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  Angha Bodhr's Tale.
Posted by: Travis Cox - 03-17-2019, 06:43 PM - Forum: Character Introductions - Replies (1)

Eighth born son of Vadani and Silaqui Nailo. Raised in the elven forests of Nodria and trained by his uncle Enialis
Liadon to be a ranger. Aramil, known by his friends as Revion (to wander) would often be gone for days exploring the
mountains around his home. Even though quiet and preferring to be alone, when amongst friends he is open, playful,
and trusting. Enjoying winter wine, dark haired lasses, and lakeside mornings.

The event that most informed his youth was the death of his good friend Mátamelcan (strong worker).
Mátamelcan persuaded Aramil to take him on one of his journeys into the mountains. While crossing a narrow cleft on
the side of a mountain the stone gave way under Mátamelcan’s feet. There was nothing Aramil could do but watch his
lifelong friend fall. After that Aramil would never allow anyone to accompany him into the mountains. The guilt he felt
for his friend’s death haunted him for several years.

Unbeknownst to Aramil war has broken out in Sedaria. A brutal war. Entire cities are labeled as either rebellious
to the Republic or rebellion sympathizers. Men, women, children, are being put to the sword, their homes burned for
nothing more than where they plant their crops. Companies of mercenaries have been hired handle the slaughter. When
their brutality becomes too much for the good consciousness of the people the Republic brands them as outlaws.
Denouncing any connection to them. Claiming that they are nothing more than brigands come to plunder their good
country. Bounties offered for their decimation are usually collected by other mercenary companies.
It is one of these hunter companies that shapes Aramil’s destiny. While exploring the northern woods of Nodria
Aramil spots a small group of humans. He follows them for some time, watching, listening, pondering their intent. After
two days of tracking them in circles Aramil concludes that these stupid humans, aren’t all humans stupid, are lost.
Moreover, they are killing every animal they come across for food or sport. Aramil decides that they need to be led out
of his forest. On the dawn of the third day the company’s commander comes out of his tent to find him sitting in the
center of their encampment. It was this arrogance that sealed Aramil’s fate.

The company, known as the Jomsvikings, was indeed lost and in need of a guide. But why pay for something you
can take? After a brief struggle, in which Aramil suffers two broken ribs and a cracked orbital socket, he is told that he
can win his freedom through service. Stripped of weapons and food, injured beyond his ability to resist, Aramil is at their
mercy and agrees to their terms.

Once the commander is satisfied that Aramil is properly subdued he allows him to have his bow and three
arrows. Enough to defend himself against any woodland creature but not enough to cause any real harm to the
company. For the next six months Aramil guides this group of foul humans through Nodria. He witnesses the slaughter
of his people and his innocence. Eventually he becomes inured to it. At the end of this time Aramil has but a single arrow
remaining, the first fled in the side of a Velanto Niandon (land shark), the second over a cliff.
Aramil realizes that he could cause the most damage to his captors by gaining their trust. He begins helping
them plan ambushes of rogue companies. Setting up the killing ground and leading them to the slaughter. Few escape
and many thumbs are collected. The Jomsvikings are happy to let Aramil be the face followed into their traps. The few
that do escape spread the tale of Angha Bodhr, the bringer of destruction. On one occasion Aramil manipulates two
rogue companies into fighting each other. It wasn’t until dawn that they realized the deception.
Eighteen months into his pressed service Aramil stumbles across a skeletal finger piercing the duff. Pointing at
him almost in accusation. Pointing in the direction of his home. A ray of light, like a beacon, appears filtered through the
forests canopy shinning on untarnished steel a few feet away. As though Andra herself is revealing his path. Under the
duff are the skeletal remains of a long dead elf warrior. Clad in silvery breastplate this beacon of hope has rested
through the eons to offer Aramil redemption. Further digging reveals amongst other gear an elven thinblade, upon
which is engraved “Ken cín emel” (know your heart), a long bow, and a quiver embroidered with the name “Devraen
manui arros” (Devraen of the unending arrow). A name of legend, a lost hero of a bygone era. The light of Andra offering

Equipped with the trappings of a hero Aramil, now truly Angha Bodhr, returns to the small band he is guiding
and without hesitation or warning takes their lives, their thumbs, his vengeance, and his freedom.
From their Angha Bodhr uses the very skills taught him by the Jomsvikings to help his people route them from
his homeland.

