It gestured with one hand like paw and words formed within the growls.

“Violence can be avoided, all you have to do is set aside your weapon.”  Without thinking the desert warrior began to set the Sainted Sword aside before shaking off the magic trying to steal away his will.  Seeing that its spell did not work it began to charge.

“Attack!  Attack!” was Enkili’s reply as he charged to meet the unnatural beast. 

His blade, magical and fiery as it was, did very little damage with the one hit he was able to make; as though chopping a soggy stump.  As the Mandagan Fighter was charging, Riardon had slipped from his tent and began to work his way behind the huge canine shape, which continued to be wreathed in shadow though next to the camp’s fire.  Lieya grabbed her gear and the Druid's pungent ball and began to make her way out of her tent.  Jolrael cast Mage Armor on himself before stepping out of his tent.  Riardon, seeing his perfect time to strike, fired off a Fire Bolt cantrip.  His aim was so true that the creature was slain instantly (thanks for the timely critical on top of sneak attack damage).

*Again this was a brief gaming session.  Our next scheduled game will be September 3rd, and will be a full length session.
**Word has reached us that a new player is going to join our group. Welcome Indraneel Dutt, we look foreward to meeting your Half Orc Life Domain Cleric.

Highlights of Episode Sixty Eight
Gurthos 6th CE 1031

Jolrael and Blaylocke figured out the beast was a lower planar creature called a barghest, a shape shifter that could morph its body between that of a goblin or appear as a hound like beast with a goblinoid face. For a few minutes after its demise the party pondered on whether they should move their camp or just return to their slumber. Hoping they had chosen right, they decided to stay and return to their regular nightly watches after heaping well deserved praise on Riardon. Blaylocke had the next watch. Another creature decided to see what their fire was about, but this one announced itself with a call and wave, making sure the bard got a good look at him before he came forward.

It was a part Human part Orc man who was 5’9” tall, wore scale mail, cloak, and a headband. He also had a strange symbol of gold that formed twin Elves, male and female, that stood back to back. No one was able to decipher what the symbol meant, but the man wore it in a manner that made it seem religion was the root of the symbol’s function. He introduced himself as Grinn and asked if he could join their encampment. After he set up his tent he joined Blaylocke at the fire, where the two exchanged a bit of information. The HalfOrc produced a blunt which he shared with the party hardened bard. Once again Riardon woke. He snuck out and secretly moved behind the stranger, unfortunately Blaylocke may have given the Elf away after noting the rogue’s silent signals.

Realizing that there was no danger, Riardon revealed himself with a query.

“Whose your friend?” Though the question was aimed at Blaylocke, it was Grinn who answered.
“This is Blaylocke who was nice enough to let me set up my tent here. He seems like a nice person.” The Dwarf was amused but Riardon was put off a little. He grumbled at Blaylocke then returned to his bedroll. After a while the long journey both men had experienced that day wrought tiredness and it was time to place the watch into Jolrael’s capable hands. Blaylocke introduced the sorcerer to Grinn, who was kind enough to save his questions for the morning which was not too far away. Jolly used his Druidcraft check to see what the day held in store. He learned the day would be wet with plummeting temperatures and sleet.

Rising in the morning Grinn first met Leiya then Enkili. They discovered Grinn was headed for The Freehold, as were they, so they offered the young priest the use of their pack horse (Grinn had been travelling on foot). Enkili tried to prank the stranger by telling him that where ever Leiya went children would vanish and she would remain forever young. Of course the priestess overheard and nixed the joke before it could take root. As the tents were broken down and stowed they coaxed Grinn’s tale forth.

Evidently the young Half Orc priest had been in a “Dwarven” ruin where he quarreled with a friend over the affections of a girl. He awoke the next morning to find himself in a different wood nowhere near the mountains he had been encamped the night before. After wandering around looking for his friends, the ruin, or anything familiar he had a vision in which a goddess he was unfamiliar with claimed she would sponsor him in these new lands. She was Melana a sister deity to Melwen and Tazen, she is the goddess of love, lust, and patron of soon to be mothers among other titles. Her words to him were thus: “Go to the northern shore of the Great Inland Sea, to the Freehold city you’ll find allies: a warrior from the distant sands; an Elf from the sylvan realm; a son of song and stone; a man born from storms; and a follower of my sister-goddess.