Sent as an emissary to Gadorah (not the correct spelling, will fix later) in search of aid in protecting Nodria from these invaders.

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Information Homework addendum - notes/info.
Posted by: Xura - 12-03-2018, 09:45 PM - Forum: Erath Extras - Replies (4)

Hi everyone, and by everyone I mean Symon and Thorfinn, I want to expand upon some of what DM and Kearse said in the Homework/Cargo thread. I hope this helps a bit with some of the backstory and detail.

* The standard wages for the crew on this ship now carry a bonus. Bahiyya (and Kearse, I think) authorized this. This is because bad news got around -- the storm, the 50% crew death rate, and the flight of 2/3 of the merchants. In game terms, this meant a -5 reputation penalty when it came to hiring. It turns out that boosting reputation has a price, and that price is exactly 3 sp per sailor. I felt that a few silver pieces were a fair trade in order to get rid of the tarnished reputation. Consider it "silver polish." Big Grin

* Speaking of crew: yes, 72 sailors. "The hell ... !?" you say. Well, here's the deal: when we went out last time, we had a much smaller crew. Losing 1/2 of that crew meant that we couldn't realistically sail onwards. That's why we're back at this port. Also, shifts can be spread out better amongst a larger crew, leaving the sailors more well-rested, and boosting morale among the ranks. This means they will work better, and less likely to mutiny. Plus, a surplus of crew means that we have more people to draw from if there is illness and/or death. This means we can keep going instead of turning back again.

In other words, Symon, I am living my dream by doing EXACTLY WHAT CORPORATE AMERICA REFUSES TO DO IN ITS HIRING PRACTICES UP YOURS CORPORATE AMERICA not that I'm bitter or anything.  Sleepy

Anyway, more crew = higher morale; better work; less mutiny; and a greater surplus/pool in case **** goes south again.

* Speaking of crew again: Did you know that there is a Seafarers' Guild? There is. They have nifty tattoos, indicative of membership and rank, and you can see these tattoos when you get into Fantasy Grounds again. Sailors who aren't guild members aren't necessarily bad, but I think the captain had a preference for guild members in good standing, especially ones of higher rank/experience. Ex-guild members -- those who have had their membership revoked by the guild due to bad behavior -- are obviously not desirable, and we weeded out at least one of those during the hiring process.

* Remember Oleg, the soldier from Onostia who sailed with us before as Hanter the Merchant's bodyguard? Oleg also accompanied us to the derelict Mary Celeste, I mean, Alexandra. Oleg is sailing with us again, y'all! Apparently he bought out his own mercenary contract and is no longer beholden to that merchant anymore. He likes the Acacia and wanted to sail with it again. He was worried about not being a Guild member, but Bahiyya found him on the docks and encouraged him to apply. She put in a good word for him, but the captain is pleased to hire him anyway, due to his past experience and his familiarity with the ship. Hurray! Thorfinn, did you know that he has a daughter of around Aurora's age? Smile

* Speaking of merchants: only Lyrlord will be with us for the redux voyage. Hanter and Ercell cut their losses and bailed.

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  Homework - Southold Cargo Lots
Posted by: Ravenblade - 12-02-2018, 09:49 PM - Forum: Erath Extras - Replies (23)

Bahiyya and Kearse purchased cargo lots over two days for shipping on the sea vessel Acacia, consisting of the following:

Day 1
Lot #1 = 10tuns @ 100d/tun (cost 10pp) - Purchased
Lot #2 = 15tuns @ 150d/tun (cost 22pp, 5gp) - Purchased
Lot #3 = 5tuns @ 250d/tun (cost 12pp, 5gp) - Purchased
Lot #4 = 10tuns @ 100d/tun (cost 10pp) - Purchased

(40 tuns) - Remaining Party cargo space: 551.625tuns

Day 2
Lot #1 = 18tuns @ 120d/tun (cost 21pp, 6gp)
Lot #2 = 7tuns @ 230d/tun (cost 16pp, 1gp) - Purchased
Lot #3 = 2tuns @ 240d/tun (cost 4pp, 8gp) - Purchased
Lot #4 = 20tuns @ 120d/tun (cost 24pp)
Lot #5 = 3tuns @ 350d/tun (cost 10pp, 5gp) - Purchased
Lot #6 = 13tuns @ 150d/tun (cost 19pp, 5gp) - Purchased
Lot #7 = 5tuns @ 200d/tun (cost 10pp) - Purchased

(30 tuns): Available Party Burthen: 521.625tuns

As an interactive exercise and save time during our next session, I will post available cargo lots over the next 5 days by 9pm.

The party will have until 9pm the following day to select lots to purchase for shipping to the port of Durond. It is possible to delay a purchase in order to see if better cargo becomes available, but each lot not purchased has a cumulative chance of being bought by another vessel each day.

As of the third day the following lots are available to purchase:

(Day 2)
Lot #1 = 18tuns @ 120d/tun (cost 21pp, 6gp)
Lot #4 = 20tuns @ 120d/tun (Sold to another vessel)

Day 3
Lot #1 = 1tun @ 370d (cost 3pp, 7gp)
Lot #2 = 10tuns @ 190d/tun (cost 19pp)
Lot #3 = 8tuns @ 210d/tun (cost 16pp, 8gp)
Lot #4 = 10tuns @ 130d/tun (cost 13pp)
Lot #5 = 5tuns @ 230d/tun (cost 11pp, 5gp)

The deadline for this list is 12/3/2018 @9pm. Yes, there will be experience points awarded for participation Wink

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Lightbulb Upcoming Storm on HMS Acacia
Posted by: Xura - 11-05-2018, 11:08 AM - Forum: Erath Extras - Replies (6)

Hello all,

As noted at the ending of our last game session (November 4, 2018), a fierce storm is headed our way. I am trying not to meta-game, as my character doesn't have any ranks in seamanship or the like. However, she has a high intelligence, so I think it not-inappropriate to list out a few things here for the party's consideration.

* Kearse: I believe you have a Mending orison. Please keep that handy. Your ability to instantly mend a torn sailcloth, frayed rope, or bent plank, might save our lives!

* Ring of Energy Resistance (Electricity), Major: Who has this? Is anyone wearing it? If not, let's have somebody wear it -- Kearse, maybe? Thorfinn? the Captain? the Pilot? If it protects against electricity, that means somebody might stand a chance against a lightning-bolt strike.

* Speaking of resistance, Bahiyya is able to cast Resist Energy on anyone who may need it. The spell will grant DR/30 vs. a chosen energy type, for 130 minutes. She will gladly do this.

* In addition, Bahiyya can cast Animalistic Power (+2 Str, Con, Dex) upon someone if needed -- Thorfinn, captain, first mate, whoever.

* Symon: can your invocations -- namely Witchwood Step -- be invoked on/for others, or are they Self only? If they can apply to others, Witchwood Step would be a marvelous asset to anyone working on deck during the storm.

* Studded Leather +5 (Improved Balance): Is anybody wearing this right now? It grants a +10 competence bonus to Balance checks. Again, a great boon for anyone working on the deck. Does anyone want to wear it? If not, what about having one of the soldiers wear it? Oleg, for example? Or if the captain, pilot, or first mate are armored, maybe one of them could wear it? To be fair, you guys might not want to lend such armor to an NPC -- if something happens to the wearer and he is never seen again, the armor goes with him. But it's something to consider, maybe.

* Light: I don't know what time of day/night it is, but I assume that, regardless, it will be dark during the storm, with poor visibility. Furthermore, during a violent storm, normal flame-based light poses two problems: 1) being snuffed out and 2) causing fires. We have Everburning torches/lanterns, as well as (some of us) the ability to cast magical light. How about sharing some of those torches with the crew? And/or, those who can cast Light and Continual Flame spells, how about casting some in key areas of the deck, like on the steering wheel/helm, and/or right on the midmast or something? The idea is to provide safe, constant, non-flammable light for the crew.