Jolrael pulled out a black pearl and bade Grinn take it in hand, put his wish to meet these people in mind with closed eyes, then turn about three times; promising the cleric that he would see the people he sought. After following Jolly’s directions Grinn opened his eyes to only see the people he was with. Jolly then cast a minor spell and let the storm winds lift him several yards away.

“I am a child born of storms, Enkili comes from Mandagar a land of sand, Leiya serves Melwen the sister of Melana, Riardon comes from Shandeer, and Blay is a Dwarf who sings. You seem to have found us.”

He naturally asked questions about their quest so they gave him the gist of their war against the Chained Wings slavers, but not too many details while they took to the roads. Of course they also figured out that Grinn was from another world (Valesia, for which he had a map) and not Erathian born. Around mid day the weather turned stormy so Blaylocke offered to cast his Leomund’s Tiny Hut spell so they could take shelter for the night. Unsure of how long the poor weather would hold they decided to turn their tents into shelters for the horses. Grinn proved his worth with that task, directing them in how to cover their mounts so they would not suffer in the sleet and cold. As is the nature with Erathian weather, the storm passed and improved as the shelter was completed, so they hit the road again. The Freehold was not that far away.

An hour before dark they entered The Freehold and set their horses towards the warehouse. They had discussed resting for the night before taking Grinn to Melana’s temple then going to meet Lord Barcel to discuss the assault on the slaver’s fortress on the border. Hubert greeted them and, in his scattered youthful way, began to spill a tale of Lord Barcel needing to talk to them about a temple being sacked in the middle of the city….

* Before the story could be told the servers of Teamspeak failed us a half hour before the time we wanted to end this session. Speaking only for myself I had fun with Neel and his character Grinn and hope he fully joins the party. Our next game will be September 17th.

**This is Hubert's report which we will be able to respond too October 1st.

As the party settled into their seats at the table, Hubert’s grim expression became apparent to the adventurers. “I’m afraid I have poor news regarding the Chained Wings and the slavers,” he started, “The report of the winter location was a ruse. Thankfully, we got word to you in time.”

Shifting uncomfortably, Hubert continued, “Unfortunately, Bercel sent a number of his people to reconnoiter the fort, and the slavers struck in their absence. Most of us were able to fend off the attacks. However, a number of establishments were sacked, including a Melanian temple and a druidic grove not far from Freehold.”

“Never before have the slavers given such a show of force and brutality… so many taken…” Pausing momentarily to compose himself, Hubert resumed his report, “We’ve known for some time that the Chained Wings were acting as agents of the Slavers Guild. It has now become obvious that the Slave Lords themselves have taken a keen interest in our efforts to undermine their wretched commerce.”

“Please, there’s more!” said Hubert as he waved away the sudden burst of questions and exclamations from the party, “Our mole sent word of a remote island off the coast of Yri that appears to have been long-used by the slavers. They had made a waypoint along their slave route and base some of their operations in an old temple there.”

“Lord Bercel is currently in ongoing engagements with the local lords, but they appear to be cowed by the attacks. The regional Sedarin Magistrate is also too busy quelling unrest in the slum quarter to spare aid, if that is their intent.”

Hubert leaned forward conspiratorially, “Lord Bercel says he has a ship and captain insane enough to make the journey. He asks if you are too.”

Highlights of Episode Sixty Nine
Gurthos 6th - 8th CE 1031

* Note- Someone needs to buy a crowbar.*

After digesting Hubert’s news, Grynn felt it necessary to head to Melana’s temple to see if he could help, Enkili decided to follow him in this task. Not only had the temple been looted and raided, but the priestess’ had been taken and the building burned. Local neighbors had also scavenged the site in the days after, making it hard to tell what had happened. With the fighter’s help Grynn did find a potion of healing and a Melanite holy symbol that had not suffered any harm in the altercation and fire.