* Kearse: You have several good Mass spells, such as Mass Aid, and Mass Conviction. You also have Divine Protection, and we have a Wand of Lesser Vigor too. Don't discount the great benefits of "smaller" spells like this. Boosting saving throws and temp. hit points of the crew could really help.

* Bahiyya can Dimension Hop to/from others, and also has the Regroup spell. E.g., if she suddenly saw a group of crew/friends being swept overboard or about to, she could cast Regroup to bring them back. She can also cast Stand, immediately setting a prone person on their feet. In addition, she can see invisible things (and magical things) if she casts spells for that. If the captain wishes her to go on deck and tie herself to a post or something and keep watch for these types of things, she will do so.

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Posted by: The-Pendragon - 09-29-2018, 03:41 PM - Forum: Character Leveling - No Replies

Caelynn Level 4

40 Hitpoints

FEAT:Observant +1 Wisdom (to 18), +5 Passive Perception (19) and +5 Investigation

New Spell slot for level 2 (Memorize 8 spells) +6 Attack  DC 14 New Cantrip THORN WHIP

Wildforms now up to 1/2 CR

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  Okay something I forgot
Posted by: The-Pendragon - 08-30-2018, 10:44 PM - Forum: Character Introductions & Background - No Replies

The background of one Vassago Virtue

Vassago is a Tiefling that was born to a Noble family that has suffered a curse for some transgression.

Always dealing with the prejudice against his race, he chose to make use of the mystery to sell trinkets as treasure, fake potions, etc.  Thus he was able to at least exist without prosecution most of the time, though usually staying into the shadows to avoid the Limelight.

One evening, after making a rather substantial haul from a besotted traveling nobleman, he noticed he was being followed.  Pausing around a corner, he surprised his tail, a mysterious dark woman wearing a cloak of Raven feathers.  As he began find out why she was following him, he was surprised when she started telling him all about himself.

Calling herself The Raven Queen, she explained she had been seeking those like him for many years.  She had observed him and deemed him a worthy Emissary of her word.  

Thinking he was being duped, he scoffed, but she threw back her robe to reveal a scintillating gown of black writhing over her body like shadows.  She smiled at his reaction, as the shadows moved from her dress to merge with the surrounding dimness of the alley and the light faded momentarily and they were then in a room in the local inn.  Before he could comment, she closed her eyes and chuckled, then opened them to reveal eyes of solid black.  Vassago's, doubts faded as she asked again teasingly if he believed her now.  Realizing the fact she was a powerful being, he  slowly agreed.  With a broader smile, she slid in closer and embraced him to bestow a kiss. 

A surge of power swept through him as the kiss lingered before she disengaged.  A new power flowed through his veins, chilled as ice and searing as lava simultaneously.  After a few moments his senses cleared and looking at his new benefactor he could see her more clearly than ever before. She was a stunning beauty and the mischievous smile she wore made him at ease. 

Her coy tone continued as she told him he was now one of hers, one of the "Shadows Given Form", and that he would do her will, should she ever require it, but as his expression changed she laughed and insisted that such an occurrence would be extremely rare, if ever, as she thrived on the individuality of all her emissaries, like the shadows they were. She told him that the power of the shadows were his to command, though mastery would take time and training.  The shadow power within him had already given him a few gifts and she would bestow more gifts as he grew in power. She stayed with him for the rest of the night, telling him more of the mysteries, including how to manipulate shadows to affect the physical world, before disappearing with the dawn.

Exiting the Inn, Vassago still wondered if it all were a dream.  Was the Raven Queen real?  His first look at his reflection quelled any doubt.  His eyes were as black as hers.  He was no longer the man he was the night previous, much to his delight.

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  Vassago's Leveling (2)
Posted by: The-Pendragon - 06-12-2018, 12:11 AM - Forum: Character Leveling - Replies (5)

Here is something I banged out to provide some depth as to what happened when Vassago trained  to level 2.

Game mechanics:   He gained his Font of Power. Gained the spellpower Magic Missile and gained 8 hitpoints


Somewhere in the woods near the outpost...during first night watch.

Vassago gazed into the darkness beyond the glow of the campfire behind him.  The night as uneventful so far, and he amused himself watching the graceful stride of the Sylvan elf maid, Caelynn, moved almost inperceptably among the flickering shadows cast by the distant campfire.  He smiled, drawing on his pipe-weed, as he saw her make effort to conceal her movements, yet she stood out in base relief to his dark adapted eyes, their inky blackness drinking in any and all light from the surrounding gloom.  He mused that be she a rogue, he might have difficulty in seeing her stealthiness, but even then, her movements would betray her to a master of shadows like himself.

It had been a long and hard won ride to the outpost, especially when the hordes of the dead attacked the night before.  He had been injured, nearly killed, and his shadowy ties to the realm of death had failed to spare him their scourging.  Revived by this fair elf now striding through the shadowy wood, watching for foes, he at first perceived it was none other than the Queen herself come to protect him, but that glamour was replaced by the flaxen haired Druid's smiling face as his strength returned.  It made him thoughtful...and he had begun this night turning over thoughts of the true mystery that lay ahead, as well as the machinations of his Lady-faire, who was acting agent through the healing magics of nature that Caelynn had used.  Such pondering sought to maybe ferret out that this lithe elf before him might actually be the Raven Queen herself, in one of her many guises, but if so, why keep her presence a secret to him, one of her most trusted and loyal?  The question nagged at him for sometime before he chuckled to himself absently.  This was not the Queen, but a fellow adventurer, striving, like him to discover what had truly happened, and that he had let his imagination lead him astray.

Caelynn turned at the sound, and saw the dark shape leaning against a stump.  "What is so amusing, Vassago?"  her face drawn up in an inquisitive smirk.

"Nothing to matter your pretty head over, my lady." His voice carrying out from under the hood he wore.  "Just the absent musings of this addled fool."  His smile was visible below the shadow that covered his upper face.  "Just woolgathering with no apparent objective."  The glow from his pipe lit up his face as he drew in another breath.

The elf studied her friend for a moment. Then laughed as he pulled his hood off..and gathered up his mass of unruly hair and bound it in a train between his horns.  She paused for a moment.  Vassago was such an amicable person, one easily forgot he was a Tiefling.  She had heard stories of the Accursed race, but Vassago was unlike those stories as one could get.  Quick with a compliment, a joke, trick or pantomime, the rakish Sorceror was quite a showman, and she had come to think of his antics as amusing.  She also found that she had come to think of him as a friend, something she would have been surprised to say six moons previous.  No, Vassago was indeed not at all like those stories made Tieflings out to be.  "You need to trim that tangle, my friend," she smiled anew, " before that black mane of yours surpasses even your skilled attempts to tame it."  

Vassago sighed in exaggerated pantomime, drawing a giggle from the elf, "Such is my lot." he lamented half halfheartedly, "The power of the Shadows seems to have infused it even more than it has infused me."  He fussed with is hair more, "And lets not get started on these...protuberances..." gesturing to the small low-set horns running from his forehead over the top of his crown.  "Always in the way.  Providing Anchors with in which it can get into d in such a moriass that I have to resort to the knife."  He feigned exasperation.  "What ever did my ancestor do that warranted this?"

Caelynn chuckled again, then resumed her patrol.  The Zombie attack the previous night had taxed everyone to their limits and she was probably the only one who did not feel the fatigue the others felt, well except for that demented Drow.  She had yet to fully trust the dark one, but he had never given her any chance to further her distrust, and he did fight with them as a fellow.

Once again, alone with his thoughts, Vassago watched the interplay of light and shadow as his mind wandered.  His power over shadow had helped him blast down the shambling assailants last night, it was not enough, and he was defeated by the rotting ones.  His shortcomings  gnawed on him.  He was powerful. That he knew, yet he had limitations.  His skill with shadow was a waxing ideal, yet he felt at a loss as to where it would take him next.  He sat and toyed absently with the flame in his pipe.  He would have to unlock yet another mystery within him, yet he had no idea where to start.

"Why, at the beginning." a whispery seductive feminine voice filled his mind.  "Really, Vassago, you can be so dense sometimes."  The coy amusement in the voice assured him that the voice was just teasing him.

"So, you are there." he replied in his mind, "and here I thought you had forgotten me."