After resting for the night, Leiya had the idea to check the Melwenite temple to see how they had fared. There were many new faces including guards, paladins, and even several Tazenite warriors guarding the once profaned fane. Grynn purchased a suit of studded leather armor to wear on the ship, citing his scale mail would be dangerous on the water. On Leiya's return the whole troop made their way to the docks to the ship Quendi’s Fortune, a name that brought a smile to Jolrael’s lips. Her captain was Lanir “Seaworthy”, and the first mate was Onschel Webleigh. As the party boarded they commented on the roiling seas and seething clouds, Onschel waved the weather away nonchalantly. Everyone in the group pitched coppers into the sea to sooth Quendi. Even Grynn, who had to have the custom explained, pitched a platinum coin.

The first mate’s claim was true, they did not have to fear the storm. After casting off, Quendi’s Fortune was not buffeted by wave or wind; the waves abating near the ship and the rain just vanishing short of the topsail. In their quarters the party watched the diffused sun move across the room then give way to night in the span of two and a half hours. A sailor began calling “Land Ho” as everyone realized they had not taken the time to plan out their assault on the island and its temple. A trip they had thought would take two or three days was done in mere hours. A quick meeting with the captain did occur before the group was rowed ashore.

Lord Bercel’s spy had exposed this formerly unknown island that had a ruined city and a partially restored temple; which the slavers were using. Intelligence reports claimed there was rough terrain and trees to the south of the temple as well as a secret entrance. The slave pens were reported to be under the structure. Regular entrances were through two portcullis and through the stone cutter’s shed.

Nearing the temple, the party witnessed human or humanoids patrolling along the walls of the three story building. Mounted patrols were also noticed coming and going through the two main entrances (portcullis’). Several sections of roof were still burned, with other sections looking recently repaired. In the darkness they dashed to the walls and began to seek the secret door. Riardon failed to notice a trap and got a spiked board in the chest on opening the aperture. Another trap was at the end of the short narrow hall, directed at the door leading deeper into the building. This was easily bypassed. An east to west corridor was revealed beyond, a door at the end of the left section and a left hand turn down the right side. They chose the door.

A shorter hall led to a door after a right hand inward turn. This door was not locked but it was swollen and would not budge. Enkili tried pushing it open but it would not yield to his shoulder. Riardon convinced everyone that it would be too loud to batter it open or hack through it, so they turned about and took the right hand path. The hall dead ended but there was a door to the right. The room beyond was full of rubble and junk. No one found a secret passage so they had to retrace their steps to the stuck door.

Charging at the door, the fighter threw his entire body at the blockage this time, blasting through it with such ease that he face planted beyond. Before Riardon really got into mocking Enkili for his less than graceful display, figures appeared through a hole in the roof, eight undead figures leaped down and surrounded the prone warrior. Jolrael heard the fighters call for help and stepped up. After a quick perusal of the small room, he realized he would not be able to use any of his area effect spells without bringing harm to his friends as well. He cast a fiery Chromatic Orb at a single ghoul, flying himself backwards on mystic winds so he could make room for another party member.

Enkili was swarmed by most of the ghouls, taking numerous hits, but fortunately not succumbing to their body numbing touch. He was able to get back up and attack, killing one and severely injuring another, then spraying four more with fire from the Sainted Sword. Some of that fire flicked back and scorched Enkili. The fighter suffered the assault of the remaining undead, barely remaining unfrozen from being hit some more. Riardon blasted a foe with a well placed Firebolt, killing the creature outright. The Elf then barged through the others so as not to be so near the ghouls. With more room to work, Leiya bulled forward with Melwen’s symbol held high. Light from her admonishment destroyed the four remaining ghouls.

After that Enkili was treated with Leiya’s healer’s kit, and a Cure light Wounds spell. Riardon was doing a safety check at the fire gutted room’s other door when Enkili decided to climb up to the second story and search the ghoul’s lair. He discovered six alexandrite stones and a flask that held a red tinged liquid….

**This is where we finished the game for today. Our next game will be October 15th, and we began discussing a one shot horror game for October 29th.

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Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 11-07-2020, 11:56 AM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 12-07-2020, 12:52 PM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 03-28-2021, 11:14 PM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 06-27-2021, 09:35 PM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 09-19-2021, 06:16 PM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 01-24-2022, 09:22 AM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 03-21-2022, 12:57 PM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 09-18-2022, 07:51 PM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 04-16-2023, 08:00 PM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 10-15-2023, 07:00 PM
RE: Game Session Recaps - by frenzied67 - 04-14-2024, 09:37 PM

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