Laughter filled his mind, "Oh Vassago, I would never forget you." the chuckle in her voice evident, "Not you, my dear Shadow Given Form.  Not ever." the voice paused, "Besides, you are embarked on the task I set before you, so I am paying close attention to you, my sweet."

He looked upward and about into the darkness, but could not make out any form he could discern.  "Silly boy!" she chastised mockingly, "I am not there, nor anywhere close, as I do not need to be." she paused again, "The shadows stretch throughout the world itelf, and I can see and hear everything said or done in their presence."  The mirth slipped a little, "The Raven Queen is the Mistress of Shadows.  None can deny her."

"Forgive my insolence, my lady." Vassago quickly replied, "I just long for your beautiful face is all."  He smiled impishly.

More laughter, "Oh you charmer, you" the mirth and coyness returned, "I begin to wonder what I saw in you.  Was it true potential..or that your devilish charm had overwhelmed my common sense?"

"A little of both, perhaps," he replied, "I am quite the 'catch' you could say."

"Oh you!!" the voice mockingly chastised him before yet more laughter filled his mind, "My love, you do so enrapture me sometimes," she paused, "probably more than what is prudent, but still, I am the Raven Queen, and one such as I has lofty expectations..." the voice trailed off before the laughter resumed

Vassago shared in the laugh for a few moments.  When they had both caught their mental breath, the voice continued, "Now, back to why I am speaking with you in the first place. " she paused, then quickly continued, "Now, stop that!  This is important, you rake.  Behave and let me finish."

"If I must." Vassago intoned disappointment.

The voice giggled, "You are terrible!"

"Just how you like it" he replied.

"Stop it, you imp!" the voice continued,  "I mean it this time."

"Okay...okay" he relented, "You were saying.."

"Yes," the Queens voice continued, "I gave you the power over Shadows.  Your gift allows you to weave their substance into your powers. However, you are still not entirely skilled in their use." She paused, gathering her thoughts,  "What I need you to see is that the shadows are power themselves.  You need to see that you do not need to weave them, but use your mind to channel them into what form you desire.  Once you achieve that, your power will flow freely within you, allowing you to re-sculpt anything you desire without weaving."  She paused again, "That is what secret I am here to help you unlock."

Time seemed to fly by as images and words came at breakneck speed.  Vassago's understanding of how his power worked got rewritten upon his soul and he could see the true source of his power at last, a dark roiling well..that he could bend and twist to how ever he saw it.  In the end, the Raven Queen's final words to him filled him with new vigor. 

"Now, my dearest," she praised,  "you are one step closer to the power I wish you to have.  Your skill and power will now be only limited by your own experiences, and it will become as powerful as you are capable.  Few will be able to match you, but do not be reckless."  A tone of hurt entered into her voice, "I would hate to lose you, Vassago.  So please be careful."

"I will be, My Lady-faire," He replied, "but now, I know you are there should I need your assistance.  What more could one ask for?"

A note of caution entered into her voice, "Yes, I can hear you, but my omniscience is not all encompassing, and thus I may not see your query for several hours, or even days.  I will do my best, but you have to rely on your own ability and wits to get through most challenges."

He stood up and looked into the darkest part of the wood, there he could just make out two midnight blue-purple eyes staring back at him.  "I will, my lady." He said aloud, "Be well and care not.  I will be safe."

"You better..." the voice trailed off as the eyes faded.

Caelynn turned back after taking only 3 steps, "Did you say something Vassago?" she was surprised to see him on his feet so quickly.  

Vassago turned to the Druidess, realizing only moments had passed, while hours seemed to have.  "I said be careful and be safe." he replied. "I would not like to see my savior injure herself tripping over that root at your feet.

Caelynn looked down, seeing the root for the first time, and marveled at his perception in near darkness. "Thank you."  She replied.  "I guess I was a little preoccupied with my own woolgathering."

Vassago chuckled.  "Careful, it's contagious."

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  Symon CS INV changes
Posted by: rimmermac - 06-03-2018, 12:52 PM - Forum: Erath Extras - No Replies

Honestly I don't have much to change. Get rid of the expended Ring of the Ram and store the Headband of Intellect +2. Actually store the Staff of Swarming Insects as well. I have no extra weapons, potions are always useful and the scrolls and wands are my only way to cast spells.

We beat the party items to death last week so I'm good there.

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Information Equipment input/output : Bahiyya
Posted by: Xura - 06-02-2018, 09:11 PM - Forum: Erath Extras - No Replies


  • Arrows, standard, 63
    Quiver, arrows standard, 20
    Shortbow +1 (composite, +1 Str)

= store these three in my room, unless a party member needs them. Does Wolf need arrows? He can have some.

Kukri = store in my room, unless a party member needs it

Potion of Shield of Faith +2 = give to party member -- Symon? Wolf? -- or donate to a worthy charitable cause or something


A thought re: armor and weapons: I think Thorfinn had mused aloud at one point about having a weapon(s) and/or armor(s) to pass on to Aurora and begin her training. So I'm in favor of him taking some of these items from our vault if he finds them appropriate for his daughter.

All/most gems: Keep. They're a good, handy, lightweight way of storing and carrying wealth.

Fire opal pendant on fine gold chain: Keep, or we could make a gift of this to the Shandeerin court.

Golden circlet with four aquamarines: Keep. If it's something that looks more like a woman's circlet, maybe Bahiyya can borrow it to wear at court.

Greataxe + 1: sell, unless someone needs it.

Large wool tapestry: Let's keep this for our house! At first I thought it'd make a nifty gift for the Elven court, until I tried to visualize the huffing, puffing, and general gracelessness that would ensue as the party lugged the thing into court. Awkward. Besides, it will look nice in our dining room or common room.

Longsword +4 (glows): A fine gift for the Shandeerin royals no doubt, but it's worth 32,315 gp, so I say we keep it and sell it for ourselves, or else let a party member use it -- maybe Wolf could use this?

Potions: Whatever we aren't carrying on our persons, we can store in the house.

Retributive amulet: This thing is awesome. Somebody use it! Not me though; I plundered enough of our loot last session.

Ring of Communication: We need to grow a pair. No, seriously -- this thing is awesome IF we can find its mate.

Rings of Counterspells, Major Electric Resistance, Protection +2, and Water Walking: These are some mighty fine rings, y'all. Use them. (Bahiyya already has 3 rings, so doesn't need any more.) (Would be kind of awesome if my 3 rings were the three rings for the Elf-Lords under the sky. Oh well.)

Scrolls: Whatever we aren't carrying on our persons, we can store in the house.

Shield, heavy steel +1 variable: This is a cool item. I say we keep it (for our use or sale).

Silver chalice (2) with lapis lazuli: Keep them for our dining room!

Silver-plated steel longsword with jet jewel in hilt: Sell it, or hang it as a memento over our fireplace, gift it ... whatever.

Studded leather +5 (improved balance): Use it, or sell it.

Sword, bastard +2 (goblinoid bane): Bahiyya thinks it would make a fine gift for the Shandeerin court. Bahiyya's player thinks its 18,335 gp would make a fine gift for the party's coffers.

Sword, short +1: sell this, unless somebody is actively using it.

Wand of Lessor Vigor: I assume Kearse or Symon wields this.

  • a nice box/chest for gifts -- make sure to include some nice silk and maybe a little pillow, for elegant presentation
  • new clothes, shoes, silk headscarves, etc. (PHB lists "Noble's Outfit" as 75gp, let's go with that, or 100gp+ as I'm asking for a rush job, alterations, and/or unusual designs)
  • almond oil or olive oil
  • attar of roses
  • maybe some unique local fruits or trinkets

In addition, she will brush up on royal/court etiquette, correct Ye Olde High Elvish forms of address, and so on. This can be done mentally, or with help from the House's library.

A final thought: Bahiyya surely has some insight into what kinds of gifts are suitable to present to a Shandeerin Elvish court. If the DM puts any of these insights into Bahiyya's player's scope, she will have Bahiyya choose gifts accordingly.  Wink

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  Congratulations! You have reached 2nd level!
Posted by: Ravenblade - 06-02-2018, 07:44 PM - Forum: Character Leveling - Replies (1)

Feel free to reply to this thread to let me know what options (spells, class features, etc.) you will take for 2nd level. Also, character hit points will be maximum for the level.

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